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Làm thế nào để hện hò với phụ nữ da trắng

Attached: 513DDK48XAL._SX295_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (297x474, 27K)

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Tôi nghĩ, phụ nữ da trắng là một loại hàng hoá đắt tiền trong tương lai

Racemixing is sexual consumption as the progeny, even the sum of the progeny, will never outshine the higher status parent.

Tôi có iq cao, tôi chỉ cần một người phụ nữ da trắng không cần thông minh để sinh con

Welcome to America. Learn English, ok?

Attached: 198390-min.jpg (550x848, 150K)

Fuck off, who do you think you are?

Attached: Screenshot_20190304-120739.png (1080x1920, 529K)

Excuse me?

Kuwar, tao có 140 iq

Attached: 1444512159880.jpg (664x561, 62K)

Địt mệ mày kinh tộc biến đi chỗ khác

If you want to post in a foreign language, try Jow Forums or /trv/ (see the rules). Also, your letters need pic related.

Attached: Shaving Razor.jpg (900x600, 18K)

Troi oi ;_;

Tôi là boutta finna dab trên em

Attached: 1551667431717.png (1000x666, 331K)

No, qua bên đó toàn lũ nigga beta, tao không thích.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

a ping pong ching chong

White women should be commercialized

Attached: WWTBAMjpg-640x415.jpg (640x415, 33K)

Whatever happened to the


guy in Vietnam anyway?

Go back to your race mixing shilling you faggot bitch

hes not chinese my dude
seems fake ill search
didnt know about that lol

Đụ má mày thằng bede thái,


Tôi là người việt kiều sinh ở Mỹ, mới lấy người vợ da trắng.

đến qua Mỹ đi anh em oi. chúng tôi có thể trở thành huynh đệ với các cô gái da trắng. :)

Even the fucking gook flags look the same to me

Attached: 1539656497936.gif (301x405, 2.52M)

I am against racemixing but you have no right to dictate what language people can use. Kneel to the viet flip flop burger

classic google throws a bunch of ((((news websites)))) but doesnt give me the results about the alleged document listed on this one.

Hey, what do you think of Cambodia?

Qua bên đó đụ mỹ tây đen thì có. Nói láo không có hình, where pic relate

man rợ

Cambo is a stupic ass, they let Nam take important lake to make bussines

Nhưng tôi không thể bỏ hình của tôi trên Jow Forums được. Không muon bỏ bức hình nào làm cho người ta nghĩ tôi là shitposter mà thường post bức hình AMWF.

I almost never see AMWF despite living in San Francisco, a heavily Asian city (unfortunately) and the freakshow of the US.

I know, I'm like the only one. Half the asian roasties here (the ones the only date white guys) get kind of butthurt about it. They know they would never date me because not BWC, but they also are upset that "it's another option gone." It's typical woman shit.

>asian roasties here (the ones the only date white guys)
They are parasites because their kids identify as whatever is most convenient (anything that isn't white).

His wikipedia page says he's Jewish and talks about this involvement with the NAACP


Giá mà có con gái để xem phim sex cùng

Attached: fat-feel.png (765x758, 35K)

Why white women specifically? Also how do you feel about the poo infestation inside your genome?

Attached: ugly Mongoloid.jpg (570x399, 56K)


And also what's it like over there? Weather wise? Any foreign input in regards to demographics?

Attached: Oriental down syndrome.jpg (574x800, 97K)

What do you mean "poo infestation inside your genome"?

du ma may mi den

Aren't you Vietnam? Phone fagging btw so I can't check flags.

Attached: Mongoloid Beating.webm (204x360, 2.93M)

The subhuman in pic related, took a stroll down your nation state and shat in your genome. Both literally and metaphorically, as their input is still persistently visible on genealogical data.

Attached: Oldest known civilisation.jpg (380x285, 104K)

>Genealogical data

*In regards to your race, should have emphasized that, but what ever.

Attached: Phenotypic Comparison 4.png (1384x748, 1.04M)

Quick run down btw on why it sucks to be an Indian/Paki/Other poo Nuance:

>Androgynous racoon face
>Lowest Sexual Market place value in the dating market
>No visible difference in general non genital anatomy in regards to gender
>Conventionally sub 5'4
>Smallest cock size in the world
>No admirable genetic characteristics
>Both stupid (sub 80 IQ) and weak(nearly no unmixed world champion Indian athletes)
>Hopelessly incompetent

Attached: Apoo with flag.gif (539x599, 39K)

>Smallest cock size in the world

Attached: Asiatic Sex Gods.jpg (612x790, 112K)

>Hopelessly incompetent

Attached: open-defecators-per-square-km-2012.jpg (1920x739, 215K)

I actually like Indians. They're funny with their street shitting, Ganges river bathing culture.
Vietnamese are more likely to dislike Chinese because they look similar to us. It's just like how people in different European countries hate each other.

They're funny up until the point where they swarm your locale with their fugly disgusting appearance. And ruin other wise decent living with their broken faces and garbage ear rape oriented language. Btw, most of you guys were nip tier some time ago. But to reiterate that was ruined when pic related stepped in, and added its input.

>Look similar

Up north Mongoloids are generally more pleasant to look at and yellow than your kind. From what I've seen. This of course is because of the admixture difference between you.

Attached: Pajeets intoxicating ass rabies.jpg (960x615, 587K)

Take them! Please you stupid fucks! No returns either!


Attached: Joe Ligotti.jpg (1024x559, 145K)

>women want to work instead of becoming mothers
>men are being feminized
>ldbt shit is encouraged
>not having kids is encouraged
>feminism is causing men to distance themselves from women (mgtow)
>race mixing is promoted and seen as "healthier"
>everyone wants to mate with whites
>everyone want's to live in a white country
>whites feel lost, guilty, and don't give a shit about what the future holds

No wonder our population is declining

As a white guy in Vietnam, feel free to date our white woman expats. We date plenty of Vietnamese girls. It's only fair

Aren't Viets pretty aggressive with guys that are pounding their women with 5+ inches of American beef? How do you avoid getting karate kicked and how many of those little rodents can you break in half like a giant golden god before their cops taze you and shove nunchucks up your ass?

And how do you not crush 80lb little gook girls with your massive healthy 300 pound American gut?

As Chinese guy in PRC I want to tell you white women are ours

Attached: 19976766590.jpg (650x494, 52K)

I'm a healthy 300 pound American boy at 5'7" with visible abs and even though I could stand to eat more, the Asian girls love me because my big belly signifies prosperity and thus even though my city is roughly only 15% Asians I get lucky with a new Asian girl or two every day, and I'm starting to worry that I'm not going to be able too eat enough to keep my healthy weight up while busting all these nuts in your lean, beautiful 160 pound Asian-American women.


And you weren't wrong in using boy instead of man. Lmao, might as well consider transitioning at such a submissive bitch oriented point of view.

Attached: Rim Brapping Autist.jpg (258x360, 15K)

No. Never had a fight with a Viet dude in my many years here. Knock on wood--definitely don't want to fight them as they always have numbers and quickly turn to weapons

Lol you can have the Canadians bro. Nothing of value is lost

I get Somali girls on the regular that are impressed by my massive jiggling belly. They know I earn enough cash to support an extensive and luxurious diet of exclusive cuisine from all the major fast food chains and supermarkets. They tell me how their limp dick skinny husbands can only afford some beans and grains that they try to spice up with various ground herbs while we're gorging on burgers and she's riding my fat salami like a pogo stick. You could learn a thing or two from a fat helthy boy like me. Even though somali women are only 1% of my city's population, I have a new one coming by for a burger and a bone every week, and many coming back for more.

They're surprisingly sturdy

That's great news. The skinny little 170 pound Asian-American girls I bang here in the USA can support my massive gut too. They have dense bones like an elephant from their calorie-rich diet full of quality calcium from ice cream and melted cheese.

I saw a WF/AM couple today and gave no fucks. If people have to intermarry I'd rather this one than Bx/Wx.

That's why White people call gooks and chinks cowards, they don't fistfight.

170 pounds is fucking massive for a short Asian girl

That's skinny and tiny and I really prefer a nice THICC 220 pound Asian-American fertility goddess QUEEN with H-cup titties and an ass that would make Confucius cry.

170 lbs is fat... what the fuck are you talking about LMAO

skinny little 170 lbs
How tall is she? 6'5? Then you must be 7 feet tall.

Confucius say: slim girl who sit on judge's lap get honorable discharge

The Vietnamese language looks like how Indians try to make their instagram names look cool by adding random diacritics.

I'm a healthy 5'7" at 300lbs and there's nothin' better then a rail-thin little 4'10" AZN cutie at a featherweight 180 lbs. I pick 'em up at mc-d's on the regular. I like to lift 'em over my head like king kong before we smush.

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