Persecuting a Black man for a victimless crime

intended to raise awareness perpetuates the self-fulfilling prophecy of Black underachievement.

Even worse is punishing the industriousness of raising awareness for Blacks, gays, and Jews with the same event.

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Faggot Jussied everyone

It's called malignant narcissism.

My fucking tax money was spent on this asshole.

Screw him, the CPD has enough bullshit going on. Once Rahm is gone black people will have to see how they can actually run a city. With the new mayor they'll see how screwed up the public school system, pension funds are.

Wasting police time, attempt to frame

Sodomy is a crime in redpilled countries

>Was willing to testify until he found out the people in custody were the people he knew.
Obvious bait sage

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Filing false reports is a felony. Fuck off OP

You obviously are the smartest shill ever. Sage

You right sage in options

How's that boot taste?

So you don't want they police to solve injustice? Why have the police at all?

MFW logic can be shilled. The absolute state.

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A direct appeal to authority..

He tried to pin it on Trump supporters. If this wasn't so obvious it could had triggered riots.

Which just proves no one believed it.

>Could have caused riots
But would we blame Jessie for the riots caused by the incidence necessitated by society's sickness?

It really is the most perfect hate crime hoax
>Pedowood actor
>Totally unbelievable story
>People still taking the bait
>Comes out as a complete fraud
>Career OVER

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>police phone him "hey we got two guys down here do you wish to press charges"
>goes to police station
>sees Nigerians and not 2 random white guys

If he wasn't going to literally finger innocent men for a life sentence due to federal hate crime statues people would have been easier on him

This is MAGA country you empire faggot nigger !

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Poor Jussie, he was just trying to raise awareness. Racism is real and strong in USA.

>If he wasn't going to literally finger innocent men for a life sentence due to federal hate crime statues people would have been easier on him
Let's not pretend he would go through with it. Surely he figured the prestigious CPD wouldn't charge without due evidence.

Thanks for the 36 billion goy

Wasting taxpayers money and police time investing his bullshit is not a victimless crime. There are real crimes that need investigation and the police had to play games with some faggot acting like a child.

So you don't want they police to solve injustice? Why have the police at all?


Finally someone objective who doesn't view this matter as a way to push their shitty right wing views

OFC pol will use this incident to make victims of themselves... Pollacks are their own worst enemies

What a day when leafs are the ones with the sober outlook

I think inciting fake race attacks is more damaging than any real crime. This shitstain just made it difficult for the real crimes to be brushed off as fake.

>What a day when leafs are the ones with the sober outlook
Let's be careful about giving leafs to much credit .. Given that they're currently using a roastie to defame a man trying to do his job.

Many of us agree with you, it's just that what your OP is self evident

Trudeau a man???

What are you smoking burger

God forbid a man be in touch with his feminine side

fuck framing it as "pushing right wing views" people should NOT, I repeat NOT be allowed to make up fake attacks and police reports. If they are successful? and fool everyone? someone goes to jail who didnt do anything... if they get cauht and they dont FACE jail time for lying? theres no reason not to TRY it, which is horseshit.

this has NOTHING to do with "right left bullshit" and has EVERYTHING to do with LAW and ORDER.

well,its okay for FAGGOTS. not for REGULAR guys.

el fuckingn SALVADOR? what he flying FUCK does el salvdor know about racism in the USA? didly shit.

i thought kikes burn when they look at 4 chan

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>el fuckingn SALVADOR? what he flying FUCK does el salvdor know about racism in the USA? didly shit.
>American flag
Well, considering I'm experiencing racism right now, I can only feel sorry for the POC that have to endure it IRL ameriKKKa