Bernie Sanders is the best hope the Dems have to beat Trump

Challenge me on that one.

My rational is that Bernie might be a socialist old cracker, but he talks like a genuine person and not a fat cat politician or arrogant “Hillary” woman copycat. This appeals to quite a big share of people, especially people who voted Trump because they were fed up with low wages and “free trade” etc.

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P.S. he is a grassroots guy. There will be a million young socialists in America campaigning for Bernie 24/7

her armpits stink and look gross


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it's true but the DNC will fuck him over again

what berntards don't understand is that people actually dislike Jews

It's not just cause we are on Jow Forums and its DA JOOS

Like, literally, jews are unlikable - what you see as a wise old friendly man, normal people see as a senile old bat whose ideas don't pass junior high school

A jew has 0% chance of being president in the US - so any energy you invest in this is guaranteed to be wasted

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>he thinks there will be refunds

He literally rolled over the moment he got fucked over by the dnc. He could have the Golden Horde support him but it would do nothing when he himself is such a pussy.

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Disagree. Yang is a much more likable and reasonable candidate. He also has the official support of Jow Forums

>>Bernie Sanders is the best hope the Dems have to beat Trump
>>Challenge me on that one.

>People havent forgotten the max level sellout that he is
He might be the best hope but that Just means there is no hope
So you might be right, but if you are that means Dems dont stand a chance
Maybe if the DNC didn't do what it did in 2k16

Benie is unelectable. Full stop. Your base is important in elections, but if you can't swing towards the center to get the independent vote your campaign is fucked. IMO the Bern isn't going to be able to swing to the center after Trump destroys him over being a socialist and being a vocal advocate of how Venezuela ran their economy and was governed.

Exactly. This old fuck knew Hillary would whack his ass so he rolled on his belly.

*blocks his path*

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hello boomer

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i hope he wins
trump is a fool

>Wanabee Hildwag 2.0
She's unlikable as fuck and has tons of baggage as a prosecutor, and because of that baggage she won't be able to get the support of the far left which is an auto-loss. Harris is unironically probably even more fucked than the Bern in 2020.

They both want Green Deal, they both support Valenzuela political regime, and they both don't care if we end up like them if we get it

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It will have to be a Sanders Harris coalition.
Uniting West coast and easy coast, while putting checks on each other's ideology.
Sanders will get the millennial vote, Harris will bring in the POC vote.
I don't know which should be Pres or VP. But it probably doesn't matter.

Sounds like a good way to double the baggage on the ticket and drive away ALL the independents. IMHO there is nobody the Democrats currently have running that can challenge Trump and win.

>The le centrism meme
It's amazing when Republicans say Dems need to compromise to hold power, but never ask their own party to keep it towards the center.
It's like you think you're smart enough to fool people, but youre not smart enough to realize how obvious it is you're trying to fool people.

Sanders won’t win. 90% chance it’s harris. Sanders has too many independent thoughts. Even though he is a part of the tribe and has created a commie uprising in America, he has served his purpose in whipping people up. Jews don’t want a Jew president, they want a Jew owned president.

>He thinks the Dems can put anyone on the ticket that doesn't have more baggage than Donnie.
Hombre, where have you been?
The "never trumpers" are so large of a group, DNC doesn't need to mind their Ps and Qs. They can put a Black woman up there, and people will vote for her based on that reason alone.

Just keep trying to put spin on the ball instead of looking at actual political strategy. Don't be surprised when it happens.

Lots of people dropped him when he cucked to 2 black women. Then bending over to Hillary.

He's going to have to step up his anti-White rhetoric and platform if he wants to have a chance. Even though he's a jew, the retards of the democrat party will see him as a White old man and "like come on it's the current year and we need a person of color as president, preferably a strong womyn of color, to stick it to the patriarchy and White supremacists." Either way 2020 is going to be crazy, can't wait to see the left fracture even more as their party of misfit toys and freaks fight each other over who can be the most anti-White and ruin the country the quickest.


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-Republicans like Trump
-Independents like Trump
-Democrats do not like Bernie

It would be hilarious to see Bernie becoming the challenger and then Trump clinching the election with the black vote and the same dissatisfied Clinton voters who just happen to hate Bernie even more than they hate Trump.

nobody wants a mexican as president

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hello kike

>lost to hillary
>too weak to stand up for himself
reminder to always type "sage" in the Options field, so your post does not bump slide threads

Not centrism my man, It's the simple fact that elections in the US are controlled by a few swing states (Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, etc.) that run approximately up the middle ideologically, stray too far to the left or right and you lose them and the election historically. You can see this problem with the Democrats running right now, they have to swing far enough to the left to get the support of the hard left, but have to somehow temper it enough that they are still actually electable in the more middle of the road states. Left also no forget that Trump is making inroads in the rust belt and with minority voters, which could very well swing the 2020 election. Honestly I think it's far too early to make any concrete predictions, but at this point I see Trump having a pretty good chance at a 2nd term assuming he wants it.

Funny thing is Trump revels in the baggage and doesn't give a fuck, so it works. The MSM has been after him since day one yet he still has Obama late term 1 approval numbers, he'll do just fine. Nobody else has shown the ability to do this and gets fucked by scandal, look at what that shit has already done to Warren. Nobody thought Bush would see a 2nd term with how unpopular he was, I think we are going to see whoever runs against him in 2020 go the way of Gore.

>She's unlikable as fuck and has tons of baggage as a prosecutor
>Implying the dnc gives a shit
They will nominate their establishment canidate and bernie will take his payoff as retirement bucks and run off to one of his mansions somewhere

As soon as Trump came into office, it gave the right wing a moral boost the world over, and its showing in recent elections.

Also, pretty much as Obama left, ISIS seemed to disperse in nothingness, the propaganda videos stopped and news reports about Coalition soldiers being blown up by IEDs vanished.

If not Trump in 2020, who else will be as anti war as Donald is??

If it weren't for Bernie, Hillary would have won.

They paid him 600k to get out of the race. That’s not a bad fucking.

She’s going to win the nom because everyone else will be in jail by then

do it bernbros, get him nominated!

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>77 year old commie jew

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>My rational is that Bernie might be a socialist old cracker, but he talks like a genuine person and not a fat cat politician or arrogant “Hillary” woman copycat.

>Never worked for one day in his life
>Not a fat cat politician

That old shit is a fraud.

Yes funny how when Obama left ISIS seem to leave with him. Almost as if he took them with him.

She’s unironically the best choice, but she’s not kosher enough and her campaign will be aborted in its infancy

Bullshit. No one other than dyed in the wool add would have voted for that seizuring hag. I’ll bet the only reason she won the states she did was illegals voting.

I don't see him in an executive role

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id watch her donkey show

me too
I want to know who can HEEHAWW the loudest

lol a man who praised Fidel Castro...

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Bernie is a spcialist antisemite though.

>Challenge me on that one.
why is every single post on Jow Forums an open challenge from people who don't browse it

like what the fuck faggot? what if nobody could be bothered arguing a non-point with you?

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>50 posts later

Fine, say yes or no then.

why she's on US Congress? She should dedicate to mate with a man, have kids... She would be more happier - I guess...

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>a fucking white male
>too old too


yang gang bang lol.

Bernie can't even stand up straight. Do you see him giving orders to generals? Giving pep talks to troops?

Hahah....nice try liberstan demoncrats......

Out of people I knew who originally supported him none ever bothered to be mad at the dnc or Hillary for not only losing the election but also shooting down their candidate. There’s no way he could ever get real support after that.

This. Sanders is a close second though. But dems will choose Biden or Kamala Harris and lose in 2020.

>Bernie Sanders is the best hope the Dems have to beat Trump
he should run as an independent. i dont know why he didnt wash his hands of the dems after the dnc fucked him over. he should know that he's still considered an outsider and the popular horses of the party "elite" are biden and warren. just fucking run as an independent, goddamit. cant you tell that people are tired of the two-party system? the media has never been more ready to give a voice to independent candidates.

Centrists are just useless. People are attracted to extremes. Nobody ever says 'I like fucking plain looking women'. Instead you have chasers of every imaginable extreme.

Who wouldn't Hillary whack if she could? We're all probably on a list of her's somwhere and the only reason we're still here to post is because three's just too many higher priority names above us.