Tactical Twitter account

I feel like starting a fake libshit account just to mess with the narrative. But I would like to document interactions and ultimately demonstrate how awful Twitter can be.
What should I know?
I'm considering the POV of a strong (fat) Latina/Black woman on benefits. Normies would get hard ons from the brownie points.
Do you have any ideas on how to improve this idea?
>not your personal army
I want to do my share and expose these fuckers' bias in a better way than going full1488 edgelording, you know.

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by all means go ahead user, you'll be actually doing something like the old days instead of responding to obvious bait threads by memeflags.

If you're going in deep you gotta plan deep. Come up with a list of answers to potential question that might bust your facade. Over all else, don't fuck with the faggots too hard, twitter's shithead mod team will be up your ass. Godspeed my brother.

I would endorse the most outlandish liberal positions, fake outrage with top-notch Jow Forums stuff and be as offensive as possible within the platform guidelines. Particularly to the most bland and down to earth disagreements coming from reasonable people. Those are the ones I would focus on, you know.
Shanicqua, the redpill pusher kek

Inb4 your account is accused of being Russian

Leider kann ich nur ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen.
But the account shall be in English, Spanglish and Ebonics (though I have yet to master the art of this dialect).

The problem with that plan is that fakery is not in our long term interest. There is no point in astro turfing hatred from the left. Enough of it is real that it ought not to be faked, lest it starts to acquire the reputation hate hoaxes now have. The left credibly hate us and white people, and this hate has to be and remain credible. I dread the day some libshit acquire enough material to public a series of article detailing how the evil alt-right / russian bot are using fake account to spread a false narrative about leftist hate.

Leftist hatred is real. It must remain real. At best you can try to intensify it but you can't just fake it. Baiting the left is actually more effective than pretending to be some caricature of them. The Smollet stuff was and the convington kid stuff was great. It baited them into showing genuine hatred.

Making a fake account isn't it.

Interesting position, Leaf. But I would actually endorse existing positions. Not faking hate crimes. The idea is to expose a bias. Not directly baiting someone into committing crimes. Good input nevertheless. Thanks

Good point.

Your time would be more beneficial collecting evidence of 1 specific trope, combining it all into one repostable image which can then be posted to places like here and CA and Twitter.

The hate already exists. It just needs to be indexed. Why bother making up fake shit when there’s enough to last us forever already here just waiting for you to screenshot it?

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be a tranny a latino tranny who has been abused by white police officers in LA infiltrate spy and inform

Well, some people can say some stuff: others can't. This is the bias I'm well aware about that place. There are already good projects indexing hate. I would like to test the barriers of the bias, though.
Can a sassy and empowered woman be hateful enough to earn a ban?
I would be able to say some stuff just because of this persona. How much? - I ask myself

I like to think about acceleration. Acceleration relies on a society of a group embedding within its goal set contradictory element which then create tensions it cannot sustain in the long run. To accelerate is to semi-organically heighten these tension through exploiting the failure points created by these contradictions. But these failure point must cause genuine failure, because only genuine failure can delegitimize the system.

For instance, our current political project appears to want to instantiate two different ideals. On the one hand, the ideal of the impersonal rule of law, in which everyone is treated equally under a single regime in which the personal, immutable identity characteristic of the individual play no role in determining the way a person will be treated under this system. On the other hand, the system wants to instantiate an ideal of restorative racial justice, in which precisely the immutable characteristic of a person is supposed to determine whether or not he receives preferential treatment.

Likewise, while our system is ostensibly anti hate, it allows hatred against white people. These two situations are contradictory, and the contradiction must be made more explicit, more manifest, and if at all possible must be increased in all direction. That is, there must be a GREATER degree of institutional inequality against white people WHILE AT THE SAME TIME increasing the commitment to identity neutral proceduralism. Likewise, society's commitment to anti hatred must be intensified AT THE SAME TIME that the historical narrative against white people as the bad guy of history is made more explicit and legitimate.

The idea is to create different narrative floating around in people's head and then throwing an ambiguous event that creates a focus point which instantiate these conflicting narrative and then cause a rift. The Covington kids incident is a good example of that kind of event.

I recommend taking everything they believe that's already ridiculous and amplifying it. Force them into positions so untenable they start to hate themselves and go crazy.
Constantly double down on battles that are completely unwinnable, and see how many you can drag into complete madness. Godspeed, user.

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I agree with *some tenets of accelerationism. I think we should be accelerating THEM into madness and stupidity, but evading it ourselves. I.e. making life on college campus an absolute hell for them to suffer in, but contain it beyond there.

Ted is awesome. His manifesto is a must read. You got my point, bro. Acceleration is the keyword here

Accelerationism is fucking great. It's the way of the future. And yes liberal should keep establishing double standards while trying to maintain the facade or pretense of a neutral rule of law so that our institutions are progressively hollowed out and everyone lose respect for what they used to represent. (For instance, free speech used to be a sort of politico philosophical principle. Now it almost pass had a code word for white supremacy / white identity politic. We should do something similar with the courts. We're kind of almost there.)

For starters no Jow Forums content, too many normies watch this site. Check around some shitskin websites and build a folder of their kind of memes. Don't make all of your posts outrageous or only talk politics, make some lame jokes, like and follow some shit Shanicqua would realistically follow, for instance "mmmmhhmmm deshawn looking fine this week on Empire". Don't forget to shamelessly ebeg for followers from nogs, your "black" ant they've tribal as fuck so the more you do it the larger your voice. Now assuming you didn't fuck it up lets talk strategy. Dropping redpills is fine, but personally i think divide and conquer is a great tactic. Find articles about spic on nog crime and post them with a generic "how terrible", or some comment made by spics about blacks and how ''dey swarmin up in my neighbor hood''. Add the OCCASIONAL typo or ghetto speak, dont over do it like nogs do with spasticas and hail hortler. Have fun

You have to be careful if you're looking for converts. Most normies are 2 iq points from full on retardation. After all look how many are rolling with the BS of the past few years. But it will cull the shit from the herd and we can drain the gene pool

No no no, you're way off user. Nobody should be trying to "convert" or "save" anybody. Those days are behind us. You have to kite the other side into ideological territory so ridiculous even their own stomachs turn. Then anyone with any sense will flock away on their own.

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Great tips. I need to research a bit. But this looks like a good path

>Operation: No Brakes.