12 Year Old Boy Arrested for Drawing Swastika

The land of the free
And the home of kikes scared of 12 year olds with chalk

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Aggravated Harrassment is a Class E Felony in NY. 1-4 years.




>arresting 12 year olds for Swastigets

so they can flip on a CO uniform and get some, God damn Jews

This is good optics, depending on which side of this you're on. Keep playing yourselves, Jews.

This guy belong in hell

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And gradually, he began to hate them.

>be 10
>watched some program about ww2 on the hostory channel
>start doodling swastikas on all my homework because i thought the symbol looked cool
>black teacher gets upset and calls my mom who apologizes
>mom tells me what i'm doing is wrong and i stop

i miss the simpler times when not every act of ignorance is reported to the fucking police

wtf? we drew swastikas on shit all the time in grade school. nobody ever gave a fuck before

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A 12 year old doesn't even know what those are

Jow Forums should be happy about this, that boy will likely never forget this.

You need a promotion for your bravery in the line of action, Chief Dermot Shea.

atleast he got the swastika right
most people are drawing it in the wrong direction

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he has got to be kidding, exaggerating for effect, right?

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At 12 I knew damn well what it meant and was a big Wehraboo at the time and borrowed Hollow Cost books at the public library all the time out of morbid curiosity and secretly admired Hitler. Still throwing the book at him is a ridiculous juden move.

They're demons. There's no other explanation.

Nice haiku

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I remember doing something similar as a 13 yo kid, principal thought it was funny

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they finally nabbed "The Chalker"

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Was the kid a black?

Sure we knew. But this is an issue of free speech. The NY law is unconstitutional and they're making an example out of a 12 year old kid.

It's disgusting behavior by "adults" and it's scary to think that they're in these positions of power.

School probably would have made a bigger deal of it if you were writing Heil Hitler. Not "arrest this walking aushwitz for wrongthink" kind of punishment but certainly worse than a phone call

This is what happens when the media says Trump is Hitler over and over. Twelve year old boy will automatically think “welp, I love Hitler then.” And his logic would be flawless to do so.

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im inspired

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What a fucking shitshow
Christian Zionists on the right, Cultural Marxists on the left, both fighting each other and both worshipping Jews and Israel
They are going to win unless something changes. Fast. And it’s not looking good

It's actually a felony in Jew York to draw a swastika on public property.

Welcome to ZOG.
Obey or get thrown into jail


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Only whites get arrested for hate speech

Freedom of speech? Why has the us turned into canada?

12yo in New York needs to be very careful. He could be sentenced to mandintory post birth abortion.

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Zionists are not Christians

Because we elected a guy who was against political correctness and immigration who has since passed laws criminalizing speech that is negative of Jews or Israel and called for the biggest surge of LEGAL immigration ever.

>New York

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Glad to see him on the frontlines. Lost a family member to a 12 year old drawing chalk swastikas. Tragic

I fucking hate kikes. Gas them all

He will also have a police record barring him from any real economic/inter-social movement.

i see. Anti BDS laws. Whats with the legal imigration? Is it going to be a merit based legal imigration system. In canada we have a point based system that seeks higher quality imigrants.

Yup. Pretty sure I’m never gonna vote again. Trump is a traitorous kike loving faggot. I believe he is controlled opposition at this point. He says things to placate the silent majority, but then stabs us in the back with his policies. Fuck him. This can’t be solved politically.

Yeah well most Christians in America are evangelists and they all worship israel
I am literally baptist so I know what I’m talking about
Christians are even more fucked in the head than leftists
They will fight you if you dare criticize Israel

But an 11 year old dressed as a drag queen performing for men in a gay club is applauded.

the only thing left was knowing you had the constitution down there and could at least call out anything and the weapons to stop shit

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>In canada we have a point based system that seeks higher quality imigrants.
Doubt.jpg Merit hasn't been defined. He's going to import more shitskins who have enough "merit" to do roofing or factory work.

Don't do that. Primary neocohens out of Congress. We can't afford to sit out, even if it looks bleak.

exactly. I remember doing a project on positive things in nazi Germany when I was 11. The project was basically about trying to find an opposite perspective on issues. I talked about a decent economy for one.

How many years would a 10 year old get now for this?

It makes a lot of sense when you accept the fact these things are not human and there is a reason they've been thrown out of free nations so many times. I just hope we finally learn our lesson as a species in handling this situation.

Don't blame Trump because you're stupid. Trump wants to change it so the Visa's that Europeans use are easier to get and eventually gain citizenship from than the Visa's that poo's and other colored immigrants primarily used. The ones that are used primary by europeans are the ones that are harder to get because they require tougher standards, standards which poo's and other colored immigrants don't meet because they're simply too stupid.

Trumps trying to get people from Eastern Europe over to America because they know the horrors of communism and they will vote straight republican once in the US. And they are white. Stopping illegal immigration, stopping legal immigration from shitholes, and being pro immigration from Europe are some of the few ways that the ethnic replacement can be stopped and maybe even reversed, and Trump is doing that.

Trump can't do shit you moron.

He lost control of the house.

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>being pro immigration from Europe are some of the few ways that the ethnic replacement can be stopped and maybe even reversed, and Trump is doing that
Massive deportations and shutting down the boarder would be better. Trump's merit qualifications are questionable at best. See

If some 12 year old did this in uk I bet there would be a live broadcasted public execution.

Kek. Is that why he broadened the definition of anti semitism?

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My sister works for that department and she said the boy's name is "Richard Chadsworth Worthington III"...you decide his race

at least it's going the right way

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How is that relevant to immigration you shill?

>No Jews Allowed

What did he mean by this?

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Should they arrest every shit kike kid who says nigger? Grew up in NY, kikes says lots of stuff too. Even if it's adults, it is not a threat. Guess denmark is an absolute shithole. Figures, they love rye bread.

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I want to believe this. Yet I have no evidence this is the case. I really really hope you’re right. I’m losing faith.

It has to do with you living in LaLa land.

The only thing Trump has done is free niggers from jail.

That could actually go either way. Seriously. Really posh upper class white family or retarded nig family.

So you're saying it has to be done in ignorance to not get a felony for drawing a symbol?
Reminder, there's no such felony for drawing the pedo symbols.

Imagine throwing 12 yos in jail over jokes

It's an evil evil world we live in.

Can we rise in the streets against the Jew without having another fucking retard driving their car through a group of niggers?

>that seeks higher quality imigrants.
No it doesn't, I remember an article breaking down the "skilled migrants" NZ gets with the same system, it included such valuable skills as "Fruit picker" and "Shelf stocker".
Best case scenario, you're trading spics for chinks. Neither are good for the country.

>Primary neocohens out of Congress.
With what, the neocon on the other side?
The only person politically standing up for whites in America right now is a fucking asian.

Literally worse than hitler.

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don the zion is happy. he will personally punish this antisemite boy at the white zionhouse

>New York
>land of the free

Clearly a sign of the return.

It's all so tiresome

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>hitler and child2.jpg
i imagine you have a large folder

>The only person politically standing up for whites in America right now is a fucking asian.
He's running for president isn't he? I'm talking about people running for Congress in 2020 and beyond. 2020 presidential race is pozzed af. Our best bet there is honestly to keep Trump in power unless by some miracle we can primary him out, but I'm not holding my breath on that.

Yeah nobody here is going to use them for what the 2nd amendment was designed for, they'll be used to show-boat on the chans.

Sounds like a soon to be rich 12 year old for infringement of first amendment rights.

>Swaztika is a pagan/Dharmic symbol
>sue police officers for infringing upon religious expression
It's just that easy.

i spray painted "obama is a fucking nigger" on the stall in my hs's bathroom 4 years ago and nothing happened to me

He's running as a democrat, there's little to no chance of him winning though.
People running for congress are just as bad, and the ones that aren't get fucked hard by the media.
>Our best bet there is honestly to keep Trump in power unless by some miracle we can primary him out, but I'm not holding my breath on that.
I remember hearing the GOP wasn't planning on running anyone against him so as a bonus his only opponents will be people calling him on his bullshit like Ann (assuming she runs). But he's not likely to win the final vote anyway, he won by a small margin as it was, 4 years of demographic decline + 4 years of media propaganda + florida perma-blue (felons can now vote) + fucking his base every which way imaginable, he's fucked unless he pulls out a miracle.

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Not that large, I just saved a few photos to make this side by side comparison.

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yep, pretty sure you are a fucking idiot, anyone who doesnt vote is

always look to vote 3rd party, small party, or independent

holy shit, in the twitter thread, all these slightly-jewish names keep congratulating the arrest. zat you niggers or the red team?


guess we can chalk it up to pure luck considering how crafty the notorious chalker is when it comes to his chalkification

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Fuck it's tempting to use my kids for lawsuit bait.

When I was 11 years old, I stood up in class and yelled out "HEIL HITLER". The teacher got angry at me, sent me to the main office, insisted to call the police. Cops came, started saying shit like how I'm going to spend time in jail. I realized they were bullying me, so then I went "HEIL HITLER" to the cop and I kept doing that in the office. Told the cop arrest me then asshole.

They all pussied out and let me go.

This. You can't be a Christian and a Zionist, the two are in direct opposition to each other.

It's not the new world order it's the jew world order.

What race was he /pol?

It really is pathetic.

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Look how proud this cuck is
remember go....guys...the police aren't low IQ golems, they are your friends!

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HAHAHA this country is fucking done

This got an 18 year old arrested.
New York is prime ZOG.

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so they accused him of it, oh no

not the same as convicted

its nothing

right wing manufactured outrage circle jerk commence

Fuck off Chink, the law itself is enough to outrage over.


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Hello 5 eyes deep state.

How about we throw you in jail?

That's seriously disgusting.

But no surprise it's the NYPD

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Aren't there slave trades and shit they should be busting instead of little jimmy drawing swastikas?