Should we make a socially acceptable name for National Socialism?

If you call yourself a nazi or natsoc you will probably end up losing your job or being dozed by the left. Do you think we should think of a name that isn’t so socially unacceptable? If so what names do you suggest?

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Here's an idea,
replace National, with name of your country.
So for you leaf that would be National Socialist becomes,
> Canadian Socialist
>American Socialist

this would fly well under the radar of most liberals, as the nationalist part is hidden in countries name, & they will assume "socialism" when you say "socialist"

Go fuck yourself statist, socialism is never acceptable.

Doh, wrong memeflag for the joke

Kek. also NatSoc is literally the only acceptable form of socialism

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That’s a good idea actually, and you’re absolutely right that no one would ever assume I’m not actually a socialist based off the name.

You tried man, good effort


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Just do what the left always does
>Democratic Socialism -> Social Democracy
>National Socialism -> Social Nationalism
If they get mad, they reveal their own hypocrisy, and since it's the left, they will get assmad as all fuck.

National Socialist

That's a good idea, we could call ourselves United Socialists of America, aka USA, combine boomer tier patriotic imagery with a possibly some lefty symbols to make it extra confusing.

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Hopefully the boomers wouldn’t be scared away by the word “socialist” in the name

Stop being a coward.

That’s also a good idea. Social Nationalist might be seen through by civnats and people who understand that they’re a no difference between social democracy and democratic socialism though

We're not on the defensive, stop cucking to lemmings.
Be honest and straightforward and the fighters will come. Stop being a pussy Canadianon

I don’t feel like having my life destroyed by a bunch of fags and circles with power right now

Having socialist in the name could easily backfire if boomers and lefties both decide to dogpile us, but imagine if our movements only symbol was the American flag, and the only thing we chanted was USA.. If the movement got big enough flying the flag while chanting USA would be a hate crime

That’s almost accelerationism at that point. But that would funny and sad at the same time.

Accelerationism is good, America needs to end so it can rise again like a phoenix from the ashes.

I also realize we can use lefty terminology, saying things like "we believe in progressive new ideas like curbing immigration to end the exploitation and suffering of the working class"

Accelerationism is a good idea to wake people up but can also be very dangerous by giving your enemies huge amounts power.

But that ending the exploitation idea is also really good. It’s good to see some thinking on Jow Forums

This is big if true.

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Based Aussie, this is unironically a clever plan I would like to see spread, especially during the 2020 US election. American Socialists, unite!

The Best Party

You have a good point, I just think if America were to balkanize we would have a shot at creating something new. But there are many risks of course. I still think it might be worth it to support every revolutionary group aimed at some power structure. Like we should seriously consider voting for people who want to tax the rich until they are middle class, apply for as much welfare as possible, encourage people like AOC to give us a lot of gibs. Sure a few good people might get hurt in the crossfire but think of all the NY limousine liberals in gated communities reaping what they sow. It would be glorious. These taxes could affect the lives of farmers too, which would be awful of course, but would make it much easier for midwesterners to be more sympathetic to our causes and willing to break off from the coastal elites.

I wish I had more money so bad, I want to buy property in gated uber liberal communities and rent them out to Somalians so bad. Their property values would fall so fast it would piss them off so much.

Op here, just switched computers.
Joining with the libs to tax the rich is cool but their anti-white rhetoric is just painful to listen to. AOC might have a good chance of winning so the huge rich tax might come soon. Making our platform lower taxes on the middle class and high taxes for the rich will help us a lot. Also thats a hilarious idea to show the tolerant left what multiculturalism does to neighbourhoods. Record the neighbours complaints and expose them.

Part of me wonders if it would be legal to start a gofundme to do this. I bet conservative boomers would be on board to donate some money too. We could put a bunch of liberal communities on a huge game show wheel and have sam hyde spin it. Call it "Sam Hyde's better homes for Somolian refugees movement"

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It would be even better to target media personalities and politicians, especially people like Rachel Maddow

Kek thats hilarious. Even film it in hollywood to piss them off as well

Whatever you pick they'll ruin it, no point playing this game, you're a nationalist plain and simple, if that's bad to them no matter how you dress it they'll shit on you anyways as if you were literally hortler

Socialism, of any form, is fucking gay. Americans in particular are all about free enterprise. It's perfectly possible to be a capitalist and still hate globalist corporations and cronyism.