Fuck this guy, too bad the dude that beat his sorry ass didn't hit him in the head

Fuck this guy, too bad the dude that beat his sorry ass didn't hit him in the head.

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Yeah no shit what a hell of a time to finally grow a conscience
>history will remember...
That people like him and lamarr alexander were treasonous snakes who stabbed us in the back
I’ll never vote again because all this proves it doesnt matter

May he be raped without a warrant

Rand is a patriot

Trump is a traitor

Kill yourself

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>trying to block the wall
Fuck off, shill.

President is not King. He had 2 years to pass wall legislation and failed.

Uhuh, I'm sure you were thrilled when king nigger put forth daca, fuck off we're building the wall.

This board is a great place. He “calls out the Jew” and you all jack off to happy oblivion over it. Rand is probably one of the more consistent politicians out there. The second trump even suggested this route I knew at Rand would be against it. And for good reason. Just like executive orders we don’t want a president thinking they can declare emergencies to circumvent one of congress main functions.

Low IQ retards like yourself have no foresight.
Trump's national emergency would set a legal precedent for future Democratic leaders to exploit. Just wait until the next president declares a national emergency to end racism and puts every white male in a FEMA camp.

Yeah until a democrat is elected again and checks and balances go out the window

>implying democrats need to wait for a republican to overreach before they continue their rape of the constitution
U dum

Rand needs to go mow his lawn.

>at least I still have the constitution.jpg

They would be constrained by the rules of the constitution all the same. If you would be against it then you should be against it now. But it’s ok. I remember when I first became politically aware. You’ll get there one day kid

Yeah you talk a good game and are “politically” savvy to ignore the dems overeach but keep on posting so will I

But you're fine with the faggot who cucked on the shut down and chose the path of failure that would only end one way? Surely this is Rand's fault. Rand is one of the few people with principles in our government. They will be the same next month, and next year, because he is exactly what he portends to be. A manlet eye doctor who believes in the US Constitution. Trump is a useless fucking retard who has no idea what the fuck he thinks, aside from jew dick tastes good and his daughter's pussy is his favorite place to be.

Kek. This.

they are both traitors

May be he did, therefore that statement. This is also why he lost and will keep losing on the national scale: principles over winning.

freaking Trump cucked on the budget. its his fault for being a wimp.

>They would be constrained by the rules of the constitution all the same.

Haha you cant be serious, our condtitional rights are being eroded already. Constrained lol, fucking funny guy.


They would do that anyways.

Does it hurt to be so fucking clueless?

He's the only politician that sticks with his principles. He's too good of a man for his job.

>puts every white Male in a FEMA camp

They couldn't afford it since they would be looking their largest tax base in a camp lol.

I disagree. He's not an NPC like Mitch.

>muuUuUuuUUUUh principles
no argument about trump, but fuck rand too

You and whose army?

The Paul senpai has always been weak and out for one thing, their own profit like all pure politicians.

His retarded dad sits on TV screaming the market crash is here while trying to sale gold to idiots...

How anyone thinks this family is anything but out for themselves is pathetic.

This vote wont matter so he used it as a chance to grandstand and make a buck.

He wont win another election

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When your principles allow people that don't share your principles to shape the world you live in, you don't actually have principles, you have platitudes.

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>the democrats have a moral code
Fuck off faggot

What happened?

This makes less than zero sense. If Trump could exploit it then future Democrats could too. The solution is exploit now, work on bipartisan legislation to prevent similar exploits in the future. Thus, we get the wall and defend the future Democrat exploits.


If we are talking about contemporary rights, I think you had it right the first time

Rand is a worthless cuck.