How the fuck did the banks get away with the 2008 Financial Crisis? Why weren't people arrested, the banks broken up...

How the fuck did the banks get away with the 2008 Financial Crisis? Why weren't people arrested, the banks broken up, excessive financial speculation ended and and created higher taxes on the 1%?
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Someone down the line paid for it

Cause every politician has investments in banks or bank related shit, and they didn't want to lose it. What you think think they gave a shit if people lost their job or property. Fuck no, it was all about stock value and controlling the fall.

Public dumbed down, no one has a reaction to anything anymore, no one even knows how it happened to begin with.

>capitalism is bad

Socialism was worse.

The answer is (((obvious))), better question is why was there no revolt?

Because the banks themselves didn't do anything wrong. The ratings agencies did illegal shit and the lawsuits are still ongoing. The banks should've just not been bailed out.

>how did the jews who run the federal reserve, gov, media and intel agencies use a predetermined market crash to buy up the assets at 1/10 the value

doing anything but bailing them out and waggling a finger at them would've been socialism.

there were some people arrested but not top ceo's. The more wealth you have the more power you have. aka why Ivanka trump and hillary clinton didnt go to jail for using personal emails from business, while military generals in the US do. It's fucked desu

Because the people who would do the arrests and the people who should be arrested are best friends.

I'm not saying socialism is better, but that capitalism should be reformed. You know, it's not always one or the other. How the FUCK didn't we learn or do anything about the Financial Crisis?
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>How the fuck did the banks get away with the 2008 Financial Crisis?
Because Obama was no FDR and let them off softly and Mccain would have left them off even softer then Obama.
>Why weren't people arrested
Not enough People where arrested but here is one example if it occurring
Basically he ends up committing suicide on TV via Cyniade pill.

Media brainwashing. We are in the zombie apocalypse right now. People around you arent alive, theyre just kind of being.

Boomers own property, and bailing out the banks meant those properties would skyrocket in value, which happened. So as boomers have all the assets and stood to gain financially, they didnt want to say anyting against it. They just nag you into working for devalued currency knowing FULL FUCKING WELL no one can buy their houses. There is no demographic that exists that can buy my mums house, its just too big and remote.

Its like a pyramid scheme - they know its fucked, but they have to pretend in order to get you involved as doing so will make their stake in the game valuable

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The small guys that were NOT "too big to fail" got shafted and the fed printed off a few more billions. End of story.

Fiat currency that you can print into the 100s of billions from nothing is not "capital"

Equity and power.

This guy was just a millionaire. I remember seeing this video a long time ago.
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Isnt the federal reserve, the bank the bank the government owes money to a private bank?

What is quantitative easing?

When you (((own the realm))) you don't have to fear consequences for your actions.

>There is no demographic that exists that can buy my mums house, its just too big and remote.
So you're set up yeah?

Because people like this exist.

>being in favor of the currency backed by gold
What are we? Back in the 1920s? Fiat currency is much better unironically. Only goofey Austrian economists believe in this.

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Iceland jailed some bankers, everyone else was too afraid to take any action or reprisals.

Let's just hope they kill billions of people soon.

>he wants to “reform” the free market

What in “supply” and “demand” didn’t you understand? Banks failing is part of capitalism. Bailing them out is socialism. It’s not the banks fault that politicians are idiots.

The FED isn't a private bank, is it?

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Since the history of capitalism the government has been there in some form or another. During the 20s when there was a more "hands free" approach, guess what happened? The 1929 crash. And back when FDR made the New Deal and did things right for once the Americans saw the greatest economic development in its modern history: The Golden Age of Capitalism.

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Jews rule the Banks rule the Corporations rule the Politicians.

Politicians make the laws, and they're lower than the Banks on the chain of command. Therefore, Politicians obey bankers, and not vice versa.

Basically humans are stupid. Democrat. Republican. They all fall under one party. Lemming.

Holy shit. This. How fucking brain dead and RETARDED can anyone be to blame banks for profiting off what the Government literally incentivized them to profit on. Idiots have no idea what Freddie and Fannie even are. Holy shit you lib scum lying morons and all your useful retards need to be purged immediately.

This is a lie.

Research something called 'sub-prime mortgages,' and realize that housing accounts for rought 20% of America's GDP.

Banks gave out the mortgages that caused the collapse. They the risk, and deliberated targeted niggers and poor people, and anyone other demographic they assumed had low financial literacy.

Banks caused the collapsed, Bankers kept their commissions, and when the bubble burst, the tax-payers ended up footing the tab. Pretty clear that it was calculated and deliberate, even if you don't hate Jews (for some reason).

Kys. Seriously, you have nothing of value to contribute to the human race whatsoever. Just die.

It's the leftists that bailed them out, you ignorant cock sucker.

Ivanka didn't email classified info, and therefore did not violate the law.

Still unacceptable behavior, but not illegal.

The fault is on the government for knowing what was going on and not doing anything. The fact that the economy of the USA is basically finance now goes to show that most of the money is just finance and speculation and not a real productive economy.

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>banks broken up

>excessive financial speculation
What's excessive? You sound like an idiot who thinks greed on its own causes problems and not the fucked up system.

>higher taxes on the 1%
The fuck would this do, except fulfil a revenge fantasy?

What? Not bailing them out is socialism? The fuck?

Socialism vs Capitalism is a spook.

It's the world-wide equivalent of Republicans vs Democrats in America.

Both sides are predominately kike-controlled; it's a false dichotomy.


You calm your tits boomer.

One word:

Who do you think finances the politicians?

Research where SubPrime Mortgages are from you RETARD! The Federal Govermment invented the whole thing and in order to incentivize otherwise unwilling lenders, they promised to immediately buy any subprime trash mortgages originated and underwritten under the loosest of guidelines, so the lender would assume no long term risk of lending to shitheads with 400 credit scores on stated income. And not only did they promise to buy them, they did so AT A PREMIUM. So the banks would profit from not only the origination but also the subsequent sale to the government agency who would then broker a deal to another lender and give that lender a Federal Government insurance guarantee that the toxic loan would never default. So of course banks bought it, bc it was guaranteed/insured by the government. Then those pieces of shit were bundled up to mitigate the massive risk they posed and sold on the secondary market as mortgage backed securities, thus infecting the entire economy with socialist Gib cancer. KYS!!!!

This usually makes property less valuable in America. Is it the opposite in the UK?

Are you an objectvist Ayn Randian? Come back when you're over 18.
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>I'm not saying socialism is better, but that capitalism should be reformed
You don't know what you're talking about.

You don't know what you're talking about.

I'll tell you how: they embedded SJWs into Occupy Wall Street. I was there and normies started to get our attention and then overnight somehow a bunch of fags, traps, gutter punks and wooks just totally derailed all support and media progress we had achieved

Just because I’m surprisingly not as retarded as you are doesn’t mean I’m a boomer, and you should still kys immediately. Your life is a lie, and you peddle a horrible breed of ignorance. Just kys.

But this was because of the goddamned Bush administration, a republican.

Patronising post but you have the mental conceptions of a 14 year old. Your idea is that of a high school teacher who tells all her students muh greedy speculation caused the Great Depression.

illegal money (drugs)

The federal reserve is a private institution, complete with shareholders (compromised of it's member banks - America's lending institutions).

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Bailing them out IS socialism you ignorant faggot!

I honestly don't think the FED is really that bad. Plus, inflation is not out of control at all. Inflation also will always be better than rampant unemployment.

>Bailing them out IS socialism you ignorant faggot!
We have bailed them out and nope, no socialism here yet.

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I cant afford to live there. They have an aga. And it would mean constantly driving for literally anything

I think remote in america means 100s of miles. Remote in UK means 30/45 mins drive to town. Property in the country is expensive - yes.

At least you could walk away from a mortgage and not pay anymore, most other places you can't do that.

NO FAGGOT! It was because of Bill Clinton and his cunt Janet Reno, and her faggot friends Chris Dodd and Barney Frank! Who oversaw the Housing and Financial regulatory apparatus throughout the entirety of the Bush years, and for whom the law to remedy this pestilance they created was actually named!! You live in a massive fucking joke. We all do. Our government basically named the bill to supposedly fix the problem they caused after the two biggest pieces of shit reasons the problem existed in the first place. Think about that. Let that shit sink in real deep.

If banks didnt do anything wrong we wouldnt need a bailout in the first place.Now stop polluting the fresh air with your stinky existence and end your pathetic excuse of a life.

Thats not true.
There are probably around 100 people who know what happened.

But the amount of false information around the event is stagering. They litterally made multiple movies to tell people “how it happened” that are willfully wrong. I.e. they dont want the public to know.

It was the first time the adage WAKE UP SHEEPLE! Truly had meaning to me. Its not a joke they treat the masses like a flock of retarded semi sentient animals.

Ohhhh well quantitiative easing Ad Infinitim with some private equity thrown in to cause the retail apocolypse. LMAO

>Finding an opportunity to exploit people and get away with it makes that an acceptable course of action
Every single one of you is a literal nigger.

Not backed by gold necessarily, but a currency that maintains a fixed purchasing power. Im not interested in earning a currency that can be created into the 100s of billions at a whim

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For the same reason the upcoming crash won't see the people responsible hang. People are too scared to do what needs to be done, not to mention the fact that those in power will more often than not flee the moment shit hits the fan.
People should unironically hunt them down across the globe like the jews did way back when, but alas, people are stupid.

He isn't wrong tho

1. banks finance every politician's campaigns
2. any politician that wins is in their pocket
3. if they don't abide, retaliate massively in the next election, word spreads, politicians learn fast
4. banking lawyers, financial analysts and pr companies team up to find the next big profitable, easy to create, easy to sell financial scheme/loophole
5. banking lobbyists pressure/bribe/promise donations to congressmen to "loose the regulations a little bit" giving enough maneuverability for their appointed men heading the regulatory agencies to really loosen it up
6. congressmen and media sell it to the population as "for the good of the economy"
7. the finance sector goes to town, huge profits are made out of nothing, at best it creates a drain on the real economy, at worst a bubble emerges
8. financial analysts go to the media with the latest stats to confirm the "for the good of the economy" narrative
9. when the party has gone on for long enough, it's time to get real and socialize the costs of the venture
10. engineer financial contracts to push the bulk of the junk into the hands of the ones behind the curve, i.e. the broad public, public banks, pension funds, etc... just like in a pyramid, the last to come in end up paying it all
11. hope the crash that ensues is not too hard on the real economy
12. well, if it is, get the politicians to bail you out, because if it's bad with the banks, it's hell without them
13. bankers can't go to jail because they never did anything wrong, corporate campaign donations are legal, lobbying is legal, the rules were loosened up, etc.
14. suffer a minor setback with reinstated regulations
15. repeat the cycle: top 1% real income increase in the last 80 years = 260%; median real income increase in the last 80 years = 30%

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>doing anything but bailing them out and waggling a finger at them would've been socialism.

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>I honestly don't think the FED is really that bad
Oh ok, So this is a shill thread.
I see now

Salving losses in the private financial sector with public taxpayer money is socialism.

So you can’t even read what I’m saying or actually refute the facts in my arguments and are resorting to mindless, incredibly glib reasoning. “People who bludgeon others with meat cleavers aren’t to blame, it’s the meat cleavers! Ban meat cleavers! And say sorry to the people doing the bludgening. Like their boots and their soft pussies. Do it!” That’s you. Lick that filthy government pussy, you donkey fuck. Lick it good.

This. Watch your fiat currency and my fiat currency's purchasing power go down to nothing as Qualitative Easing dumps billions more into the economy out of thin air

>quote by David Ricardo
>picture of Malthus
What the fuck, are you trying to look stupid? Here it is kiddo. The gold backed currency is not coming back. It's been gone ever since Nixon and it will stay that way for decades to come. We can't just do away with government on a whim and think it'll solve all of our problems. There has never been an Austrain economist or Anarchocapitalist economy ever in the history of mankind. Neoliberal policies don't work. The economy is not just finance and the Ayn Randian greed is not bad by itself but it is when it is paid with other people's money. That's how the financial system worked. Things went to shit, and the American people paid for it. So far the Objectivist movement has done nothing but harm. Period.

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Democratically elected stooges are incompetent?!?!? Whom could have forseen this eventuality?

It is terrifying how incompetent those in power are. It is incomprehensible

Who's this unattractive lady?

It is. But it was promised. It was what the government promised to do when these rancid mortgages they fostered and artificially boosted that they expected bailouts in the first place. Goddamn. Think about this shit for a second.

Lol at jew nigger. The universe will right itself. Jew niggers will get karma

Well, the definition of 'remote' here varies a lot depending on the state, really.

In state where I am, anything about an hour or more out of the city is usually considered remote. In some of our bigger, less populated states like Montana, Texas, or Wyoming, you could probably bump it up to about two or three hours of driving (here's where it would be 100s of miles).

Interesting though - one thing that is pretty consistent across the states, is that further away you are from the city, the cheaper land tends to become. In some rare cases, you can find plots of remote raw land for less than $1,000/acre.

Housing is still bitch though. Our housing industry is incredibly fucked - especially when you consider our abundance of good land.

>I honestly don't think the FED is really that bad
because you're an idiot

>inflation is not out of control at all
you have no idea what inflation is. it's an increase in the money supply, not an increase in the general level of prices. looking at it this way, you can see the problems it has. the people who get the new money first benefit and so this creates a class of people who just want to profit from the inflation.

>better than rampant
take away power from unions and get rid of the minimum wage then. the whole point of inflation is to get past the resistance in the system which stops wages falling

Its from this presentation.

Everyone on the thread should watch it its really good

B-b-but muh human nature!

No socialism for the masses
But hyper socialism for the elites.

Maybe socialism isnt the word for their just printing money for themselves and extracting wealth.

It is. It’s supremely depressing at first, then you learn, and start betting on their impending failures. Works. Like. A. Charm.

Pol economics threads are almost worse than the blacked, shill, and discord tranny treads.
Because you could almost imagine having a good discussion but 90% of the posters are economically illiterate, plus you deal with the trolling. In the aforementioned threads at least you know your just shitting in a ocean of shit. These threads are like a cock tease that could almost be good but disappoints lmao

All the private banks should be closed. The only banks allowed to exist should be the STATE BANK owned 100% by the state

I see your shill methods are well practiced. Ayn Rand is not libertarian. And I never said "gold backed currency > > please read again if you are too retarded to understand

I didn't say that at all. The free market moderates greed. It civilises it, you could. The government removed the checks on this (i'm not talking about Glass-Steagall repeal, you stupid cunts) and that allowed greed to run amok. OP is a mong that doesn't understand this.

no it's not, what we have is corporatism. A country run by and for the mega corporations.

best post

They didn’t just remove the checks, fool. They literally incentivized the lending. They promoted it. THEY SUBSIDIZED IT!

OPs retarded. Just watch these:

The Hidden Secrets Of Money









Part 9:

Part 10:

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Watch these too

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>Bank bailouts
>Corporate subsidies
>Social housing
>Stock buybacks
>Fiat currency
>Quantitative Easing
>Central banking
>Too big to fail
>World Bank
>International Monetary Fund

arent "capitalism". If capital can be created at will its not capital. All those things listed affect the purchasing power of ALL the currency in circulation - it affects the collective.

this is communism - global communism.

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Gold has been valuable to societies all over the earth for 1000s of years. This reason alone makes gold valuable - because it has 1000s of years of reliability. There were no iPhones or tech in medieval times yet gold was valuable. As long as the aristocracy values gold - its valuable.

Money HAS TO BE:
>Intrinsically valuable

time and time again people try to replace real money with something else and it fails every time, and what are those people forced to revert back to? GOLD
Gold is the ONLY substance (along with silver) that has ALL the properties needed and meets all the requirements to be defined as money.

It is these properties that gives gold INTRINSIC value.

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Think about it for a second, who do you think pushed the government to create this rancid scheme in the first place?

Ive never met anyone in my life whom knows how the finacial crash occured.

Its not like you can just go read a newspaper (they purposefully lied) or read the court documents (they were protected) or watch the popular accounts in media (disinformation)

You bluster in with all your bravado but I guarantee you dont understand how or why AIG and the Big Banks orchastrated the whole boondoggle.

Just a standard level con. Not even complex desu. There are around 5 operating on a macro scale in the economy right now.

>not bad by itself but it is when it is paid with other people's money
No, idiot. If you borrow someone else's money and you can't pay it back, you go bankrupt. How much of a mong can you be?

>There has never been an Austrain economist or Anarchocapitalist economy ever in the history of mankind. Neoliberal policies don't work.
If Austrian and Neoliberal are the same, why are you blaming the free market? You just said it had never been tried so how can you say it doesn't work?

If they're not the same, why are you criticising the Austrian school for the neoliberal policies supposedly at play?

You guys are confused as fuck.

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>Yes! The state! They do everything so well! That’s the lesson!

How in the fuck can you live another day without KNOWING you are among the dumbest and biggest of turds in the toilet bowl?

lmao, nice seething retard. I see that you get all of your information of economics through lectures from YouTube like a total retard instead of recommending books. Kys.

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>because everyone has 8 hours to waste watching conspiracy theory quackery. Take your chicanry elsewhere

Theyre just accessible