Global Warming

So now that we've finally figured that "global warming" is a hoax and has no scientific basis, is it time to start focusing on real problems of things like pollution and proper disposal of plastics?

Attached: article-2294560-18B8846F000005DC-58_1024x615_large.jpg (1024x615, 175K)

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the estimates may have been off but its definitely heating up and that graph shows it

There is clearly a rise in temperature in that graph.

it just doesn't reflect reality or have any predictive value.

Keep telling yourself that OP.

What about "holes in da stratosphere"?

There are more conservative models that would fit the data better.

The change of .5 degrees over a century is not evidence of anything.

Attached: easterbrook_fig41.jpg (480x184, 26K)

We got a scientist on our hands

This. It is literally mathematically impossible to determine if this is caused by anything or just random noise.

We got a mathematician on our hands now too. What are the odds?!?

According to the NOAA data set, global average temps fell through 2016 and continued to fall throughout 2017. Do they have their 2018 number yet?

Warming is unironically good for human life on earth. We should be pushing for more global warming not less.

The world should do the same thing as we Germans do and give money to those, who are returning their plastic bottels.

Homeless and Gypsies are collecting plastic bottels, because they can make an income with this system.

Attached: german wellfare system.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Everyone knows the environmental movement is where the bolsheviks retreated. This isn’t about science or saving the world or the children

Do you know that for the last 20 years or so, the worlds ocean temp was thrown into the mix for total average calculations and it lowered the average to basically 0 degree increase over 100's of years.

The only reason shit looked fucked was because the only temps being recorded were on land

It fluctuates. Up and down and up and down. You've been lied to once again

I've been saying for a long time that the way they obtained old data points (Core readings) versus new (landmass/atmospheric temp) make for an irreconcilable dataset
Water is a stable heat well, air is not

NOAA cannot be trusted. They manipulated the temperature upwards and claimed this were necessary "adjustments" ... see

Attached: noaa_data_fudging.png (650x502, 30K)

>start focusing on real problems

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

Not to mention they closed hundreds of measuring stations (mostly rural ones), and of them they kept, many are in ridiculous places.
(Airports just behind the starting area on the takeoff strip, AC units right next to it, etc.)