7 seconds before Trump tweets. Yet another 0 minute time delta for posts...

7 seconds before Trump tweets. Yet another 0 minute time delta for posts. At what point does it become mathematically impossible?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Tweet was deleted after it was linked by Trump btw

wtf is this shit

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there are pure coincidences and then are actual coincidences.

Trump is a faggot, Q is a faggot, their followers are faggots

Only blackpilled and Bots left here OP.

Tweet in Archive: archive.is/ZGtAv
>Cuck Todd
mfw it's real

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cringe and bluepilled

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Yep, not going to stop me from sharing the word to real anons anyways. Gotta look on the brightside of life

so what happens when you start believing Q? I dont get it? He predicts things days an hours before they happen. What happens then?

>At what point does it become mathematically impossible?

At what point does it become meaningful? It’s a neat trick and Trump is clearly connected to Q if not Q, but Trump is also clearly connected to Israel so what of it?

Kill yourself discord kike

You shoot yourself and you get the truth

>clearly connected to Israel
is your evidence that he knows jewish people so he is an israeli asset?
welcome to the fucking show

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>delta 0
so fucking what
sage all Q threads

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>ilhan starts mouthing off
>Q pops up


It's not too late to kill yourself

Jow Forums is absolutely assblasted that they were wrong about this

ZION don cohencedences

>maybe if I post a brainlet wojak ppl won't read the qproofs
Q has been posting all day and week desu not connected to Ilhan

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nothing to see here folks

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its true. i dont give a fuck if q is trump at this point. nothing is happening.

seth rich can get killed by them yet q and all these military fuckers cant kill one of them to show us all their not invincible? fuck off with the gay next week trust the plan bullshit its time for fucking war

Plenty to see zionist conspiracy and a bunch of miga fools

Put one in your head for the team kike

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Piss off you useless cultist.
All you Qtards are the same, fucking gullible boomers

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this is all they have left folks. Death threats and ridicule, SAD!

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>Q isn't real because he isn't engaging in extrajudicial killings

Go back to lefty Jow Forums you absolute degenerate fuck.

It's the Q schizos.

nothing that Q says will happen ends up happening, so to defend the larp/psyop they have had to resort to "sometimes they both tweet within a minute of each other."

They don't even have to be tweeting about the same thing. Literally just "sometimes they send a tweet at the same time."

It is next-level schizophrenia. The Qcumbers might actually become dangerous when they snap


miga memeflag shill is the new boomer memeflag shill. Your tactics didn't work then and they don't work now


Trump is a faggot Democrat who loves Israel, and Q is a larp/psyop

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imagine being this fucking stupid.

>blackpilled and bots
And a few literal shills, but that's it.
Most replies are bots.

Trust this negro

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>It's all just a coincidence goy
implication is pretty obvious. No connection between Q posts and Ilhan. Although the media spotlight this freshman congress is being given is pretty sketch. Can't think of another time in US history all these newbies are given the spotlight.

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Is your blood not patriotic kike?


>82K sealed indictments
>Leaves office with entire upper echelons of FBI fired and terminated
>paves way for Whittaker and then Barr to enter the scene, a man who literally impeached Clinton
yeah sessions was so useless, nice flag btw

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The only people who dont believe SOMETHING is up are people who DONT want something to be up.

As for what that something is who knows, gearing up for one fell swoop when all escape paths have been closed? basic carry shit.

If Trump puts the entire thing on his back and carries it out all according to his vision then hats off to the lad, just imagine how it would feel for all the lefties to suddenly learn that the only guy who was truly out for justice was siding with "literal nazis" they would fucking hang themselves.
>Honestly though this is a shitposting chan for kids what do you expect

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My ancestors are smiling on me, can you say the same?

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Sage all qtardedness

2018 will be gloryholius
- some faggot named Q

>enormous evidence
>of possible collusion
So in other words, no evidence of any crime?

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>trump is clearly connected to Q
You sQizos need to off yourselves

At the point Q stops posting literally all day making this only a matter of time

No no evidence is for the right.
>and if they present said evidence numerous times it will be ignored because the truth hurts the narrative

Hey you know that fake larp cult? Let's make fun of the fake larp cult. If we attack it enough, because of how dumb it is, it will go away because it is a fake larp.


t. memeflag kikes


These threads just remind me of when I listen to how fortune tellers con retards over and over and how said retards still believe in their fortune teller gypsy-kikes knowing full well the bullshit they pull.

If someone is posting information that is vague, cryptic, or seemingly relying on coincidence as evidence it is always fake 100% of the time. Someone with real information will either present it in as clear a way as they think possible or not present it at all, there is no exception. Anything else is either rhetoric or a distraction. Read Cult of Intelligence.

Better yet, read anything at all in your entire fucking life you miserable boomer pieces of shit.

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>pol is assblasted they knew it was a larp
No, you're assblasted that Jow Forums will never be Qultists

Captcha is actin up again, pic related

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Time zones. One hour delay between posts.

sessions activated!


it was much more entertaining when the schizophrenics of Jow Forums where entertaining us with pizzagate rather than this half assed shit.
I just switch back to the flat hearth threads you just boring guys.


>I'll just take out the entrenched shadow government by openly laying out my plans
>So everyone knows

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Israeli bot detected

literal retard, you can check for yourself on Qmap.pub its real and the time it was posted at was the same hour, no time difference

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I recgonize you from the last thread earlier this evening. Based patriot flaggot

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What you said is correct, but I can't help wanting to see how this all pans out. You know they created this "Into The Matrix" website? I went on there and its mostly boomers and Q stuff. They literally slid a bunch of them over from facebook boomer groups. So now they are in an echo chamber. I dropped some truthbomb videos and left. Things I knew the boomers would have a hard time with. They don't know it yet, but they are being discarded.

>Actually glowing
Woops, forgot something?

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Yes, good collection for prosecution. Reporting them to homeland security now.


even a schizophrenic clock is right once in a while

>I believe cold readers who say vague information and rely on me to connect it to other information I'd find meaningful

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Get a Qlue, there are no mass indictments, only a few people were fired AND THEN REPLACED BY EQUALLY BAD DEEPSTATE ACTORS (comey = wray)
Barr is buddies with Mueller and is part of the good old boys club. If you're expecting Barr to be anything more than a slightly less useless Sessions, then you will be very disappointed.

Sessions was literally the #1 mole on the trump team. He ran the foreign policy team that placed popadop and page with the "right" people. Then Sessions recused because he can't lead an investigation that involved him acting as an informant.

Sessions will burn in hell for his treachery

>I dropped some truthbombs
Cringe, what "truthbombs" did you drop schlomo

Q isn't real because all he does is put on his Riddler suit and make half you asshats chase your tails over decoding his fortune cookie tier speech and force a narrative that only exists because you idiots want it to.
You wanted Trump not to become a politician and stay the same and, the more he drifts that direction, the more you need to believe that there's an ultimate "plan" that will make everything right.
But go ahead and believe that Sessions is still waiting to pounce and destroy the pedo organ harvesting farms.

Just keep trusting the plan goyim. Don't actually take action to defend your interests! Remember, protests are only for left-wingers. You don't want to wind up in prison like those bad goyim from Charlottesville do you? That's right just stay inside and trust the plan.

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>I believe in cold readers
I actually believe in hard evidence, of which there is plenty.

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how about 3 times a day 3 in a row for Trumps 3 tweets
>i-it's s-still a couincidence!

>Zero arrests
>Zero indictments
>Zero declassifications


- Q

>there are no mass indictments

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What important shit has this Q faggot even actually predicted so far? Looks like a whole shit load of nothing to me

I really wish you would keep this on the containment board on infinity chan. The Q stuff irritates the crap out of me. If ‘Q’ has something to say then say it. The Socratic method has been overplayed. It leaves everything ripe for religious types and schizophrenics.
I was the main researcher for Loop Capital and after that I said no more. Q needs to man up or else just go away. There is no positive motive I can think of for someone doing this.

If Huber starts taking people to court I will go over on your board and apologize.

Yeah, a lot of people predicted that. It was all over the news.

Great. It's been 2 years. Let me know when people are thrown behind bars, you flaming fucking faggot.

What boomers haven't figured out yet, is that Trump will discard them in 2020. They will keep them going with Q stuff. He will shift left and pick up more moderate Democrats who will flee the left which is going to go full retard. So boomers in the end will have accomplished NOTHING

>I hate q threads!
Rather those black cock threads huh buddy, trying to figure out what's going on is what this place used to be.

If Q is trump then trump is full of it

The Q shit is making me lose hope more than anything else

What the fuck is going on in the minds of the retards who still believe Q will deliver? They’ve been stringing us along saying shit would hit the fan for 3 fucking years now

Anons not saying that at all. It’s time for action not lining up tweets with posts. Something needs to manifest, if for nothing more than to shut people up.

Learn to read that. It shows how many sealed indictments are currently filed by month. The totals are way off. It is not how many new indictments were filed that month.

The number of shills Q draws should tell you something

>Something needs to manifest
Exactly, there is one year to go if shit was ever going to happen this is it.

>Cuck Todd

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Why have there been no arrests?
Why have 'specific' dates been mentioned only to see no action?
Define 'game theory'.
Why must disinformation be provided?
Define 'open source'.
Define 'public purview'.
Do we let our enemies walk through the front door?
Define 'plausible deniability'.
Why was it important to FIRST clean house within the FBI & DOJ (public info)?
Why was it important to FIRST clean house within other ABC agencies (non_public info)?
What are the duties of the FBI?
What are the duties of the DOJ?
When does MIL INTEL have jurisdiction?
What vested powers does POTUS have re: MIL INTEL vs. ABC agencies re: matters of NAT SEC (HOMELAND)?
Think 'umbrella surv'.
What agency does the FBI report to?
What is the role of the AG?
Does the AG oversee the firing of FBI & DOJ senior/mid/lower staff?
How many FBI & DOJ were FIRED/FORCED?
Does 'Russia' recusal prevent/block AG from this responsibility?
What time period did this occur?
Who appointed and tasked HUBER?
Who appointed and tasked the OIG?
Who was AG?
[zero leaks - none]
Transfer from AG1 to AG2?
Why might that be important?
How do you avoid 'politically motivated/attack - obstruction - attempt to block/obstruct Mueller'?
Optics are important.
When are optics not important?
Think Whitaker.
Define 'stage set'.
Who recently walked 'on stage' to take command?
What 'stage' experience did this person have?
Think Bill Clinton impeachment.
Has the 'stage' been cleaned & cleared for the next performance?
If the 'stage' is clean, can the performance begin?
How might 'transparency' [DECLAS] fit into the dialogue?
Define 'thesis' statement.
What benefit(s) does this provide BARR?
"This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we, the people, reclaim control over our government." - POTUS
Logical thinking.

>5K indictments a month
>4K above average
>most ever in US history at once
nothing to see here

Yes. There are no mass indictments you absolute braindead retard. You guys have been repeating yourselves for a year and a half with absolutely NOTHING to show for it.

You will either come back to reality and pay your due penance, or you will go to your grave insisting that the indictments were real even if 20 years from now no one has been indicted.

You joined a schizophrenic cult.

OP is a schizo faggot.

But you aren't doing that at all. You think you know what is going on, and that Trump has a plan. That's literally the sum total of Q. I've read everything ever posted by Q and I've never learned anything I didn't know. He reposts connections made by others years ago and readily available information, and then you think it's special because the government worker who is posting it has some spurious connection to trump because of timing/access to images, who fucking cares? It's a government employee, fucking yay, where are my god damn arrests?

no idea what you're talking about mega sore ass rex
heh though luck kid

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Kill yourself kike



>There are none!
>Your a schizo!
Hello schlomo, jews have a predisposition to schizophrenia I hear.