How Do We Stop Young White Men From Becoming Nazis?

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Our AI Overlords will erase niggers.

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>waiting to hear from the school districts
Unless this party was at school or sponsored by the school What the fuck does it matter what they say? So tired of these self righteous journalists trying to ruin everybody's lives

Maybe if we get rid of the Jews then there will be no more Nazi's.

by going where you belong schlomivovich. In the ovens.

>teenagers make a swastika out of solo cups at a party
>this is newsworthy
What the fuck is wrong with journalists?

The people’s patience with the media is wearing thin

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elitist twitter jews call kids having drunk fun nazis, slandering and subverting, and then they ask why people are starting to hate them,

What’s the saying again, victimizers becoming the victim.

There’s nothing wrong with being national socialist. It is the closet system to human nature. Humans are tribal and a strong ethnostate is the key to true happiness, which is why the kikes outlaw it and keep us oppressed under artificial “diversification”

Why should we though? It's a lot better for them to fall for the nazi/alt-right meme and when the inevitable war breaks out they'll all die and their genes will be successfully removed from the pool.

We don't.

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You want to stop kids from being Nazis? It's not just young White men, plenty of other races Gen Z kids are supporting Nazism and such. A good way to stop it by simply not acknowledging it and the media keeps on keeping on by covering these stories and doxxing them. There all actual brainlets.

>Some castizos having fun
Its like another shoa

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They've lost the plot. Because real news breaks faster over social media, they don't have any purpose left. The only thing they add to the equasion anymore is opinions.

I think the media calling everyone two centimeters to the right of AOC a Nazi has a lot to do with it. I think the Gen Z kids aren’t associating ‘Nazi’ with ‘evil genocidcal maniacs’ like the programming is supposed to, rather anyone who is right wing.

They’ve overused the terms to the point where it doesn’t mean what it used to, and maybe, just maybe, it’s breaking the conditioning

Journalists nowadays are that kid that told the teacher on you for saying something when they left the room.

>How do we stop people from trying to kill us

Stop giving them a reason

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>Wanting to stop it.

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Well they just having fun...

The Hitler salute in Germany is a felony, people been giving jail time for doing it, so I guess they can call themselfs lucky living in the us

Young White men have two options, either they become nazis or they become this...

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you cant stop it

The perfect woman doesn't exi-

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Journalists are some of the shittiest people in society, user.

It's their job to not only be gossips, but spread nasty shit around to draw attention to themselves for material gain.

stop saving thumbnails

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>american spelling

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>how do you stop an ideology

you dont fucking retard

Imagine having your entire life and future ruined because you arranged cups in a "naughty" pattern in your youth for a drinking game

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Based and red solo cupped

YEAH! DESTORY THEIR LIVES! I hate the media so much.

We should mass call the school and express our outrage at the school not standing up for their students. The school is actively participating in the internet hate mob against their very own students. This should be seen as an outrage. Whose got the number, I’m calling.

They've been doxxed by the vermin

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Watch Ernst Zundel

You can't be anti semitic if there's no more jews

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>these monsters

White people make me sick

Social media adds opinions way faster than the news does too.


Deport black and brown bodies by the tens of millions. There is no other way, at the rate we’re going most whites will be full-blown nazis within 10 years

Ava Ganz
Tarbut V Torah Highschool

>HS school kids being retarded
>national news
wew, 2019 everybody

Here's the link to where they've been doxxed:


>Not your decision to make

Thats fucking sad, you westerners are in a self hating cult, if someone did this here, it would be laughed at and forgotten in a week.

They’re waiting to say that the kids have been expelled. And of course the typical (((______ high school is an atmosphere of tolerance and inclusion and we condemn this vile act of hatred)))

Clearly this is one of you.

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>14 cups on either sides
>total number of 84
4 off
damn that was close

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when I was a kid we frequently played beer pong as jews vs nazis and made one side a swastika and one side a star a david out of solo cups. I wonder if these activities today are considered dox worthy. I wonder if these kids were playing that game too. Either way; all journalists must hang

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>phones gonna die
>just like the jews


Well that didn’t take long

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This is a game called Nazi's vs Jews
I've actually played it with my friends before, the jewish side has cups arranged in a star of david
Rules are pretty simple

>Nazi rules
On the first turn the nazis can keep shooting until they miss a shot (good if you have experienced players on your team)
Choose one player from the Jews team to sit out. They can't come back until their friend makes a cup (useful if one guy of their team is carrying the game)

>Jew Rules
>Anne Frank Cup
The Jews have one cup they get to put anywhere in the room as long as it's makeable (Not under a book or something)
It can be such a bitch to make if the jew team is smart about where they place it, usually they win because of that cup

My friends and I added a Nigger Rule, where if the ball bounces once and you catch it you can throw it at the other teams players and yell "NIGGER". If it hits them they have to drink.

Pretty fun game to play with your friends if they have offensive senses of humor, mine weren't even redpilled.

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>deliberately keeping the star of david out of every shot
I wish the holocaust had happened.

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Now I wonder what the other end of that table looks like. Surely the portrayal wouldn't ignore a certain symbol that could upset the narrative, would they?

>be gen z
>grow up being told that everything I do is racist and that all whites should die
>hear about nazis
>they tell you to be proud of who you are as a people
>gen z becomes proud of being white
Way to double down and only make it worse for yourself in the end schlomo.

>We can't be racist to whites.
>Brown people are more deserving of resources.
Stop promoting discriminatory policies and they won't lean that way.


Mikes keeping a List so he can

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what the fuck is wrong with this girl?

No lad, you're just unlucky living in loser town

Holy shit I didn't know Dr Phil was a Nazi

Remove Jews from existence.

top kek

Based snownigger/swedecuck

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You mean drunk spelling?


Delete shitskins and you'll delete racism

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Holohox is bull the Jews need to be called out for their doxxing and hate the time is now

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>literal education on kike subversion
This game should be in the olympics


Holocaust studies are essential for all schools. The disrespect & misinformation is apparent across the nation.

Glad the little Kike doxxed herself with her school.

Totally not going to do anything with that info...

so as to not make the same mistake twice

>Working on this story
Get a load of Bob Woodward over here.

why would you stop them?

Kid doing zig salute tricked everyone by telling them they making peaceful hindu symbol.
quick read your vedas kids

Agreed. We mustn't allow the Jews to survive a second genocide.

My friends and I made a Japan vs US mode, with a rising sun pattern+random islands (isolated cups for equal numbers) vs a 5 pointed star
Our rules were that the Japanese start first, as Pearl Harbor. Japanese can bazai to throw 2 balls at once, but, if both miss, cant throw the next round. They can also sentence an American to a Bataan Death March where one of thr US players must take 5 steps away from the table. If they make a shot, they get to go back to the table, else they take one step closer.
US gets Aircraft carriers, which allows them to move one cup forward, but allow them to stand with their waist at the side of the table for better accuracy--though thr player must move back when their varrier is sunk. Otherewise, they've a Fat Man and Little Boy--must be used on the rising sun "homeland"and is declared before throwing, the nuke will also knock out all adjacent cups. Each nuke can only be used once.

They werent playing beerpong they were playing rage cage. So there probably wasnt a star of david


lmao @ those fucking knee pads

>law enforcement
Jesus Christ

>Not your decision to make
>I'm a victim
>I'm THE victim
>Fuck white people
Fucking niggers I swear

this has to be some weird sex thing, right?

Lol what The fuck am I looking at.

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The Left goes around calls anyone they don't like Nazis. KIds rebel.

I'm sure more leftist politics will cure these youths!

>they still don't understand that Nazism is born spontaneously out of degeneracy

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>second genocide

When was the first one?

>How Do We Stop Young White Men From Becoming Nazis?
I'm assuming the left's answer has something to do with special camps and re-education
>oh wait, that's called public education and "college"

>The people’s patience with the media is wearing thin
this, so help me god CNN shows up this summer for a tornado cleanup we are gonna hang them. all of them.. then burn the trucks.

Hitler is Obi-Wan Kenobi.

More powerful in death than life.

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Cry baby kike.

IDK why this is so confusing to everybody.
Their entire world view is
>Everything is sexist.
>Everything is racist.
>Everything is homophobic.
>And we must point it all out.

That's why all the fake hate crimes, in their brain they actually think they are pointing out & exposing injustice, even when it's fake.
These people are mentally in shackles & they love it.

84 + 4 empty cans.

I want to slay her underage jewish pussy.

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> How Do We Stop Young White Men From Becoming Nazis?

Yeah, i wonder..

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We forced the yenta who originally posted this on Facebook to take it off last night
Hundreds maybe thousands of us raided her post
She got doxxed and we spammed 10,000 Hitler pictures, ayyy tone memes and various redpills
Mods and hasbara couldn’t keep up
Time to assail this fool on Twitter boys, I don’t have a Twitter and we held up our end on Facebook last night

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