Was Jefferson right?

Was Jefferson right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus 20:13&version=CJB



no he was a moron who couldnt cope with the idea that living in a society obliges you to obey some rules

European mind at work



>the idea that living in a society obliges you to obey some rules
This is relevant to banks how?

yes, we need father Thomas back now more than ever

>says the guy on the $20 bill


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Jefferson was a slave-owner and a pedophile whose wife's family was the source of his wealth. Who cares what he thinks.

fuck off

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its relevent cause hes a literal manchild and a moron therefore his ramblings are irrelevant


>80 IQ Turkish rape baby

So there isn't a special connection to what he said? Okay. Why is he a moron, by the way?

We live in a society

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basically this:


What's the source?

Jefferson was arguably the best. Hamilton wanted what we have today and major aristocracy. Jefferson was a man of the people and truly wanted best for this country.

Great. Fuck Croatia.

>Obey some rules
>Gives us your money or die goy.
>Be our wage slaves or die goy.
The fucking cunts who first enabled federal banks will forever go down in history as the biggest pieces of shit humanity every produced.

Jefferson hated non-Anglos

>wage slaves
Work is voluntary. What are you, a commie?

Yes and so was Jackson.

Attached: Andrew Jackson.jpg (850x400, 79K)

Work would be voluntary if property taxes didn't exist. Otherwise you need fist to pay the extortion commie.


The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation - youtube.com/watch?v=mII9NZ8MMVM

Nope someone tired of barely getting by working well over 40 hours week when I barely go out and spend on nothing but rent and food. I want to work but I want to be able to get paid properly for and actually live. The Federal reserve is the root of all evil in capitalism right now. Every argument a commie makes about the greed an unfairness of capitalism literally stems back to the fucking fed reserve and jew banks.

is Trump the reincarnation of Andrew Jackson?

Only if he BTFOs the Federal Reserve and their Bankster overlords.
I'm not holding my breath.

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Wishful thinking. He isnt concerned with the balooning debt, only eoth securing largesse from congress for his pet projects. Its a continuation of executive centralization.

What we need is another jackson. A man who isnt afraid to be the most hated man in America as he vetoes bill after unhealthy bill until congress has no choice but to dismantle the fed.

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If someone tried that, they'd get JFK'd in a heart beat. It's the only reason I hold no hope for Trump doing it. They will let you do a lot before outright killing a president as it's obvious complicated. But fed reserve is the one no no, if he showed a hint of attacking it, well we all all know what happened to jfk.

Theres a lot more eyes watching now than there were in the 1960's. It wouldnt be easy to kill a sitting president and get away with it. An honorable man would put his life on the table for the sake of his nation. If he knows whats true and what must be done, then it matters not wuat the odds are against him.

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Found the Rothschild shill.

no, because they go hand-in-hand

bumping for jackson
Says the Torah (Exodus 20:13): Lo tirtzach!The Hebrew word used has a clear and unequivocal meaning: “Do not murder.”
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus 20:13&version=CJB

ignore european posters they have no idea what freedom is

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Neither do we because were enslaved by ZOG.

did you even read the pic? jefferson explains the very reason for this. european immigrants bring european ideologies.

I know. That's why we're enslaved. Too many brown and evil people.

now THIS is some bait

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