Why Was Adolf Hitler the Greatest Man to Ever Live?

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Not the greatest,but good enough.
Nice try

He did great things. Terrible, oh yes, but great.

It depends. Jesus has what, 3 to 4 BILLION followers? But it took him 2000 years to get that many. Hitler on the other hand got to power in 4 years and turned Germany around in 6. He got things done.

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What was terrible?

Where's my wand bitch?

Sometimes I think they're the same.

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I miss him.

had he accomplished what he should have accomplished, he would be among the greats
NOT because of the things he believed in and the society he helped build. Just because he would have defended europe.

But he didn't. So he's just a dreamer who ran to argentina (I really believe he did)

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Do you pass inspection, user?

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now that the future has unfold , showed me how TERRIBLY RIGHT HE WAS.

he is in the list of greatest ever to exist .

This is genuinely/unironically and in a non cringey way... POWERFUL

Because he killed 50 million crackers and ruined europe

Hard to say with absolute certainty anyone is the greatest but he was definitely up there near the top.

>why not add another

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Simple answer, because he killed the most amount of jews.

He wasn't even real. Germany didn't even exist until 1953. It was all a psyop

>Or even a fourth

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He was one of the greatest for sure. It breaks my heart that his name gets slandered in media and how everyone seems to be cool with it. War was won by the wrong side, sure Japs needed few nukes to become better, but still the wrong side won the war. We live now in a kali-yuga and not even your great grand children will see the greatness of what can be accomplished by mankind, they will be eternal slaves to the Jew and their cursed bull. Humanity will never advance past the limit set by the Jew, and everyone will become enslaved to the Jew and mankind will accept it, thanks to the teachings of Marxism, with tolerance and apathy, the last virtues of a dying society.

If only you knew how bad things really are


He didn't kill any, Jew. But he did expose you as the eternal enemy of mankind, forever.

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>implying a degenerate weak cartoon based Nation is better than a hardened/cultured Fascist state of history.

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Adolf Hitler makes me erect no joke

Second. You know who’s number one.

that degenerate nation also happens to be the leading innovator and manufacturer in electronic tech, and Jews don't influence them at all these days, because Jews can't shapeshift into Japanese... I highly doubt they would have reached such heights with feudal groupthinking.

He was great, but the greatest? That's debatable. He would be the greatest man if he won though

You? I'm not a jew.

>He got things done.
what were the net effects of his leadership, when comparing early 1933 to late 1945?
You know what good leaders don't do? Drag their countries into unwinnable wars.

I genuinely wish for people like you to commit suicide.

Disgrace to your nation. Hitler was based

Because he smashed one goy nation after another killing tens of millions, driving the chosen ones to the holy land?

yes you are you fucking faggot. I can smell the stink from here

> Kill millions of innocent jews
> Capture the only jews that are really worth killing (Rotschilds)
> Let them leave the country freely

Hitler the was certainly the greatest idiot to ever live!

He did get things done 1933 to 1939

he dragged? How about others dragged him? History is not filled with villains and heroes Hans time to grow up.

>kills million of white people
>throws Europe into ruin and war

Pic related

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Yes, the meek, short-sighted vegetarian wimp with the lazy eye and short-sighted, greedy tactics was the world's greatest man. You know, if you want to admire a good German, at least pick somebody somebody worthwhile like Rommel or Kaiser Wilhelm. You know, strong, masculine role models and not this pathetic manlet.


>kill millions of white people
>throw Europe into literal suicide

Jesus is #1
#2 is probably someone like Isaac Newton, just in terms of what he contributed
Hitler is top 5, probably

I suppose you've earned the Iron Cros First Class, jude?

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He got more of his own men killed than anyone ever.
Caesar was and is the greatest mortal to be,

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Slavs are literal Jews

>Caesar was and is the greatest mortal to be
Caesar is in the top 15 easily. How was Augustus as a leader?

the absolute state of dehumanized Germanistanians.
Come to Canada, here you can still find the literature you need to understand the war in its full context.
Canada is one of the last countries that you can still do this.

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Did you know he had an illegitimate son?

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>absolute retard

Dude get over your fucking anime ffs, when have Japs had a total creative thought? The thing is that they are an intelligent race and that progression continued after the War but by no means did anime somehow advance them.

Get over your disgusting degenerate kids cartoons made by Japapes. Anime is faggoty and made for autists. There are only 5 good ones and a few just normal kids show ones.

Also you imply group thinking to be somehow counter productive, let me guess you'r an "individualist"?

>nigger making comments on Poland
56% and dropping.
>attack other countries without even declaring war on them
>execute and bomb their civilians
>blame Allies for this shit

>allies declare war on you
>beg them for peace
>they ignore all requests
>they corner you into going to war

If Hitler didn't have to deal with you Jew-loving commie Slavs he might have won.

>conquer other countries and still bomb civilians
>start losing cause Cyka Blyad Rush Berlin
>beg for peace cause you know you will lose
>Allies says fuck you
This site is for people over 18

the man who wanted to exterminate the slavs couldn't be anything but a good man at his core

no you are the retard

nowhere in my posts I mentioned anime you fucking schizo, if I ever were to mention anything it would be Mishima Yukio

show me a single reference, document or order with regards to general plan ost.

He should be stopped his megalomaniac urges after 1940. He fucked things beyond reparation invading the Soviet Union and declaring war to US. Sad thing, cause he and the Nazis does a lot of things well before that.

He wanted Poland for territories lost in WW1 they had before, now the morality of that is debatable but he did not intend to go to war with any country nor did he have other territorial ambitions, and he asked for peace from the Allies mutiple times

You are dumber then gorilla but it's expected from a nigger with 60 IQ. You are too dumb to grasp it.

>exterminate the slavs
Like he "exterminated" the Jews?

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One letter exists, but there is absolutely zero proof it made it high up the government, let alone be seen by Hitler or even approved

They had to invade the USSR. He fucked up by interfering in Barbarossa and diverting Army Group Centre south and delaying the assault on Moscow.

Where did you read or hear that? In some History Channel documentary?

Grasp what? That Poland had the most Jews of any country in Europe at that time?

>be me
>watch look who is back at night.
>go to bed
>Im in a large gathering of people
>there is no order, people are dancing around laughing.
>spot a beautiful woman dressed like a typical concert fan.
>she fades away in dancing.
>after a while i realise im in political gathering.
>people gathered here to stop the evil nazis gathering.
>im one of them.
>i go to the side where they are.
>the are standing in rows and infront of them are 2 men
>it is Adolf and a sort of seargent next to him
>i walk up to them.
>people are calling me to curse them, spit them, hit them.
>i stand in front of Him and he looks at me.
>after a few seconds i only say: "You are the bravest man that has ever walked this earth".
>the sgt next to him immidiately grabs my left hand and pulls me to their ranks.
>i take my place among them.
>"would you like something to drink?" a voice next to me says
>it is young woman, she is wearing no makeup and her hair are pulled in a knot behind
>she is not beautiful in todays standards but hold a simplicity of a working woman and has pretty feautures like blue eyes and blond brown hair.
>"i do not drink..." i tell her and she looks sad.
>i realise she was trying to make me feel welcomed.
>"...but if you have some apple or orange juice..."
>she brightens up and smiles and goes to get me some.
>i look in front of me and see only one figures' back and bright light infront of him
>it is Hitler walking steadily towards the people who hate us.
>i realise that this is not just a gathering but we are soldiers preparing for battle. Either political or physical.
>i wake up

It is a real dream.

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He asked for peace with UK several times, but after the Hess incident he lose his mind and goes for the Soviet Union. Open that second front was catastrophic.

Only man to stand up to these filthy parasite Jews.

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I read of his territorial ambitions in Mein Kampf, and if you want to see his requests for peace you can find them

Yes, he was without a doubt the greatest man to ever live.

>tfw he was our last chance to save humanity

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Swedish girls are so beautiful too. It's a shame you're getting blacked.

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forgot vid

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Nah he admired the Spartans and went out like them. He did all the hard work for us. We just have to follow his lead.

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He had no megalomaniacal ambitions, he never intended to conquer Eurupe



He fucked every move in the USSR. Diverting forces to Moscow when Leningrad was in the verge of capitulation. Later in Moscow, by not allowing the wermacht to retreat to defensive positions to pass the winter. Next year...Obssesing with Stalingrad instead of control the Volga. And the worst one...when Von Manstein manages to make an successful defense and stablish a new frontline, exceptionally minimizing the Stalingrad disaster, the fuhrer lose his patience again and forces the offensive of Kursk. The German army was fucked beyond salvation after that defeat.

He killed Hitler, so yes he was


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Thanks for not ((((you)))ing me. Suck my dick Nazi larper. Hard to save the white race when crackers are getting shot every day by my proud black bretheren

STD riddled drug addict who lost an easily winnable war... greatest?

Don't forget gay, a flat earther, a satanist and his mother was from Jupiter

>Suck my dick Nazi larper. Hard to save the white race when crackers are getting shot every day by my proud black bretheren
This is why we hate you. And why the first holocaust must be real.

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Lol how pathetic... you can’t come to terms that he was a failure degenerate

“There is a man alone, without family, without children, without God....He builds legions but he doesn’t build a nation. A nation is created by families, a religion, tradition: it is made up out of the hearts of mothers, the wisdom of fathers, the joy and the exuberance of children. [Of Germany under Hitler he says]....an all-swallowing State, disdainful of human dignities and the ancient structure of our race, sets itself up in place of everything else. And the man who, alone, incorporates in himself this whole State, has neither a God to honour nor a dynasty to conserve, nor a past to consult....
For a few months I was inclined to believe in National Socialism. I thought of it as a necessary fever. And I was gratified to see that there were, associated with it for a time, some of the wisest and most outstanding Germans. But these, one by one, he has got rid of or even killed....He has left nothing but a bunch of shirted gangsters....
This man could bring home victories to our people each year without bringing them...glory....But of our Germany, which was a nation of poets and musicians and artists and soldiers, he has made a nation of hysterics and hermits, engulfed in a mob and led by a thousand liars or fanatics....”

You have to understand some things about Hitler to appreciate what he was trying to do. He group up in a once great country that was experiencing it's dying breaths. From the inside out, at he national, state, local, and individual level, everything was rotting. Corruption and degeneracy consumed everything that once made the German Empire and the German culture a shining jewel of humanity. When a civilization reaches this stage, it is, ironically, a direct consequence of its greatness, which produces complacency, an assumption that it could never fall apart. Career politicians being infiltrating the government, and through nepotism, create an atmosphere of stalemate parliamentarian in which nothing is ever accomplish accept increase salary for government workers and reelections. We all know what this looks like in America. And the Jew is the absolute king of nepotism.

Then came the war. As if things weren't already rapidly falling apart. No the once great German Empire find itself in a war against several equally matched super powers. Hitler and his brother are giving their lives on the front line, defending to the death the vision in their minds of what they thought was the Fatherland. Unfortunately, their Fatherland already had a terminal sickness. And back at home, the government was full of politicians who were only there for money and power. They didn't care who won the war, as long as they received paychecks. You could say they had (((dual loyalties))). All the while Germany's enemies are in it to win it, cranking out the war propaganda better than anyone has ever seen. Germany's limp-dicked (((politicians))) are more concerned about their polite public image than promote the bestial savagery that is need to win a war. They don't go all out in creating war supplies. They are trying to end the war as soon as possible, victory or not.

Once day the Communist Jews have had enough. They form a revolution while the true Germans were dying on the front lines, they oust the Emperor, install the Weimar Republic, and capitulate to end the war. The German citizens are forced into an treatise that totally fucks them over. They are forced to pay reparations to their enemies. Hyperinflation ensues. Famine ensues. The Germans, and Hitler, returns from the front lines believing that victory was within their grasp, but were betrayed by the Jews who formed the revolution.

You must understand. If you were Hitler, you would be the same way too. Hitler thought long and hard about how the Great German Empire could have been reduced to such a miserable and pathetic state. And in these contemplation he came up with his theories of the blood, of evolution as an upward trajectory, of lower races as a degeneration of Nature. He believe that if the government had strictly enforced strong and healthy mind, body, soul, family, and fighting spirit within its citizens, they would be unstoppable.

To make a long story short, he was simply continuing philosophy of Spartan-like virtues where only the strong should be allowed to live. But some say Hitler took this too far in that not only are only the strong and healthy allowed live and reproduce , the weak must not be allowed to reproduce, and in some cases, must be exterminated. In the most extreme situation as like that in which Hitler came from, these extreme philosophies not only make sense, but are the only way to survive.

Hitler knew that the peace treaty which ended WWI was only temporary, and always counted on another episode, and the entire Nazi philosophy was gearing up for the next encounter. But this time, there would be no stalemate, there would be no struggle, there would be only victory. This was Nature's ultimate plan: that only one race may survive and dominate the world. Hitler was going to make sure it was the Germans, or as it is sometimes put, the Aryan.

But we all know how it played out. Hitler made a gamble and lost. Because of this, he is made out to be the ultimate bad guy. If he had won, he would have been the greatest, most worshiped figure 2nd only, probably, to Jesus. But ultimately, we must realize, Hitler was not merely a man, he was the embodiment of an idea, which only arises as a consequence of the degeneration of society. So look around you and notice where society seems to be collapsing. If it ever comes to that, Hitler's spirit will return, for better or worse.

Hitler essentially shut down the Rothschild central bank and printed their own currency. This, as part of National Socialism was so successful that the Jews flipped out and had to shut it down. Hence, 3 empires both capitalist and communist uniting to destroy Germany.

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>National Socialism was so successful that the Jews flipped out and had to shut it down.

That's what it all comes down to. That's the end of WWI could have only ever been temporary.

To everyone else lurking here, I know Mein Kampf is always thrown out there whenever someone asks for a recommended books to read, but I would seriously tell anyone who is interested at all in what Hitler was trying to accomplish, to read Mein Kampf. And when you hear people say stupid shit like "dude Trump is just like Hitler" you can really appreciate just how fucking dumb they are, and how short Trump falls in comparison.

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How exactly assault on Moscow would help? You realise Russians would keep fighting. Fall Blau was issued because German Generals sucked at Strategic level, they didn't understand German army needed badly oil fields in Baku and Majkop and they pushed to Moscow instead of oil fields. Tanks can't run on water and at that time German oil reserve situation looked grim.

US has largest population of Jews in today times, your point?
>mein Kampf
Into the trash it goes.

My point is you're a Jew and Poland deserved to be invaded.

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>One of the greatest actors ever to have lived
>The greatest kike’s shill ever
>The greatest manipulator of the masses
>The greatest feeling manipulator of all time
>The father of the modern Mass control
>The greatest emasculator of Nations
>One of the main partners involved in the murder of more than 4 million German Men
>One of those who caused millions of the boomers to grow without a proper role model
>One of the main causes of the sixties cultural degeneration and, consequently, today degeneration
>NWO in one of its most vicious forms
>Made American kikes industrials richer by Germans’ wealth
>Made Germans to be cucked by Slavs and even Frogs for more than 40 yrs
>Less than 30 yrs after his great ideas, the Germans ruled by an actual kike
>The kikes truest Messiah who helped them settle in the Promised Land while still have their control over the Whites’ golds and lands

Just look at today Teutons; they’re now good Goyim.
We are all good now Goyim as we should to be, thanks to Shill Leaders like him and Follower Sheep like you.

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What does US deserve then? Majority of Jews did run into US. US Taxpayers money go into Israel and you are Israel lap dog. US also has large population of Jews rn. Who's the real Jew Heinberg?

Yeah none of that you listed is directly the allies fault, and they totally didn't have full control over Germany for 6 years. Also see pic

>want to learn about Marxism
>pick up Communist Manifesto
>into the trash it goes

You spelt his name backwards you fucking autists besides he was for a the re-ignition of the pre war Japan. If you new more about him then just Pewdiepie vids than you would know this. He saw post War Japan as weak and soft as if Japan died to some extent after the war both culturally and within ability.

Also do not act as if this glorification of modern Japan does not stem from your faggoty cartoons and anime girl culture. Japan became a degenerate shit whole after the war, it is just simply the Japs managed to retain a lot after the war as well as a modern revival among Japanese men for an interest in their heritage/culture it is by no means the total norm. Pre WW2 Japan was superior in every way.

Jung would of loved to hear this dream. But he cannot so I will in his stead.

maybe if he won