It's pretty widely accepted around these parts that Trump will be the last republican president...

It's pretty widely accepted around these parts that Trump will be the last republican president, and that republicans are about 20 years away from permanent minorities in the house and senate. This means that in a mere 20 years whites will have no political voice, while still paying the brunt of the taxes and being oppressed by non white street violence, the media, and the government.

What happens then?

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Other urls found in this thread:


*genocide (of whites)

*(of meme flags)

Implying it matters if our kike presidents have a D or R after their name


>This means that in a mere 20 years whites will have no political voice

Actually implying Republicans give a voice to whites, lmao.

>What happens then?
The current democratic party coalition collapses for one thing. 20 years from now the current political parties even if they still exist will have wildly different voter bases and agendas.

You'll probably see legitimate political talk regarding the implementation of reparations. I don't mean the murmurs we've heard, I mean serious talk from the nominee of the Democratic Party explicitly calling for extra taxes on white people. I'm not saying that it'll even go through, I'm just saying they'll get that ballsy. And of course they'll go on to try to get your guns (I don't mean "safer laws" - I mean an outright ban) and will probably succeed, but I suspect that'll be closer to the end of the century that they achieve it. Lastly comes the deathblow which is unabashedly opening your borders (via implementing mass migration) to the third world; probably will try to double the US' population kind of like what the pieces of shit want to do here in Canada and (from what I understand) Ireland (although the latter seems more like simply just trying to get rid of the natives without even trying to hide the fact).

>It's pretty widely accepted around these parts that Trump will be the last republican president
>It's pretty widely accepted around these parts that Carter will be the last democrat president
>It's pretty widely accepted around these parts that GWBush will be the last republican president
>It's pretty widely accepted around these parts that after Reagan there will never be another democrat president
>It's pretty widely accepted around these parts that Nixon will be the last republican president

I've heard this song before.

Maybe in whatever isolated, wealthy, liberal coastal state you live in, but here in shitty, poor Ohio all the lefts hatemongering against white people is only pushing more people away from the Democrats.

Here we whites grow up in just as shitty and poor conditions as blacks, grow up with the same problems and have the same opportunities, and we don;t want to hear that everything is our fault and some other race is going to get advantages that we won;t get, even though we are in the same situation.

The sad thing is that if Democrats would stop making identity politics and race-baiting their priority all the time, and focus on making things better for EVERYONE that is poor, rural whites would probably vote for them.

Furthermore, democratic wealthy elites, living in gates communities and pontificating from their ivory towers, want to seize guns or place such restrictions that poor people won;t find them accessible. Of course they don;t need guns in their elite, safe communities. Meanwhile we live in shitty rustbelt communities surrounded by and among blacks. It isn;t safe for us, and you wouldn;t understand that because those liberal elites grew up with privilege.

but what were demographics back then and what are demographics in 2020 or if you get lucky 2024?

Then whites get blamed for more things.

Yeah this is the right answer. How quickly things change in the next 6 or seven years will be crazy. The Sept. 11th attacks lead to a slow down of change in the political space as technology was changing drastically. Before Bush was president people still used bulletin boards and when he left office people were on twitter, on their phones.

Politics has to catch up to modern technology, we need a new vocabulary to honestly deal with what issues people face. Without it people will just keep dying and the news will be an endless chimpout as retards can't figure out why all the shit they didn't create isn't working for them. Like apes trying to get a TV remote to work without having any idea what a battery is. Then the Chinese step in and say they'll help. The poor savages will believe them.

>republicans is the party of whites
yeah if by whites you means Israelis

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>What happens then?
The plot of Deus Ex

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you got memed by shills

most left wing whites are family oriented and reasonable and proud of their ethnic heritage and resistant to attacks against themselves

i am a raging fucking liberal, pro trans rights, etc, and my voice is strong, and im proud of my culture, heritage, i do not believe i am oppressed or that i or my people could be oppressed because we are strong in our values and convictions and proud of who we are and will never stop resisting any attempt to undermine our culture

this is true of most oceanic liberals and most british liberals as well in my experience

/pol is a psyop of russian trolls and people spreading disinfo and fake news about liberals and whites, but actually, liberals are well meaning and reasonable people who speak up, speak clearly, and cannot be silenced and will fight for our culture and heritage

turn your head away from MSM garbage and internet brainwashing programmes

the left is strong and sensible, and this MenTaL IllnEsS meme is idiotic and youd have to be a gullible retard to believe this

>pro trans rights

so you are anti human?
pro ZOG
and pro transhumanist?

fuck off

>What happens then?
We bleed it to death with a thousand cuts. They want third world. They're welcome.

Our current one is the last president. No one is ever going to accept the outcome of an election ever again. Why should we when we have been shown first hand there is no need to? These rich folks think they are the only ones who can RESIST? LOL. Little people have a million little ways to throw sand in the gears every day. That is all it takes.

>This means that in a mere 20 years whites will have no political voice, while still paying the brunt of the taxes and being oppressed by non white street violence, the media, and the government.
>What happens then?

It will be the final bell that awakens the remaining whites. After that there will be bloody conflict, a redrawing of the US, and an eventual reclamation of manifest destiny

>MenTaL IllnEsS
Wrong thread, ausbot

i am pro human
pro israel
pro transhumanist

it is gods blueprint unfolding

Kike Greenberg openly assaulted a white male

Call the white house

You are going to have to fall back to a homeland.

I recommend northwards. It plays to natural advantages.

You are mentally ill

Lulz, we'll have a massive economic collapse before then, and let's face it, the Great Society Welfare Plantation is what props up the Democratic Party, with each band of orcs clamoring for more free shit.

>widely accepted
>around these parts
What the fuck are you talking about?

wtf i love seperationist religious zealots now

there are 4 white republican senators voting to block the emergency declaration. Republicans actively work against white people, just not as openly as the Democrats

Maybe whites should start thinking like Jews. They have survived as a minority people everywhere until they finally got Israel set up as a nation-state.

On the other hand, whites don't have a founding myth like Israel.

Furthermore, Jews are self-destructive. They had a great thing going (and still do) in America and recently in Europe, but with the replacement plan, America will be run by Hispanics, blacks, Muslims, and Asians.

Jews who think they will enjoy more power in a culturally enriched area have not really faced how much disdain, apathy, and even hatred for Jews are felt by Hispanics, blacks, Asians, and Muslims.

I don't think whites should emulate the Jews, although the Jewish survival mentality is admirable.

I suggest you fellow countrymen purchase firearms and start making plans like the rest of us

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>we need to use Jewish tactics to preserve our race
I’ve never simultaneously agreed and disagreed with something so strongly in my life

It will take as long until whites and ppl in general realize, that giving a group of people (politicians) power over you, in itself is the cause of social decay

The sooner you guys balkanize the better, israel will lose its shekels and will get raped by muzzies

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White people never gave a lot of thought to themselves as white people until recently.

Whites formerly would divide Western Civilization from the eastern, more Russia-like civilization.

Through the 20th century, whites opposed other whites in the world wars and the cold war.

Now, with the fall of the Third Reich, and later with the fall of communism, whites are at long last not at war with each other.

It is those who hold grievances against white people that have identified white people as such.

In this era, where non-whites are increasingly vocal about white people all being a single race, it is likely that white people will see themselves as that.

I'm going to gas you

To answer the OP question, democracy and civil rights require a high degree of trust in society. By trust, I mean the ability to trust others and being trustworthy. Trust is highly correlated with intelligence. Intelligence is on the decline in the West.

One unstated reason for the decline of intelligence is the upswing in immigration, but the other reasons are also occurring.

In the future, we will not have a democracy or civil rights. We might be able to regain them, but first we will lose them.

Whites can never live as Jews do because the Jews have an entire backstory to fall back on that revolves around being a victim (the Holocaust being their most fruitful one). Whites on the other hand have a backstory ingrained into a lot of them (and most non-whites) as being oppressors (American slavery, Jim Crow, wiping out natives in North America, the Holocaust, colonizing Africa and Australia, etc.) The good things about white people are intentionally ignored or downplayed such as bringing most of the world into modernity (I mean shit like medicine, tech, etc.), feminism and civil rights (I'm not saying these are good, but it is revered in the mainstream), ending a lot of non-white slavery around the world, etc.

I hope you are right and minorities end up memeing themselves into a full on race war where they will get absolutely obliterated

if your in the army start smuggling out grenades n shieet

You're an actual retard

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Republicans and white-supremacy is a thing, but you're conflating Republican domination with equal rights for all. Good try, troll. You could try not being an asshole and get along with people instead of trying to oppress them. Shake some hands instead of punching people. Read some books instead of burning them.

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No the policies that the left use will backfire on them.

You can’t tax whites to death while expecting whites to step aside for minorities to be CEO’s simply because the minorities used to be oppressed. Most of us know how minorities operate it’s called Nepotism. Businesses will fail and the left will lose massive amounts of money. White people will be pushed out of every high paying job even the ones they created and you can’t get blood from a stone.

What happens next is the country fails as it desperately try’s to prop up minorities.The minorities will push even harder into leftist bullshit, Marxism maybe?

Massive amounts of people will die with popular minorities winning elections and doing what they always do becoming corrupt openly.

Even if they tried to make us slaves we couldn’t feed their population growth and they would die but most white people would eat a bullet or jump from a bridge before become their slaves

wasnt that the reason for the first civil war?
any history annon can confirm deny?

Trump's Emergency declaration will be the end of the Repubs for decades. So stupid for opening that door. Dems will take back the Oval and then the evolution will be unstoppable. 30% Trumptards. 70% Progressives. Only the votes matter.

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why are minorities so prone to nepotism and corruption? I don’t even think it’s an IQ thing because we all know who the worst offenders are.

not like I'm trying to shill for democrats but whens the last time a republican president helped the country?

>It's pretty widely accepted around these parts that Trump will be the last republican president
It is? If anything I’d say the opposite is true, republicanism is on fire right now and more and more people become sick of leftism every day

>you got fooled by a meme
>it was the Russians
I was able to have a good laugh at this because either you are making a very funny joke or you actually believe this in which case you people are so fucking stupid there is absolutely no way the left will survive.

republicans are scared to wield power "because the democrats will do it too" meanwhile they just do what they want anyway and republicans are left holding their dicks and lose on every issue every time

>the democrats will do it too
I think republicans know they are full of shit when they say this. This is a kike meme pushed by people like Ben Shapiro. Here in reality we know that the left will do everything they can to destroy their opponents regardless of what their opponents do

You mean like denying the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice?
Giving billionaires 2T dollars at the expense of the bottom 90%.
Dems never did anything that drastic.

Nothing really.

The gentrification of Mexico.

Actually Statistics show Democrat’s might not get there time in the sun for two generations. Boomers are conservative and millennials are becoming conservative at an unprecedented rate.

dumb nip

nothing. you have failed to analyze voting patterns. if you had done so you would have found that the people will flip to another party when their own party pisses them off enough. after a few years of democratic rule the people will vote republican again. if americans would pull their heads out of their asses and vote 3rd party alot of this nation's problems could be solved. but this is not going to happen.

yeah they would never do anything drastic like using the Supreme Court to create federal mandates over state laws regarding abortion and gay marriage. I don’t even blame them for being power hungry psychopaths I just don’t know why they insist on masquerading as a human rights organization

>America in 20 years
Find the difference user

This is so stupid it reads like reddit-tier pasta.


same Jews

The white devil playing the victim... gee I wonder where you get that from? You are the original devils but you never seem to smell your own shit.

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Is your post bait or just some shitpost you pasted?

It's just the truth? This whole world is fucked up because you all run it... it's time for new management.

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I'm not white, but acting like whites haven't provided a net gain for the world is delusion. Take yourself for example, if you lived in whatever shithole your ancestors were from you'd likely not even be able to post here (I'll actually blame white people for that as it would've been better that way).

It's both a smart move when in a "multicultural" society to insure your group advances and incredibly stupid in a homogenous society because it ignores merit. With the current state of much of the west right now. Everyone in this thread should pander to the diversity shit but always look out for your people privately, e.g. Job interviews and placement, service industry things like coming up with bullshit to charge non whites more money and using predominately white bussinesses and services.

We get communism and watch muds eat the rich who imported them for votes and cheap labor.

Injuns were the ones hunting the buffalo to extraction, retard. They sold the parts to whites and whites said “got any more?” so those noble savages went back out on buffalo runs again and again

>This whole world is fucked up because you all run it... it's time for new management.

like we want you tide pod eating retards running the place

Just go away you fucking white devil... you were fucking BORN to lie....

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It's not up to you... and you can bet your ass you're gonna get everything you've dished out back by DOUBLE. I have no idea where you white faggots get off on thinking that you're come kind of noble people... you're fucking Satan literally.

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Wake up republiturds ....It's not supposed to be the party of white people that's why it will be a permanent minority starting in **2020**

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Ok yeah you’re correct on the dems winning the next election. What I wrote is that even when you win the reality will be horrific .The left will continue to push stupid laws in favor of equality which won’t be given to white males because we are the work horses. To put it bluntly the left will shoot it’s self in the foot when they take the best workers and replace them with minorities because of equality of outcome AOC tier thinking.

blow it out your ass, baby dick

Minorities are afraid of the same shit us white people are afraid of. To put it bluntly they are into nepotism because they talk shit about everyone not in their ethnicity or race. All the shit they claim we do to them, they do openly around each other. They don’t trust white guys because they have guilty conscience’s and are afraid with enough white guys they will be pushed out of their jobs. Work ethic is usually a bullshit reason they cite as most minorities are actually lazy around each other and the hardest workers around when a few white guys are on the job in a position above them. After they get promoted into a position they push away white people out of fear and hire all minorities like them

Yeah pretty much.
And if stormfags keep turning their backs on Trump, then Trump truly will be the last republican president. They’re not going to give us another chance after trump.

>Trump will be the last republican president,
Pence is next and he will probably get the job

Puberty blockers to children? yes or no?

that completely makes sense but why don’t white people do this as well? why are we the only group that likes the idea of being surrounded by people of other races?

The government wants more Latin Americans for the cultural predilection for the client patron relationship.

Story for you. I had a shit life too, what made me different was mom was the good parent, father was a violent piece of shit. Anyway, he was the black sheep, at that time his family was pretty deceint, can't say the same for em now. Still, was able to catch up and learn more about them. During the 70s things were interesting, crime was awful and the midwest was still reeling from the riots. Times eventually became bad enough they started forclosing on homes and farms. They did fight back though, they started shooting tax collectors on sight, even cops were shot. Most people have no idea just how violent people have become in the midwest, there's a reason why Illonois is such an anti gun state, people shot back. It got so bad they called in the guard to oversea estate sales. Here's where it got hillarous, the local populace not only made things so damn unpleasant for the establishment, they'd get mystery buyers who would buy the poor guys farm for $15.00 then turn right around and give it back. The state, the bank, all the people involved didn't get shit and the poor debtor had all of his debt wiped out.
People forget just how violent people have been in the past, that and they depend on us for food. Most farmers are white, we go? They starve. We're not going anywhere.

>evil people lie and deceive and do whatever it takes
Yeah, no shit.

I think this is true but I notice this among all minorities not just spics

This. Fucking joke!

Speak for yoursel things like affirmative action and non profit ''equality'' organizations using lawfare are the main reasons any shitskins have jobs outside pozzed cities. Which is why we have to get more creative and use social engineering techniques to fuck them more subtly. Like finding out the demographics of local print media and only putting job advertisements there, then having ''drug tests'' that further filter them out, then finding or fabricating reasons to get rid of the rest with the exception of the nigger and spic minimum wage jannitors to show ''diversity'' and clean up after they're betters.

>Las republican

Nobody said that. He won every single state except one in 72.

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Don’t get the wrong idea, I don’t support diversity and I would use underhanded tactics to oppose it if I was in a position that allowed me to. I was pointing out that whites are the only group with a significant portion that actively celebrates their decline as a share of the population and their removal from positions of power

Trump hasn't even tried to solve the demographic problem or help white workers. He is now shilling for more legal immigration to further punish his base of support on behalf of corporations that hate him.

It's not like they're fixing shit. The only democratic solution to the US is a third party that will push degeneracy and also appeal to the Bernie poorfags in terms of being anti elite. The problem with Republicans is branding. When people think GOP they think whatever they've been emotionally conditioned to think by endless waves of propaganda.

You think we're bad? Just wait until you meet Chiang. The Chinese will crunch you down, work you to death in a sweat shop (complete with a Pajeet yelling at you), then when you drop dead of exhaustion you'll get butchered. Sold as spam in Africa. Say what you will about them, but the Asians never waste and won't tolerate welfare suckling nigs.

Sadly no. The demokikes found a new plantation.

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A lazy fucking lie

They always double down. There are no breaks on the crazy train.

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My bad, and yeah i would agree some whites have been brainwashed but we're not the only ones with uncle toms fortunately. Also even if your not ceo or head of human resources, you can still contribute. Using white owned bussinesses or white only contractors to build that addition to your house or only paying white kids to shovel your snow or mow your lawn. It's really more of a state of mind really. If doing something benefits whites or hurts shitskins do it, if something hurts whites but benefits shitskins in anyway don't do it. Personally in addition to the previous i try to do 1 thing everyday that helps whites even a bit and i do 1 thing a day that causes problems or money for shitskins. Do your best user kun and we might get through this.

The damage to the genetic pool caused by the world wars can not be over stated. The white race was executed in 1914. It just took 50 years and now it is just flopping around on the ground.

The Dems will dominate for a while on their demographics until Reps rebrand themselves and bide their time as majority Dem rule does not make things better. Then the fracturing will begin and the Dem master plan falls apart as they are no longer the party for minorities.

>paying white kids to shovel snow or mow my lawn
I have bad news for you. I live in southern California. I will try my very best but I am fucking surrounded by shitskins. Even the rich area where my boomer parents live is full of kikes and Indian people. I fear that the place I live is just a preview for the rest of the country in 20 years. I have spent the last few months trying to wake up as many white people as possible. But they are so brainwashed it’s hard to unplug them from their NPC grid. Being one of us is worse than being a pedophile here.

this is a compelling case, but I think there are probably other things around that time which made this even worse. Communism, central banking, and the emergence of UN style governing bodies all come to mind. Basically 3 things that helped kikes get even more control over our society

you forget that those polls are always cherry picked and have flawed methodology. I bet ya an honest poll would show israeli sympathy being much lower than 79%