ITT: things LIBERTARIANS will defend

ITT: things LIBERTARIANS will defend

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Did his heart explode

libertarians will defend his right to die without providing medical care for his heart attack

>LIBERTARIANS love that this is legal!

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>Libertarians LIVE for consumer culture

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>organising a purchasing group of landowners to make repairs to their local road network


>being in public is consent to be protographed, especially upskirts


>remove all warning labels. Your safety is your own responsibility

It's ok for his children to be prostitutes, as long as the children consent

I defend people who want to play than having a family. At least they will not bother us too long

German rivers

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The 1964 Civil Rights Act

>the clown economy should be mixed

His teeth fell out, he lost his job,turned to crime and got raped in prison after raping a 12yo boy

>whiteoid mothers

Libertarians support free speech except when it is against jews.

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>a nigger will actually brag about getting syphilis from this

Self harm shouldn’t be met with more harm you bootlicking faaagggooooooot

Support this? Naw man, but I do support that I get my drugs legally from an actual doctor rather than Juan who will cut your shit up with a machete just because he doesn't like your face.

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This is true though

>gets addicted to meth
>kills your daughter for drug money

All drug addicts should be sent to Israel, same with the mentally ill

This, come visit Alaska if you think drugs are a victimless crime. Anchorage is one of the most dangerous cities in the u.s now because of the opiate epidemic. Junkies literally killing people for dope money.

By drugs i mean crack, lsd, mdma, etc.

The good ol triple threat.

Have you ever been to a native American reservation? Holy fuck dude, the worst ghettos I've seen. I've been to houses where the entire family is piss drunk yet the only way to make ends meet is to commit crimes

>Let's spend tax money into saving this waste of oxygen!
Natsoc statecucks can have him.

Libertarians get the second shell in the double barrel

Sounds like a product of the black market.
Here in Seattle methadone is free for the homeless and there is very low murder rate compared to other major cities .

I remember being 19 and libertarian.
I thought race was just a social concept and if everyone just got left alone, greatness would happen.

Then the real world happened.

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Can confirm. Mom lives there. It’s like going back in time when you go up there. People still smoke cigarettes like mad too.

Libertarians are still the smartest. Come back friend.

You become a libertarian when you want to be left alone, you become alt right when you realize (((they))) will never leave you alone

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>globalists will defend this

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>globalists will defend this

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Cigarettes are like currency up here, you can actually trade them for shit. I traded 3 cartons for a rifle a few months ago lol.

You could be right but I feel like that would just make the homeless epidemic worse here. We already have homeless coming up on the ferry from Washington because of our PFD money.

I used to live in Barrow Alaska and it was the most depressing time of my life. Its s native village in the arctic and it's full of alcoholism, drug addiction and child abuse. Its litterally the only place I've been where it feels like hope doesnt exist lol. Most of my native friends lived in a CPS building in the village because the state took them away from their parents. I've heard the reservations in the lower 48 are even worse.

nothing in this violates the NAP

Making it illegal and putting them in jail doesn’t solve the problem. They get no help with their addiction, and the drugs are available regardless of the law. People get drunk and kill people and that’s legal, unless you’re a teetotaler you’re a huge hypocrite and an even bigger faggot.

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>if the government doesn't take care of it, no else will: the thread
getting real tired of this

They are actually both free and protected speech

thats why i said globalists you fucking moron

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Are we talking about libertarians or things that actually exist?
I can't argue against your imaginary "based libertarians" but the real ones open the border and love giving money to Israel.

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having a hard time telling the difference between modern libertarians and globalists.

Bro, come to Alaska and see what a fucking alcohol has done up here lol. I dont go near booze. I do smoke pot though.

meth is bad. I heard it's really bad in Australia these days

Hes fine. They burned the fuck out of thst dope, if there was anything left in there.
>tiny cloud
>kid still has good teeth
>not rolling
There must be more to life.jpg

I need to start selling the herbal Jew.

Im sure criminalizing it would solve your problems with violence.

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libertarians keep to themselves you mong

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I defend his right to fuck himself up. What pisses me off is them wasting that meth by not smoking it properly.

If we criminalized alcohol half the state would die from the withdraws

Globalists generally believe in a strong central state / supra national bodies whose goal it would be to coordinate the various nations in order to integrate them into a single regime.

Libertarians believe that this project would inevitably infringe on people's property right in one way or another and that the whole thing is just more or less unnecessary bloat.

>kills your elderly mom in the Stop N Shop bathroom while having paranoid meth delusions
Heh, nothing personnel, kid

>Saying something should be legal means you're saying people should do that thing.

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libertarians watch america become Somalia and don;t realize it is their problem.

Hell yeah, nothing like having a populace dependent on substitutes for hard drugs to function, Im sure everythings hunky dory.

maybe in your imagination,
in reality they are useful idiots who support open borders and nigger relocation into white states

Libertarianism is incomplete without racial identity.

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Germans invented Amphetamine.
Japanese invented Methamphetamine.
Truly these are the drugs of Jow Forums!

And yes, this libertarian(read: outlaw) supports meth.

Sure there's a bunch of them that are open border retards.

Sure, but making it legal and giving it an official pass won't help long-term either. It just removes the resistance against falling into that path, you start medicating the symptoms instead of eradicating the problem.

Drug addictions are best solved on the down-low by friends and family. The only thing government can do to help is incentivize families and community.

why did that guy just start doing jumping jacks? what the fuck is going on here?

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I think the majority of Jow Forums is okay with your webm being that most people here think that DMT and LSD are good for you

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Its a fake terrorist attack. They blow something up and then all run up and lay down like they got hit. There are lots of them.

Wtf, do you know where that webm took place?

i support this

drugs are a tool

meth is a very powerful tool to be utilised for good when the situation calls for it, it is a good tool, but good tools can be used poorly, like using a hammer to hurt people, it doesnt hammers are bad

Can’t confirm but I think it was syria
Baghdad assuming info is correct

I had no idea that refusing to violently attack people for reprehensible behavior like some sort of fucking monkey is defending or condoning their choices.

Statists are literally animals. They cannot think in terms of mutually respectful coexistence. For them, it is either 'I personally approve of your behavior' or 'I want you to be thrown in jail'. Fuck off.

I've said it from the beginning, that these invasion baiting militias and rebels are much more dangerous than ISIS

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Chad likes the bing-bing-wahoo, so what fag?

>People who would rather have others practice deferred gratitude and not seek simple, harmful pleasures like drugs are animals
>Mutually respective coexistence, in which we let people break the laws and perform actions that we have already explicitly stated wont be tolerated in our community
As you often say to the communists, if you dont like this society, fuck off to another one. Perhaps one that better represent your interests and desires.


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This guy will build the roads.

>i support the legality of things which will debase my population and lead them to indulge their more harmful inclinations

>i think I can use the cops to ban shit i don't like
You're as retarded as a fucking libtard who thinks he can ban guns.


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Libertarians just don’t understand that we do indeed LIVE IN A SOCIETY

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>debase my population and lead them to indulge their more harmful inclinations
Define what these are in objective terms.

How do you measure the collective physical and mental well-being of society?

Unironically support open borders and private property rights.

> my population
> my
I imagine you are 14, not currently in your natural hair color and that you keep a diary. How many points?

Entirely wrong
You need convincing that fixation on drugs and sexual promiscuity aren't healthy?
Using meth != owning a firearm

>You need convincing that fixation on drugs and sexual promiscuity aren't healthy?
Organized crime is worse than legalized drugs. Your cure is worse than the disease. Also, you would have to ban tobacco and alcohol or you're a hypocrite. Efforts should be made at reducing those things which contribute to people wanting to use drugs in the first place. Adultery should be illegal and abortion only available to those who fall under a certain income or are health risks. Paternity tests should be mandatory at birth. All of these would go a long way to reducing sexual promiscuity.

>you can't ban things
>ban adultery
Don't you see? I'm on your side. It's very easy to stop widespread drug usage - mock it, and don't give it positive representation. Drug usage should be associated with pariahs, same as sexual promiscuity.

But alas, the fate of empires and all that yadda yadda

omg he looks so happy at the end

Adultery is not a victimless crime like drug use.

>likes the bing-bing-wahoo
pick ONE, faggot.

You're catching on to how this endless hole works.

Think critically about how people can be victims of drugs before you respond to me.

i think im somewhere between there

Do you understand the difference between suicide and murder?

they'd be sucking down vanillia extract and mouthwash until their bathtub gin was ready, faggot

>Using meth != owning a firearm
You're right. You have to fuck up REALLY BAD to die or kill someone with meth.
Meth and guns are awesome. Anything loud, fast, hot, powerful, etc is awesome. Guns, explosives, meth and coke and flakka, bows, trebuchets, group-B rally, group-C endurance, jumping out of airplanes, falconry, and the SR-71.

People like you who like to play shit safe and sterile disgust me. You lack a soul. You lack fire.

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Shit probably felt so good.