Witch Hunt 42 - Electric Boogaloo

Are almost all those in congress children? Do they realize the consequences of their actions or anything beyond themselves? Do they not see that they are continuing to push for radical retribution. At what point does vigilante justice kick in once everyone realizes jurisprudence is dead? Adam Schiff and others are flirting with absolutely terrible possibilities. Hubris is a hell of a drug.

Had congress be lead by adults, both the left and right (they both lost to Trump) would have thought "well, we didn't win but we need to do what is best for the country and whatever we can to make this work". That is the only reasonable, acceptable action. Sedition is not a viable option; it will only lead to bloodshed. It always leads to bloodshed. The apparent psychosis of many in congress (and much of the nation) needs to be nullified. We are doomed, otherwise. "A house divided" and so forth.

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Bump for interest in possible solutions

Read that article its infuriating. Guy comes out ans states, quote, It's very clear that the president obstructed justice.

Prejudging an issue when you cant point to a signle fact but then use your power to lock up the executive branch in bullshit subpoena plots should be a jailable offense

I don't have any. "You cannot fix stupid"...
Democracy itself seems to be the problem: Extreme low IQ, gullible voters, and a bunch of political class folks with IQs just on the tail end of the bell, before anything worthwhile but high in number (and therefor confirmation bias and the like). Ever notice how non-genius types almost always have extremely high confidence in their ideas? That's because there is a HUGE number of them to confirm their worldview. There is no need to question their motivations since everyone seems to agree with them. These are the most dangerous people on the planet.

The only legal stop would be some sort Alien and Sedition Acts 2.0. That or allow libel laws to encompass news media v.politicians and pols vs pols. It's disgusting.

>he thinks they will face consequences

>trump lets sham investigation go for 2 whole years until it's conclusion within the next week or two
>somehow Trump obstructed.

I just want these communist maggots to be stomped down in Guantanamo

through the law? No. By some other means - yes. That is what has happened over and over and over again throughout history. Why would it be any different, now? "Civil War" is a trending topic. I don't think it would be anything like Blues vs. Grays, but some sort of violent outbreak is inevitable. I am just surprised these morons cannot see beyond themselves or their own motivations. I'd rather the country not delve into violence. They do not seem to even be concerned.

Its just disgusting. Under obama there was fast and furious, benghazi, and more which led to legitimate investigations. A prosecutor could state sufficient reason. With obstruction of justice? Conet wrote in his contemporaneous memo that he dod not beleive trump was attempting to obstruct justice.

Period. End of story. Two people in the room and the one who would charge trump said nothing fucking happened.

Im a lawfag and it pisses me off to no extent particularly when ive worked in prosecution

How long until the public is GENUINELY fed up with the press and politicians openly lying to them because they lost an election?
Someone post the Sam Hyde quote.

The important takeaway from this isn't the obstruction probe (we all know nothing will come of it), but rather that Democrats in Washington are now immediately switching the narrative from "collusion" back to "obstruction".

Mueller's report will be coming out shortly, and all indications so far point to it finding fuck-all connecting Trump to any accusations of "collusion", intentional or otherwise. But at this point the Democrats are in too deep - they've sunk two years and tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer dollars into this investigation and they can't go home empty-handed, so now it's back to arguing "obstruction."

The longer they drag this sham out, the more egg ends up on their face.

They aren't concerned with egg on their face. Their constituents BELIEVE. No matter the outcome (obviously Trump did nothing illegal) of the investigations they will continue to BELIEVE. This is a massive schism. How do you reconcile as a nation after something like this? How do you end the psychosis?

This is not about Red Team vs. Blue Team - this is Completely Broken System (and consequences) or Resolution.

Eh, its effective. 2016 was a rebuke of hillary. Trump can very easily llse the rust belt then whoops we get some liberal idiot running the exec. Its likely that republicand take the house back but the exec is a flip

I guess the point of this thread is: Does jurisprudence exist in our country and if it does not, do we even have a nation?

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The solution is Q, or people have to treat Congress like Frankenstein and storm the castle.

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The important thing that people are begining to realize is that there is no such thing as justice, law, decency, honesty, morality, fairness, etc anymore. It's all just a sham, sideshow, and weapon of war against one's enemies. It's used willy nilly, in bold fashions, in entrapment plots, to rid one of their competition. The public are a bunch of clowns and hypocrites. Nobody cares for actually justice or for what's right. People are bullshitters namely politicians. Etc etc...

Ultimately, these morons are tearing down their own houses finally and I for one say to that : Godspeed. All is being laid bare by their idiocy and actions and I have no problem with it. The media has destroyed themselves and ultimately these politicians, law makers, justices will too.

So be it. The sooner the better. After they've destroyed everything then comes the rebuilding phase with stronger men.

Comey states trump did not obstruct justice, and rosenstein wrote the letter to fire comey. When has a deputy ag ever wrote a letter that persuaded the exec to fire the fbi cheif? Never, first ever. And that should be a clear sign comey was trash. No judge would look at the facts wnr even come close to considering obstruction. No prosecutir would even bring the case. Its a farce

We don't. All empires go through this phase. It will be rebuilt from the wreckage with stronger men with vision and a sound framework. People have watched this nation descend for years now and people just want it over with. Almost every politician is a professional bullshit artist that squanders tax payers money. The justice system is a joke as well as most people connected with it.

Martial Law public executions via large gallows set up with bleachers in front of capitol building now

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so you believe jurisprudence is dead and there is no possible redemption as I asked here I pretty much feel the same way. I cannot see a way out of this. The only thing I can think of is a unified goal. Perhaps a push for type 1 civilization. We build Gen IV reactors all over, bring energy prices down to near zero, which brings material, labor and manufacturing down to near zero...everyone has everything the need and we head for the stars? Who knows. I don't.

yeah, that's what I figured
It would be a hell of a view. It did (sort of) work for the French.

When when Julius Caesar rose in power & popularity the Roman senate filed charges against him. This started a civil war and after Caesar won he became dictator and made the Roman Empire even greater.

I thought this thread might attract at least some bloomers with a way out. Guess it's all bloodshed from here on out. So be it.
yeah, the only problem is it is going to SUCK for a lot of people stuck in the wrong states at the wrong time. Get yourselves situated for any possibilities, I suppose.

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>Cohen denies any knowledge of anything between trump and Russia period
>all investigations corroborate trump and Russia had nothing to do with one another
>start millions of investigations up into every other aspect of trumps life and every business transaction he has ever done in over 50 years.

and probably still find nothing impeachable.

>Are almost all those in congress children?




39 GenX but ok

Shit thread, regret bumping

I'm not saying they will ever find anything. I'm saying that it doesn't matter. The left is beyond accepting any outcome that does not fit their narrative/reality
yeah, i don't know why i combined the first part of that post with the reply to you. Didn't mean to. I'm rather inebriated.


don't be a sad cunt

Yeah, just watch it burn down at this point. It's already in free-fall. No reason to get upset because what is occurring is all to expected. Just make plans and seek positive stations for when its time to rebuild. It's a full on clown show at this point because people have lost there way and there is no vision anymore. People come up w/ mindless boogey man and battles to feel alive and point fingers and nail people to a cross to feel relatively superior. The politicans do their part in putting on a good show as the country goes deeper into debt... What's there to fight for at this point? Nothing. People want to destroy things and fight invisible battles so let em. Instead of putting energy into the idiocy of such battles, focus instead on building something of value.

>building something of value
The guillotine market might blow up. A large execution device "art project" might actually get things going. Roll up to DC in a semi truck with a flatbed full of guillotines

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