Man Who Refuses to Pay Taxes Until Abortion Is Defunded Wins Huge Court Victory
What’s your excuse for paying taxes, you baby-murders?
Man Who Refuses to Pay Taxes Until Abortion Is Defunded Wins Huge Court Victory
What’s your excuse for paying taxes, you baby-murders?
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>Last week, US District Judge Michael Mosman sided with Bowman on the felony charge
Does that mean that all Americans can now stop paying taxes?
This is the only way to kill the Beast
Fucking based
Get the fuck out of here
I am now a Christian and fuck abortion, give me all my tax money back.
Can i do this?
No Fucking Way I refuse to believe this glorious news until a proper source is given.
Any more sources on what this actually is?
if we all did this... no more gibs for darkies
On the other hand, who’s gonna pay for black womens abortions?
I honestly don’t mind paying for that.
if just 500k million americans did this thejew system would fall apart
Refusing to pay taxes is the most American thing you can do.
He "won" on a technicality. The court said the IRS didn't try hard enough to collect the debt before seeking litigation.
if you click the link this story is literally from last year and the court didn't rule in his favor it just dismissed the felony evasion charge because he didn't specifically hide income. He showed all income but isn't paying. He still has to pay he's just not getting charged with evasion. Nothing changed and this dude will still get fucked.
kid rock, nice.
That it's mostly niglets who get killed.
>Refusing to pay taxes is the most American thing you can do.
> NewsPunch is a Los Angeles-based fake news website that frequently spreads conspiracy theories and political misinformation mixed in with real news stories
>“First, I would love to pay taxes so as to have a normal life, however, our government is using the tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood; which commits abortions – the death of the innocent,” Bowman said.
>“Apparently, a woman has the right to choose, but evidently, I do not.”
Absolutely. This country was founded by people telling the government to fuck themselves.
Dude is based af. Man is a legend.
:::whispers::: I tell you huwhat
>telling the IRS "fuck you I'm not paying" isn't illegal and as a practical matter gets you off the hook for income tax
>unironically using "conspiracy theory" as a scare term
>I'm not gonna pay tax for abortions
>I'm okay with increasing funding for our military so we can drone weddings and bomb kids half way across the world
This is your brain on american patriotism.