The truth about transgenderism in popular media today is that there are 2 groups of people arguing about the...

The truth about transgenderism in popular media today is that there are 2 groups of people arguing about the definitions of words. And those of us against, just don't like that you didn't ask us if it was OK to change the definition and because you tried to force it, we're never going to concede. Out of spite, what you perceive as your rights but would actually be a courtesy, will be denied. We know what you meant. Everyone knows you can't change your chromosomes. Everyone knows that plastic surgery genitals don't function. We all know this. Yet we argue about it. Because leftists decided at some point that gender isn't biology. That it's not a man in a dress, it's a woman with a Y chromosome. And you thought that you could force us to go along with your philosophy with emotional manipulation. But it isn't working. You really should back off. Go under the radar. Deal with the minor inconveniences. Believe me. This is not the hill you want to figuratively die on.

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Further the implication of the idea that gender isn't biological is that gender roles are concrete. Dresses are for women. Sports are for men. Women are weak and men are strong. If it isn't biology then you are going against the feminists and agreeing with conservatives about gender stereotypes. If it's not stereotypes and it's not biology then the word has no other meaning. What distinguishes a man from a woman if not one of those 2 things? If there's no difference between men and women then why have 2 words? Why have the concept of gender? What are you transitioning between?

Absolute PEAK!
>you may not like it...

i cant even tell what they were originally anymore, nor can i tell what they intend to be. i want off this ride

They are mentally ill and have no logical points. We have to stop allowing people like this to make decisions. They are the worst possible people to be doing that. That's like letting alcoholics make the laws about regulating alcohol and deciding the price and the media exposure, etc. Companies shouldn't be allowed to discriminate against alcoholics. You can't tell me I can't drive just because I have a disease. Calling me a booze bag is hate speech. The government should subsidize alcohol for alcoholic soldiers. There aren't enough alcoholics on TV and winning Oscars. You see how that works?

who cares, if women feel like men they can be, it doesn't affect you or me

sex is biology

gender is social

there are also several sexes

and so on

this is observable and proven physical scientific fact, if you disagree you are wrong

What does feeling like a woman mean?

These people account for < 1% of the population. Its unfortunate they they are having a difficult time understanding who they are as people, but this isn't news.

If there isn' something juicy about the current president or black people being offended, the news will push this to the forefront.
Here's who is cramming everything 'controversial' down your throat.

Any combination with a Y is male. Any combination without is female. That's the scientific fact.

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That's a question for Shania.

Man boob thread111!!!

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kill em all

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You're doing God's work, OP.

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Until it does. Just wait until you bring some anglo slag back to your jewpartment and she has a big ol dick. Or wait until your kids are indoctrinated by State Enforced Homosexuality and TransgenderismTM and come home wanting to be gay or even worse, wanting to cut their dick and balls off, just to commit suicide 1 year later because they turned themselves into eunuchs, not the opposite gender.

In the past, turning someone into a eunuch was a punishment. Imagine if you went back in time and told people that they were doing it willfully on their own accord. Fucking clown world man. It only goes to show that people need to be guided with an iron fist of benevolence, because left alone they will be either subverted or fall into traps of degeneracy.

And separating gender from one's sex is fucking stupid, especially when you can just sum it up with words like one's personality or interests.

The only reason people like to separate the two is because they're that much of a loser and need personality points to differentiate themselves from others. They just attach a word to whatever gender identity they decide to come up in the laziest way possible, and it's an attempt to shortcut actual personal growth and individuation where people will actually see you for your unique qualities instead of a label that you gave yourself and didn't earn.

So, if i hack my hand off, and paint an ion cannon on it. Can I claim I was always a half/robot battle machine.
I know the cannon doesn't function like a NORMAL cannon, but it's still a fucking cannon you bigot.
I know 99 percent of my body still indicates i'm a human, but you're just a mecha-transphobe if you don't identify me as a literal BioRobot.

This person is on drugs. SSRIs and atypical anti-psychotics can do that to you.

People are starting to get sick of it.
Deal with your perversion quietly.

From Six pack to six racks of sour dough bread abs.

I unfortunately spent some time in the psychiatry field which one would consider Afghanistan, (3 tours)....the meds they give are road side bombs...the support is from a SJW trained psychologist, a person poorly trained as the psychiatrist is the pusher that does not coordinate with the unfortunate fuck that has done a BA in the field....

Psychiatrist does not care to listen, never drugs and passes patient on to an ill equipped BA SJW cunt that has no idea how to handle a tweaked experimental guinea pig.

guns are not the problem...compartmentalized and unchecked prescriptions are

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I agree with a lot of your points and see where you're coming from. Calling someone the gender they wish to present as is a courtesy, not a right. I think where we disagree is that I believe that we should generally give them that courtesy if asked politely. If they're being a twat about it, then whatever. Misgendering someone is usually perceived as an insult and should be treated as such. It's a waste of time to pick a fight with someone because you don't agree with their lifestyle. If they picked a fight with you, then yeah give them shit back.

At the same time, SJWs need to stop being over-dramatic about the whole issue. Again, misgendering someone is just a perceived insult that likely plays on their insecurities. It's fucking words. Grow a spine and learn to deal. Everyone has shit that makes them insecure when brought up. Politely correct them if they misgender you, and if they refuse to humor you, then either deal with it, fuck off, or insult back. We all deal with similar shit, especially if you work in customer service.

Looks like 90s jim carey boned idubbz and thats what was left over

no it isn't that is an outright lie, typical of the right wing

there are hermaphroditic people with unusual combinations which cannot be simply classified as "male" or "female"

do your research or suck a dick

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People only oppose this out of a lust for control. Anything to make your life less dreary and hopeless. Hopefully you’ll die soon.

lolno. your bullshit is a pox on society and you need snuffed out. promoting this to children is deserving of capital punishment.

you will never pass. every time you look in the mirror, you will see a dude. no amount of social media upcummies will change that.
you have destroyed your family and yourself. all because you were enabled to indulge in your mental illness.
should pedos be allowed to indulge in their mental illness too? murderers? what else should considered be brave and powerful in the current year?

No you nigger faggot. I'm right as always. Mutations happen. Those aren't new sexes. They're males and females with mutations. Red hair is a mutation. It's not a new race. Downs syndrome is a mutation not a new species. Thousands and thousands of papers on the subject.

In Canada you can be prosecuted for misgendering.

In states like MA, they have “bathroom laws” which allow people to go into the bathroom they identify as.

Except it’s not just bathrooms in MA - it’s shower and changing rooms.

>The state is already mandating that you participate in the sexual fetish of a mentally ill person.

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re read my post you sput mugget

That’s a Serial Killer if I ever saw one. Imagine that thing shooting you a sly glance before following your 6 year old daughter into a public restroom

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good link, cheers

And? They're gonna weird people out in whichever bathroom they're in. Why does it matter which one they use?