>The REAL Quiet Professionals

For far too long I've heard SEALs this and SEALs that, and I'm sick and tired of it. I want to bring attention to the real badasses of the military, the guys who don't crave the limelight like a whore craves cock.

The guys that don't refer to themselves as
while simultaneously pumping out book after book after book.

Anons, SEALs are not the only guys that scuba, or skydive, I promise.

SEALs claim to fame:
>We Skydive
That's adorable.

Let's discuss the guy in (pic related)
>Air Assault
>CIB 2nd Award
>HALO Mstr
>Special Forces
>Served as Special Forces Medic

The real quiet professionals don't need book deals, they don't need faggy movies made, they don't always talk about their shit. The real badasses, you will never hear about.

>Army Snipers
>Marine Snipers
>SF SOTIC Snipers
>Marine Raiders
>Airforce PJs
>Amy Ranger Battalions
>US Army Special Forces

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't think marine raiders exist anymore

The military is mostly gays and niggers now. Someone should invade us because this is stupid.

I saw a pic the other day that identified a pair arresting some chink spy in FL

I mean it is the Jews Media so who knows I guess

Fuck all ZOGbots

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not sure were youre getting that impression.

He probably meant to say MARSOC

this isn't your blog salt fag

I live next to a joint base and get to see the garbage that is the armed forces every day.

David Goggins lays the SEALs in his new book, claiming once they get past BUDS, they go into Hollywood mode and get complacent.

Why won’t military leadership coup this traitorous government, I know you’re reading this DOD

Let's go over the track record of USSOCOM (and all agencies under their jurisdiction) and see just how professional they really are...

>crash helicopters into each other in Iran
>crash helicopters into each other again in Grenada
>head of Seal Team Six winds up in prison for fraud
>Navy SEAL team nearly wiped out by a bunch of glorified Panamanian security guards who they probably could've just been bribed with some tequila and cocaine
>ODA 525 on a SCUD hunt gets busted by a bunch of 12 year old Iraqi school girls and they didn't even bother to rape them
>Black Hawk Down.jpg
>calling in an airstrike on Hamid Karzai
>Mazar-i-Sharif POW massacre bungalo
>failing to get bin Laden when he was holed up in a cave in Tora Bora
>shooting up multiple weddings
>Operation Anaconda or as I prefer to call it "let's land a helicopter full of Rangers on top of a mountain full of Al Qaeda fighters"
>all of the Iraq War
>Operation Red Wings
>wrecking a billion dollar helicopter during the raid to kill bin Laden
>SEALs literally racing each other to kill bin Laden first so they can get the better book deal (I'm not fucking kidding)
>Navy SEALs spilling state secrets to a major video game developer and the game is still a piece of shit (again, I'm not fucking kidding)
>taking the the phrase "bury the hatchet" literally
>that Chinook full of Navy SEALs that got blasted out of the sky
>Benghazi, the never ending scandal
>walking right into an ambush in Niger
>Navy SEALs murder a Green Beret after he figures out they're planning on misappropriating Army funds even though their whole existence is a waste of taxpayer dollars

And these guys are supposed to be the Tier One badasses who will get nanosuits in the future

Source: theintercept.com/2017/01/10/the-crimes-of-seal-team-6/

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Any attention whoring for being isreals favorite hooker should be dismissed

sf is mostly white, low quality pog jobs and some the infantry is full of mutts

well they poisoned my aquifer and turned two hundred acres of prime land into shit, so they can go fuck themselves.

SEALs are faggots and retarded. They need attention. It is okay for them, it makes them feel special.

yep. they are losers. great athletes, but losers. no honor and dumb as the day is long

If the USMC is so bad ass, why the fuck has the Taliban been kicking their ass for damn near 2 decades?

Go to Washington DC and see all the loser cuck marines and other fake war veterans on the Vietnam Memorial. That is a wall full of dead snowflake losers and that is their participation trophy.

>We don't crave the limelight
>But give me the limelight please

The Delta Force guy's seem the shadiest just because there's absolutely nothing about them anywhere or what kind of missions they do. The SEALs get all the Bin Laden killing book and movie deal missions which is why they are likely shilled the most. I used to think it was over hyped then I saw that BUDS 234 documentary which is the only one that shows week one through graduation (6 months) and it's absolutely brutal.

Also the SEALs designed every exercise so if you didn't give 100% effort you would either get hypothermia (swimming too slow in freezing water, so spending 3hrs to do something instead of 2hrs) or almost drown, like the underwater swim test with no air. You were expected to pass out and be pulled out of the water unconscious whereas I didn't see any of that in Ranger selection propaganda but I'm sure it's just as crazy.

>halo mstr
I dare this fag to 1v1 me on halo ce bloodgultch

>The Delta Force guy's seem the shadiest just because there's absolutely nothing about them anywhere or what kind of missions they do.
they "deploy" into countries the US technically isn't at war with and kidnap/kill people, of course nobody is going to talk about what they do

>Forgets Army LRRPs

Dude being a B4 isn't that cool...it's a 3 week course they let POGs go to now. They even send MTT teams to posts for a course that doesn't have an infantry division. Lost awesome points around 2011.

Air force pjs are 12/10. Every time there isnsomeone in a bind pjs are there to rescue

>be Seal NCO with record of war crime.
>leave guy behind on the battlefield to die.
>earn Medal of Honor for bravery.
>seals slag guy left behind who fought Taliban alone handtohand for hours, before dying.

This is not a joke.

>no navy seal copypasta
fuck this gay earth.

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Delta force goes in, machine guns all the villagers, regular army follows up, picks up the limbs and gives candy/meat to the kids & dogs.

I heard there were some pencil dicks in here talking shit about the Navy Seals....

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isn't that all of JSOC? for that matter, isn't that all tier 1 units? even our SASR was caught a few years ago using some afghani amputee's prosthetic leg as a goblet

>>Operation Anaconda or as I prefer to call it "let's land a helicopter full of Rangers on top of a mountain full of Al Qaeda fighters"
kek, you can blame the SEAL that decided he was too fucking cool to tether himself in while gunning the back of an open shithook.

don't forget
Air Force Pararescue

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What? When?

>The Delta Force guy's seem the shadiest just because there's absolutely nothing about them anywhere or what kind of missions they do
that's because they're the actual heavy hitters.

>They even send MTT teams to posts for a course that doesn't have an infantry division
I can't tell you how many times I was slotted and dropped because of admin bullshit/funding/gov shutdowns/etc/etc for b4.

...never got to go

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Delta Force = Deathguard
Seal Team 6 = Emperors Children
Rangers = Luna Wolves

>digits end in 56
Keep fighting for Israel goy

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well if they don't pull jackass stunts that almost kill their trainees i don't see how anyone is supposed to take them seriously

>a bunch of SOAR fuckups means the door kickers and shooters are bad

>>Black Hawk Down.jpg
literally the higher ups with a shitty plan

Google ”Slabinski” and Medal of Honor. Lots of stories. A massive clusterfuck.

>WASHINGTON — Britt K. Slabinski, a former senior chief petty officer of the Navy’s elite SEAL Team 6, received the Medal of Honor on Thursday for his leadership during a firefight in Afghanistan in 2002. During the firefight, Tech. Sgt. John Chapman, an Air Force combat controller acting as the unit’s radioman, was left behind. Mr. Slabinski had believed Sergeant Chapman to be dead and moved the rest of the team — including Stephen Toboz, who had a serious leg injury — off the mountain peak. It was a devastating decision for a leader of an elite team that, like many other military units, prides itself on leaving no one behind. But the Air Force, citing an analysis of drone video footage uncovered more than a decade after the firefight, has since said that Sergeant Chapman was alive and fought for more than an hour after the SEAL team retreated. Officials said he killed two Qaeda fighters before being fatally wounded.


From what I could data mine scraping search engines all I could find is one guy's account of selection, where you are sent a letter of invitation, and when he showed up to selection there were foreigners there like a guy from the South Korean army who was also enrolled somehow. The selection if he can be believed was nothing compared to what SEALs go through, basically just a lot of rucksack hiking and climbing shit but he probably couldn't reveal the other shit like having to strangle a stray villager or something. On paper they technically don't exist anyway and he was never allowed to say the word 'delta'

>delta force = deathguard
More like Deathwatch. Delta pulls from all branches of the DoD.

Yeah mane,
18 Charlie here.
Recruited to "The Suck"
Can't talk about it, but its expansive.
Also, a Raider. Depending on the mission, and branch, I ride different cock.

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You're probably thinking of Eric Haney's "Inside Delta Force", which was about the erection of the unit and his POV experience showing up. It's obviously changed since the 80s and it's very difficult to get into. It's also open to anyone in any branch of service. You can find out more online if you're curious.

Jesus christ Sergeant Chapman was a fucking badass.


That's what I meant actually

This is correct. Changed it like 5 or 6 years ago.

loosely sums it up.

i just finished a book by an army special forces guy, roughneck nine-one. stop basing your opinion on SEALs off Chris Kyle, they're not all as arrogant as he was.

Absolutely not true
FL: Fine. SOUTHCOM is located in Miami
MARSOC is still there. Got to look into different shit, mane. MAGTF etc.

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t. never interacted with a SEAL

I don’t want to sound like a big brained bugman. But what purpose do speacial forces serve?

That’s why the AF nominated him for a MoH. But the SEALs got butthurt, then political, blocking the honor, slandering Chapman, talking shit, making excuses. Finally they submitted Slabinski’s name as an MoH to save face ... and then turned around and tried to fuck everyone over again, take credit, and bury the story.

DEVGRU is not a well liked in the SF community. There may be good guys. Even effective. But the unit culture is fucked and an embarrassment.

'muhreen special operations regiment was renamed to raider regiment few years ago. Some crayon eater realized they have some special operations traditions. Since MARSOC consist of raider regiment, support group and special operations school... MARSOC is now rebranded to raiders.

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Ret. Master Sgt George E. Hand IV wrote the account from 16yrs ago, so Iraq war selection to join DF when he was in the Green Berets. Secret selection plus secret training, they had to do most of it on their time off from reg duty

Then marines arrive to throw the dog off a cliff.

To serve in a specialized capacity (SEALs were supposed to be your big dicks on the ocean) like PJs/CCTs for rescue and communicating to CCA, or Army SF is supposed to act as a force multiplier and embed with local indig. None of this shit matters anymore and everyone is a glorified grunt now. The small size and nature of SOF teams, their flexibility for deployments, inter/extra-branch politics, trying to hide the forever wars from the public eye, and a changing mission has steered everyone away from their respective specialties to serve as general combat troops.

Only relevant post itt

Why does the navy have infantry unit?

Good fucking question

Should we get rid of special forces?

Don Shipley's gonna find you, and when he's gone with you he will unleash his wife onto you. Watch it mate, he knows who you are. He's got the documents folks

I don't really care or think about it anymore. I'm not keeping myself up at night thinking of ways to make ZOG more effective.

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Same reason Navy and Army have aviation units, and why the Marines don’t have medical ones, I suppose....

Battle of takur ghar

The Nazis were so kind to put these kikes in pajamas. The kike gulag administrators in the east were no where near that kind.

>The Delta Force guy's seem the shadiest just because there's absolutely nothing about them anywhere or what kind of missions they do.
Because they're pretty much 1 step below CIA SAD guys.
They go do sneaky shit and dress pretty much however they want and rarely wear anything on their uniforms saying who they are and what unit they're from.
>I didn't see any of that in Ranger selection propaganda but I'm sure it's just as crazy.
Yeah because Rangers generally aren't water operators.
They do other fun things like night time land navigation using only a map and compass with a time limit and a timed 10 mile march with 50lbs of gear.

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How do we fix the military?

Don't worry aussie next time we won't be so kind. Now bring your animals over we've got some work to do.

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That’s cool the SEALs train them how to fight. Our line up from top to bottom goes
>MARSOC (raiders)
>PJ’s (more of a support element but still more combat ready than

When does SPACE FORCE selection begin
I'm assuming it's just sitting in a control center training with missiles that can blow up satellites and not actually launching into space to raid the ISS

CIA SADSOG folks are top tier too they recruit from DELTA. I just didn’t want to include paramilitary

Sorry but the title of naval special warfare sounds alot better than airborne.

You don't. Anyone capable is going to be driven upwards by a combination of garrison oriented training cycles, the lowering and relaxing of standards, the growing presence of women, and in the future, a large percentage of people earning their citizenship through service (mark my words, it's going to be a huge thing in the future). Units that were once prestigious like SOF will eventually become the new normal and we'll just be all around shittier.

SEALs won’t. They forced those women out in 2 days. Only reason they didn’t do it the first day is because SECNAV wanted a fucking audience there to see the 1st day of training.

The only people who take SEALs seriously are themselves and civilians.

You can’t. The military is and always will be a cross section of society. Fix society it fixes the military.

I am actually thinking of moving to the United States for this very reason you dont know how much fucking female and nigger propaganda is in the adf and this is coming from a former reservist.

That’s what you think.

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You took them seriously enough to get butthurt over it nonner.

Just got back from Iraq thanks to silent professionals. Made $550 a day....A DAY let that sink in you neetsoc faggot.

Move to the US to join the fight to fix the country but don’t join anything but special forces or the coast guard unless you want to be ostracized for being white.

I'm not butthurt about anything, I'm stating the facts. I've never encountered anyone that didn't talk shit about the SEALs. I've met some DEV guys, cool as fuck, better men than me, but the normal teams have their reputation. It is what it is hollywood.

Raiders are very much a thing. MARSOC got the official designation as Raiders. They even changed the MSOBs to Raider Battalions.

Retarded army with all the shiny

>Made $550 a day
Used to be 565

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reportforthepresident on FB/OAN
we know who they are. we know what they're doing and we support them.

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Every group has their tards and book writers but if you’re going from a professionalism standpoint the teams have always been wild childs and that’s only just starting to seriously change. From a brotherhood standpoint you don’t find tighter knit people except in DEVGRU and delta.

Maybe your people should start doing shit cool enough to make a movie off of.

SEALs never seem to STFU about themselves.
I'm not about to fanboi my country's special operations outfits, but you almost never hear so much as a peep from those guys.

Yep, they'll recruit from anywhere if they need a person that can do a specific job.

>I made $550 a day from the taxpayer while serving Israel's interests and making the U.S. less safe

Apparently army combat drivers have easy ins to agency work compared to shooters.

>army combat drivers
a what now?

Nigger the military being (mostly) full of white people is the only reason you’re not hooked up to a fucking machine like in the matrix.

I don’t know the fucking code man and I’m not looking it up.


Whoa whoa there guy as the mayor of Jow Forums I’d like to remind you dying sucks

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Why would they take a truck driver over a shooter? A shooter can drive a truck, and be a shooter.