Most intelligent Dem in the primary

>Most intelligent Dem in the primary
>Would benefit whites the most
>Wants UBI because automation is inevitable
Yet Jow Forums hates him. Why?

Attached: andrewyang.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

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stop spaming this chink cianigger

Do you honestly think Yang can win dem primaries?

What about DNC super pacs?

Who gives a fuck about foreign policy and immigration and all these bull shit talking points we go round and round about every election cycle that have no bearing on 99% of our lives? Give us something actually tangible that will help us. That sweet cash

Attached: yang car.png (611x403, 527K)

Nobody hates Chang except paid shills

Pol is just contrarian. That hate what’s popular. I guess the constant leftists posting mind numbing bait daily will do that but oh well.

I literally saw a retard in another thread defending amazon and their egregious use of tax loopholes just to spite yang posters. This board is completely boomerfied

Chingchong has the discord tranny seal of approval

Jow Forums is a zionist board now

DNC is way too corrupt, he'll never make it out

Do any of you shills realize that even if he got elected, which he can’t, he still can’t just enact UBI? It would require an act of Congress. You do know that, right?

>Wants UBI because automation is inevitable
If it's inevitable how about we wait until it actually happens first?


>he wants to buy your vote with $1000/month
>and poorfags think they'll be better off under such a plan

Attached: Universal Goyim Income.jpg (643x1107, 132K)

Because hes a gun grabbing commie stealing wealth to give to retards. The only thing that cures leftism is being forced into the real world, with ubi that will never happen

90% just don't give a shit, but you are forcing him way too much which causes annoyance in most people.

then you have nothing to fear from his "anti-gun" policies,do ya?

>trick goyim into sucking the UBI tit
>demand they gib their guns over or they cut their UBI payments
>grudgingly comply afterall no other means to live
>cut UBI just because

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he declare national emergency

I'm voting for him.

Giving people 1k a month gives people financial freedom and also gives people freedom to decide what they do with it, they can invest it on their house and make a profit or buy crack.
That's true freedom.
Not when some politician spends your taxes for a inflated budget on a phony project that his buddies in a construction company get rich while the politicians get kick backs.

I don't expect kangaroo fuckers to get this by the way.

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And productive members of society that don't want parasites bleeding us dry.

Which part of FREE MONEY do you not understand
FREE or the MONEY ?

I don’t believe they’ll interfere with this election like they did last time, it was far too costly and it hurt their image and demographic to explicit pick sides and shill corporate

I’m unpaid uWu

go fuck yourself

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how the fuck can you have UBI with open borders

imagine being so envious and poor that you try to subvert a country that you don't even live in because you want to be a nigger crab in a bucket and bring everyone down to your nigger poor level.

amazin.. Stay mad outback queer.

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It has happaned already, the amount of retail workers are shrinking every month or so. Usually people don’t wait until the worst consequences come into fruition before making a plan to prevent a disaster, unless they’re retarded


You can't. That read the policy retard, there will be greater accountability on who is a citizen because you now will be entitled gibs.


Yes, make a chinese guy president so China will completely own the USA.

If this was the case you could confiscate every gun from welfare recipients if you really wanted to. Also assuming UBI is enacted and is working how the fuck are you going to try to confiscate guns from every adult American in the country,

saged this shit

I ain't a poorfag who needs to DREAM about getting $1000 a month :^)

KYS, shill

He is from taiwan

Idk if you guys watched Trump's CPAC speech. He's still ridiculously popular. Bernie's also doing great. I don't think Yang has a chance.

and? Insectoids are insectoids.

Automation been happening through all of human history, retards.

he's from upstate new york

>automation is inevitable
getting real sick of these what is reasonings

I'm ready... are you?

Attached: YangGang.jpg (882x960, 80K)

This is basically Ron Paul 2012 or rand Paul 2016 all over again

Asians seem like the whitest of all immigrants

>It’ll work, trust me
The calling card of every failure ever

It's ok if Yang doesn't win. He probably doesn't even want the Presidency that much.
After 2020 he'll just go on a book tour and that'll easily make him a multi-millionaire.
But between Bernie and Trump, I want Trump to win.

It's in progress. Robots have even started flipping burgers.

They haven't fixed the super pac system yet.

>Yet Jow Forums hates him. Why?

He's an obvious PRC plant.

They have automated almost every industrial process/thing (that's why it's called an *auto*mobile faggot) and there is no UBI.

Wtf automation are they specifically referring to, as in, can we see data protections?

It is obvious this is just another of (((their))) attempt at class warfare by casting spells. Automation used to be an objective word with a specific definition. Now it is like 'climate change™', just subjective babel.
You'd get as much objective information from talking to someone speaking in tongues.

'UBI' doesn't even make linguistic sense to start with. It isn't universal, it isn't basic and it isn't an income.

how can he be a PRC plant if he's anti-China and pro-privacy?

Notice how Ivanka in her latest interview was all over issues like automation and job replacement. Trump camp is trying to get out in front of Yang because they're rightfully terrified his siren song of NEETbux will steal a fraction of their dedicated tendies base.

>>Would benefit whites the most

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except for you know the white immigrants

i hope donald shits a brick so hard all the zionist cocks fall out of his ass along with it

tucker is the prime mover there though, not yang

Don't get too excited, Yang isn't getting the nomination and everybody knows that. The only question is how much does he bring the issue of automation to the forefront.

Judging by Ivanka's interview, the Trump response seems to be
>we need to get better at re-training people to enter the workforce
which is kind of a flaccid answer

>being this envious

I'll send you some vegemite when I get my neetbux ya sour cunt. ;^)

Because the memes will be better if jew man wins

>amnesty for illegal immigrants
>amnesty for druggies
> wants to tax the middle-class into oblivion via UBI + welfare
>wants to make puerto rico a state

Try as you may, tranny, you cant chane Jow Forumss soul. This forced meme will fail, just like it did with AOC

Jow Forums has no collective soul

Yang is legit. He's the only one not giving into bs identity politics.

Jow Forums does have a soul, and its easier to say what its not than what it is.

Your talking points are shit, get a more interesting script.

What state of societal decay are we at when FREE MONEY populism becomes a real thing?

>Jow Forums does have a soul
it has a core principle that all ideas should compete equally to see which is the best
beyond that there is no hivemind

Yang also says he wants to legalize weed.

>why does pol hate x
Internet Hate Machine

I’m convinced of one thing. Only one person is mentioning this tranny thing. This tranny board does not exist if it did you “nice shilling discord tranny” fags would find it and link proof. Seeing as you have not I draw two conclusions 1. You are too low iq to back your words up with fact. 2.You are one of the many people who come here to shill. I don’t expect you to respond your no response triggers the “gasp! I’ve been found out.” Scenario. This board is one giant pysop meant to test how easy it is to get morons to move in one direction and how much stimulus is required to do so. I reckon on this entire board only 8 maybe 10 people have an in above 100. Anyone who says discord tranny is to immediately be equated with liberals who get really mad at a MAGA hat.

This. There might be a few schizos and autists who oppose him for being Asian or think he’s 100% CONFIRMED CHINESE AGENT (based on... his parents being Taiwanese?) but everyone is Gang Yang


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More gibbs would be heaven for neetposting

Call yourself productive when you lose your job.

90% of jobs will be gone in 25 years. Just google future technologies, automation and nano-robots mainly.

>everyone is a slave to the place their parents came from

Oy vey

I guess the Jews will have to print more fiat money

because it will make the damage much worse
and it has already happened partly, even more is coming though
truck drivers and related jobs will be the big one next, call center workers too




I'd rather be an insect than a nigger any day of the week.

so if you're already financially stable you can spend your $1,000 a month on weed

>t. paid shill

>Most intelligent Dem in the primary
That's a mighty low bar there user.
>Would benefit whites the most
A bugman and democrat cares about wypipo?
My lungs aren't big enough to hold the air required for the laugh that deserves.
>Wants UBI because automation is inevitable
Advertises UBI because he wants to buy votes with someone else's money.
>Yet Jow Forums hates him. Why?
Because Jow Forums is not stupid and shortsighted enough to fall for this bullshit.
>be (you)
>know that every politician is a liar
>listen to bugman politician speak
>believe him
>pic related

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>not voting for free money
user, if weapons companies can do it and the government taxes you up the wazoo anyway, why not?
I would feel zero guilt given the amount of tax evasion done by richfags and foreign companies in this country, and the pettiness of normalfags

Yang weed

Brainlet fucking retard

They gave up on the AOC spam and then just switched to Yang

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Where do you think most of the ubi would go to?

>That hate what’s popular.

Yang is so insignificant they're not even polling people on him.

He's going to get 0.0001% of the vote.

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How would universal basic income even work? I mean, right now people are paying taxes to sustain the government, but with UBI the government will pay people?

Because maybe it will have more consequences on the economy and human ambition thats more important than being able to buy a couple more video games and funko pops a month.

>A bugman and democrat cares about wypipo?
He says he does.

Have you seen the rogan interview?

im guessing it's going to be funded by a levy on automation

Keep in mind you are actively arguing that he should vote against his own self interests

We don't hate anyone We point out stupidity when we see it UBI is basically what Valenzuela had before it collapsed I rest my case

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>He says he does.
I say I'm the fucking reincarnation of Jesus Christ come to exact retribution. Do you believe me?
I've seen the interview.
I've also known a number of Taiwanese chinks over the years and not one of them could be trusted.

Yes because its short-sighted and will likely bite everyone in the ass in the long run.
There's no such thing a free money. Why not get good job so you don't have to care about government handouts?

Yang is a kike shill

>he actually believes in the human ambition meme and le social consequences
Large companies have done more damage to the system by evading taxes and using it to automate work

Did you lose your job at the toothpaste factory user?
Get a job that won't be automated in your lifetime.

Why not take every single dollar we send to Israel and instead re-invest it in the people?

that isn't the point retard