Reminder that Whites have no Fashin Sense and Never Wear Hype Brands

Biggest proof the cultural tides are changing is clothing. It's the sign of prestigue and respect. It's showing that blacks are taking over the West, it's showing that black people are the new cultural and socio elites.

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>The nigger
>The best the consumers
Gotta get those latest brands to prove you're...What do they call it nowadays? Oh right, "Fresh"

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>so fashionable

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Yeah dude you're showing these jews by giving them money.

I chuckle every time I see you apes in your retarded motley. If I had to put that shit on every day I'd kill myself.

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This is coming from the same race that collects and trades sneakers

Whites dont be knowin how to dress like we does we descendant from kings with jewels and crowns dats why we dress like dis it ib our jeans

Look at that bbc

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black people dress like circus clowns

This is peak consumer culture. Low IQ minorities focus on fashion because think you can buy status. Shit like this is key to understanding the real purpose of the immigrant & refugee crisis. It all boils down to consumerism, debt, and economic growth.

The desire of NEEDING to wear flashy stuff everywhere is the mark of low self-esteem. Most whites don't have the time for this, as people already respect them based on merit or reputation. It's a higher level of human interaction. Making yourself visually appealing is for birds.

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>by wearing clothing from white founded companies

OMFG look at this niggers shoes. He looks like he's wearing Happy Meals on his fucking feet.

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I actually will admit blacks do mostly have a better fashion sense than most whites, but it's because they like to larp as old school WASP types and are desperately trying to cope with an inferiority complex while being extremely vain. The top percentage of whites are more fashionable though.

Kinda fashion sense do you have op.

This is what I don't understand about leftist. They act as if there was only one center in the universe, and it's either white that are the center or some other entity that is, and whatever isn't in the center must be the periphery. But there can be many center.

It literally matters not at all that some other group has massive swag and a jolly old time. I don't fucking need to participate in it. I don't even need to know about it. Why would I want to be included in this? It's not my thing and never was my thing and never will be.

this guy looks like he just raided a clothing store dumpster

weak b8
>in all fields

I work for the federal government in research. The only people that dress like that are the entry level paper pushers and the cleaning staff. People who dress like that will never make more than every level wages. Basically all the white people who do actual work and make good money dress like respectable adults

Blacks are ultra-low time preference people, living off of instant gratification, and low end conspicuous consumption.

you're a bad troll

This comment right here. They hate white men but sure as fuck want their style

You're a filthy kike

Ever notice that black people dress in a way to cover their blackness?

they dress like total clowns

Why do niggers dress like attention starved teenagers?

>blacks are so cool
>posts a black guy dressed like a fucking mongoloid

instant gratification when i dick yo bitch cracka

No it just shows that nignogs waste money on absolutely worthless shit.

because with an average IQ of 66 they do have the mind of children.

you think tight jeans is a black thing? that's funny cause I remember like 15 years ago scene kids were the ones wearing tight pants. not only that, we'd have to buy girl jeans and sew the legs to make it straight leg because that didn't make it in that style for dudes. so fuck off faggot

>so fuck off faggot
is this supposed to be ironic

I dont feel so bad about my dick

>nigs currently dressing how whites did thirty years ago
>thinking hype brands are anything but a waste of money

Nigs will always be behind on everything and broke.

Whatever you say, nigger.

Now make fun of us about not seasoning our food before Googling the world's top chefs.

Literally everything in that pic was invented by white fashion designers.

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He looks gay. No thanks. Not politics.

based mcqueen

Cause they raised by bitches, no dads, that's why they buy shoes and are brand whores.


>the spelling and jargon in this post
lol talented tenth mulatto confirmed. hows it feel to know that youll never be considered black enough and looked down upon by other blacks, yet you will always be treated like the nigger you are by the rest of society?

Yeah it ain't 2016 anymore hypebeast culture is fucking dead

>Never Wear Hype Brands
In other word: think for them selves and don't follow blindly. ok Got it.

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Shit, did he have his Beinis cut off?

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