
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
WH Public Pool/Schedule: publicpool.kinja.com/

>NSA Bolton on FoxNewsSun 3/3/19
>NSA Bolton on FtN 3/3/19
>NSA Bolton on (((Fake News))) 3/3/19
>Pres Trump @CPAC 2019 3/2/19
>CPAC 2019 Day 3 3/2/19
>NECDir Kudlow on Ingraham 3/1/19
>VP Pence @CPAC 2019 3/1/19
>ARRR Nige @CPAC 2019 3/1/19
>ActCoS Mulvaney @CPAC Reagan Dinner 3/1/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 3/1/19
>Lara Trump on F&F 3/1/19
>KAC on FoxNews 3/1/19
>KAC on SiriusXM 3/1/19
>Giuliani on OAN 3/1/19
>Amb Cohen @UNSC on Burundi 3/1/19
>Amb Cohen @UNSC on Silencing Guns in Africa 3/1/19
>SpecRep4Venezuela Abrams @UN Presser on Venezuela 3/1/19
>StateDept Press Brief (SpecRep4Venezuela Abrams) 3/1/19
>StateDeptVideo: Wildlife Trafficking 3/1/19
>CPAC 2019 Day 2 3/1/19
youtu.be/XThVZcS8sfc (full)
youtu.be/sazQvN37to8 (KAC)
c-span.org/video/?458347-38/ (Don Jr)
c-span.org/video/?458347-1/ (searchable speaker)

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:




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>tfw filename
why is america no longer the leader of the food world?

Attached: ywn have this vending machine.webm (720x480, 1.98M)


Blumpf is a kike. Reply if you agree!

I wonder if another thread will go by where magapedes refuse to rationalize Trump's zionism and instead plug their ears and scream shill

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Post that don't receive more than 3 (you)s aren't really worthy of reading imo.

Finish the last thread before moving on. You chose to respond at the bump limit.

QRD on the conservatives being as united now as they were for kav? What was that in relation to? Also if you haven't watched the CPAC 3 hour Trump Rally go now and watch it, glorious!

Trump has been a kike since he began his campaign. He even bragged about his pro-kike credentials. No one has any right to be surprised. His foreign policy has still been less kiked though.

thats what i need, a mash potato machine. our a wife.

Waiting for replies that aren't going to happen, care to address the point instead of attempting to moderate how and when I post?

shills start with the same thing after they get assblasted last thread thinking nobody will see them as static noise, SAD

Build the Wall! Has been reduced to nothing more than just another empty, meaningless campaign slogan. But then again that’s all it ever was.

The REAL unemployment rate in the US is around 18%, so the last thing this country needs is another 10 million unassimilable third world savages with no marketable skills putting even more of a strain on government services. Yet our hostile alien “elite” want them here just the same. There is apparently no upper limit to the number of invaders we are expected to accommodate. Fuck the jews. Hope Russia or Iran scrub those fucking faggot, pedo cock smokers off the map.

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QRD - help the meaning... tnx
It is not a ham radio Q code

he endorsed Bibi for Prime Minister back in 2013, hence why their relationship in particular has been one of the warmest with any world leader


>why do I never get the answers I want to see for my narrative REEEEEEE

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>inb4 veto
Imagine this headline...These stupid cunts.

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In ghettos they can't even keep machines like that, the niggers break all the buttons by punching them. Fucking retarded apes. lol

Donkey Kong was a game about a big dumb ass nigger rolling barrels at the white man for wanting his white woman back.

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Welcome to /ptg/ post April 2017. Zero criticism allowed in the cuckservative's version of the Obama cult of personality.

>That schizo leaf from the last thread with 25 posts of muh jews

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You have multiple replies. I suppose you have nothing further to add so you're just going to repost the same pasta over again as if the last thread never happened like the worthless kike you are. So are you going grace us with nonstop yang shilling tonight as well? At least mix up your lies and bait. Try giving the illusion your not paid to spam.

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newfag just google it at urban dictionary

Tor | signal | Tor

lurk more

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He was in the 2004 march on this as well. That he's personal friends with Bibi is a given since (((Kushner))) hangs around with him. The thing is that all of this was known. I don't know what anyone expected regarding Trump not being a kike. It's his about face on immigration that's the real betrayal. His foreign policy has been decent by itself.

>hurr durr the jews hold the levers of power
>hurr durr why is he working with them in any capacity
Are you a Spencerite glow nigger or one of the fellas that cut their dick off, put on pink sneakers and demand to be called "ma'am"? Lel men thinking it's a sane choice to cut off their dicks has got to be the worst case of mental illness I've heard of, so terrible you can only laugh, haha, he cut his dick off? Faaark haha that's fucked

Trump is still honestly the worst fucking president

is this where AC/DC got the idea for that song from?

Nah Woodrow Wilson was worse

then go back to there

Name a better one out of the last 6.

>I'd give it all to go back to Jow Forums the night trump won

before the sellouts,cucking, and otherwise failure that is his presidency.

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Don't worry 9/11/ 2.0 is in the works to draw attention from this and save him from his lame duck status going into 2020.

Carter was based and redpilled.

Its good to see a president that puts G-d's chosen people first! Together we will Build Israel Great Again!

>He was in the 2004 march on this as well.
he was the Grand Marshal of the 2004 Salute to Israel Parade

Attached: Salute to Israel Parade.jpg (700x467, 159K)

Wilson and LBJ. Especially Wilson.

Not until after 2020, friend!

What is this image conveying?

>thinking people get this nostalgic over shitposts
no user
you just keep churning

don't forget Lyndon B. Johnson and FDR and King Nigger

Enjoy your jihadists.

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>assblasted last thread
nobody answered the question, they merely screamed shill, as you did, the standard canned response in the face of a hard question.

Try not being an NPC.

Why can't any single one of you answer the question without regressing to the same narrative?

>yang shilling
Where did I advocate for Yang? your implied false dichotomy is not an argument and nobody has answered my question, anybody can see that for themselves. Calling me a shill is not an answer nor is it particularly intelligent and it makes your argument appear weak.

standard Pavlovian response, see above.

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Carter a retard.

That's the one I mean. Look, the guy's entire family is jewed.His kike credentials were blindingly obvious from the start.

>eating anything coming out of a nozzle that probably hasn't been cleaned since being installed

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It's amazing how people genuinely believe this shit. Frightening, really, but amazing still.

Typical. Randlet once again showing his true colors but pretending it's MUH PRINCIPLES.

I am pretty sure Bolton probably died years ago but because he was granted ways to serve israel his boomer neoconservatism keeps him alive

>Called “Keep America Safe,” the painting shows President Trump holding the key to a lock on a proverbial white picket fence, with the American flag flying high in the background.

>“President Trump holds the key to American prosperity for now and future generations,” wrote McNaughton on his website. “If you have a special place worth protecting you always require permission to enter. Weeds crawl the fence and seek to overrun the garden of our beautiful land. This metaphor is the perfect word for those who steal from the American people and choke out the prosperity and safety of the garden of our homeland.

>McNaughton also references the plants growing within and outside the fence, pointing out that the so-called “weeds” shouldn’t be allowed to enter the garden being protected by the president.

>“A weed cannot be tolerated long before it grows out of control and chokes out the true plant that bears fruit,” he writes. “The only plants that should be allowed in the garden are those which are selected, planted, nurtured, and are properly placed. Otherwise, the garden will fail.”

Last night you shilled yang for hours. Often with those same pics. You know it, I know it, and half the other anons know it because the same fucks are here every night.

Never EVER get the lemonade

He's a neocon lich. The closer he is to Israel the more his mustache grows. Soon he will be able to telepathically start wars in the middle east.

The undercurrent of Communism in /ptg/ is revealed by how dissidents are interpreted through dialectics.

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Buchanan always wins this pissing contest because having multiple states secede from the union and a literal civil war breaking out as you leave office is hard to top in the fuck up department.

oh this question sure let me answer it:
because you are here at 5am on a monday crying on a thread made to someone you hate.

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>showing his true colors
Please you interns drop people like nothing around here when you're told to.

and still all jews wanted Hillary to win and all their plans for Greater Israel are thrown to the shredder day in and day out

>everybody who posts memes I don't like is the same person
I do not support Yang nor am I particularly interested in him as a topic. Your implied argumentum ad populum is not an argument. Care to answer the question, or will you merely deflect again?

You didn't answer the question.

Why is it impossible for you people to answer a simple question?

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Perhaps you haven't realized this yet but Bolton simply loves war. Israel gives him an opportunity to indulge in his one true love but he would just as easily bomb them as well if he could or anyone else.

is that a dog seal chimera?

>Why is it impossible for you people to answer a simple question?
A better question would be
Why do you make yourself so obvious?

the answer is:
because you are here at 5am on a monday crying on a thread made to someone you hate.

>Israel gives him an opportunity to indulge in his one true love but he would just as easily bomb them as well if he could or anyone else.
Imagine actually being this retarded and not pretending? Like hell Bolton would cross them, ever.

Trumps a faggot, we yang gang now

Yes, his foreign policy is better, that's what I've been saying. Despite surrounding himself exclusively with neocons and preaching endlessly about how much he loves Israel, Assad is further ahead than he was three years ago, getting him out of power has been abandoned and there's negotiations to fuck off from Afghanistan. All he needs to do is avoid invading Venezuela and he'll be your best president on foreign policy in decades.

bull terrier

>still mysteriously unable to answer the question

Why do you support zionism? It would appear as though you have an agenda

Don't say that about Guardian of Zion Bolton. He loves G-d's chosen people.

>Perhaps you haven't realized this yet but Bolton simply loves war.
bullshit, you act like Bolton is some kind of bloodthirsty hawk itching for any and every excuse to deploy US forces and assert our military power on the geopolitical stage.

now let me go ahead and take a big sip of water while checking out his Twitter feed and see what he's up t...

Attached: bolton (2).jpg (504x392, 80K)

>It would appear as though you have an agenda
Well see now you're just assuming things

>same leaf memeflag
>same pics
>same ranting about zionism
Yes that was you though i do believe you are not genuinely a fan of yang or honestly believe anything you post. Your the worst form the shill. True jelly like slime that believes nothing. Oh and you got your answer in the last thread and chose to ignore as you often do.

>Let's ignore congress
>And instead attack Trump for an agenda stymied by congress
>Or for not having fired up the ovens yet when congress passed the Israel support package with near unanimous consent

That's really good.

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It's my first day today. I have AUTISM

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Bolton has literally never insinuated anything remotely resembling disagreement with Israel at any level for the entirety of his life. What historically happens is that when Israel gets annoyed at country X, suddenly Bolton wants to start a war with that country. Granted, as a neocon boomer he will always want to be constantly interfering in South America as well.

If Israel thought that the Dutch had shortchanged them on a weapons exchange agreement you'd start hearing Bolton murmur about how the Netherlands is a great evil that must be destroyed.

Bolton is not bill krystol. He honestly is a warmonger in its purest form. Thats why even in DC he elicits fear.

We've always known congress was shit. The difference is, SOME OF US thought Blumpf would've dissolved congress and declared himself living Constitution by now. There's literally nothing stopping him from doing this. Unfortunately, he's a huge pussy who only cares about tax cuts and Israel.

i don't support zionism leaf, i support Trump because you come here everyday to cry because of it :D

>trying to establish a narrative instead of answering the question
care to link me to the post where I posted that image in last night's thread? surely such a claim can be verified thanks to the archives.

Nobody can answer the question.. how strange

This fucking puppet doesn't realize he's about to walk into an assassination that give's Bolton and the rest of the neocohen cabinet their wet dream.

>same ranting about zionism
I really wish people on this site would stop painting zionism in a negative light.

You're right, he's worse because he's actually in the cabinet and holds sway.

>I support trump because zionism angers national socialists
brilliant method

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That's why everyone who attacks Trump is called a shill.
Because they act like the presidency is some kind of absolute monarch position and that if something does or does not happen it is 100% in Trump's control. When in fact there is a complex network of political forces that they ignore. Rather than attack people against Trump's agenda they attack Trump. So either those people are so ignorant about politics that they attack Trump genuinely or they attack Trump because they want (D)s to win

The end of the demoshits
As it turns out human interaction is relatively simple. Performing engineering work is a lot harder.

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you don't know shit about how the goverment works then

No, it's probably just homebrew ear cropping gone bad.
Because humans are the greatest!

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>A leaf
>National Socialist

>When in fact there is a complex network of political forces
Okay boomer take your aged take on local and geopolitics elsewhere because you had all your life to figure this shit out and you didn't. Let those with brains not hooked on ZOG take the lead.

Bernie hasn't solved the ACTBLUE -> ACTBLUES cutoff at AMALMAGATED BANK pass by the "NGP_VAN" road agents.
All this while ignoring the retarded SOCIALISM part of the noise

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That guy is a faggot of the highest order.
>Protest for me!
He says while hiding in Colombia.

lol the hitlerniggers are triggered.

And he's in the cabinet exactly because hes an attack dog that will turn on anyone. Also in the cabinet or no krystol held plenty of sway in 2003.