What if the massive push for minorities/transgendered people etcetera is some massive ploy that we're all accidentally...

What if the massive push for minorities/transgendered people etcetera is some massive ploy that we're all accidentally fighting against?

Imagine minorities and feminists/transgenders/whatever get so much momentum behind them that we get our great catastrophe? White man's Auschwitz. It could take 50 years but we'd be England again, able to invade through the might of guilt and repurcussion, the status symbol of hardship that noone can argue against because they aren't it anymore.

Enlighten me if there are theories already supporting this, just some food for thought.

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Not sure what youre trying to say OP. But, I will say that I dont think it is an accident that the left is so flagrant in the execution of their agenda. They are actually -actively- trying to radicalize the right. They are trying to take anyone right of left and meme them into being a "literal Nazi".

Having made the transition myself -I m not a nazi yet...but I have witnessed the steady drift rightward of the country. The accelerationist in me wants to let them continue to widen the divide and then we can finally pure them. But, when you look at the uniform actions of the left -it seems that this is what they want, which has me worried. What if it isnt them that gets purged? What if this is designed to identify the more intelligent and able right of center dissenters, so that they -not the lefts extremists- can be systematically rounded up and "Gitmo'd"...?


I'm trying to bring forward the idea that we're being set up as martyrs.

Here's another angle. The Jew is some plotting machiavellian force that bends the unconscious will here and there. If the Jew really was this all powerful force in the shadows then how do we widely speculate it's them?
Surely they'd be aware of us and our ideas but with so many being thrown around is it possible that we've not hit one of their plans? And yet we do so freely and often? That doesn't sound like some calculated force, unless they aren't. Unless they're a scapegoat, if you like. We spit and hate this and that but the one setting us up for a calamity just smiles as our aggression goes everywhere. They'll still benefit from the grief.

To clarify I'm not tinfoiling here. I'm more than happy to be wrong but I've got the idea that I'm in the curl of some wave ready to crash.

What gives you that idea?

I see. You think that when we are 'ovened', we will stand as a motivation for future action.

Interesting. I think we are on the same page; you are just describing what comes after my position.

ANy ideas on how to foil the plot?

You're very bright, it takes a a certain level of humbleness to admit you might've gotten hoodwinked. But you're trying to understand the playbook of an enemy without knowing their end result, really,truly look at whats happening right now and form your own opinions. If you can look at things without bias you can observe your enemies actions as tells, you'd be surprised what you'd find out. You might not like what you find.

>their end result
>You might not like what you find

Do you know?

It's simpler than that m8
Look up bioleninism
Studying Stalin is good brainbleach after encountering this liberal horror show fwiw

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Exploiting victim status only works if the surrounding culture validates your claim. A society centered around hating white people doesn't give a fuck about any white person's claim of racial victimhood, as we can see already.

Identity politics in general is essentially a divide-and-conquer strategy where the elites keep control of the proles by slicing them up into ever-finer identity groups and pitting them all against each other. In this way there's never any danger of an uprising against the ruling classes. The progression to imaginary dividing lines like "gender identity" is not just more of the same, but also a way to exert psychological control on the population by forcing their submission to obviously ludicrous bullshit.

>If one is to rule, and to continue ruling, one must be able to dislocate the sense of reality.

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What has me worried is if it’s china that has been playing us all along. Where it Jews they would still suffer from the toxic breakdown of western society and also be succept to negative changes (children with gender identity issues, supporting opposing ideologies etc) but chineese do not have to worry about these problems.

If anything this would not only set them up to move in on our ashes after the last of us our gone but also make them stronger. Using us as a stark example of how too much tolerance can lead to ruin.

its both of them playing you.

This shit is not now, nor will it ever be allowed in isreal.

Once whites are gone in the world, the brown horde will be permitted to engage in and adopt these behaviors and identities, with the goal of continuity of power. The few jews who fall for this shit, will be seen as 'culling the lowest and weakest' from the pack.

>Exploiting victim status only works if the surrounding culture validates your claim.

Exactly. But what if they need whites around to continue to act as the enemy. I dont think they want to actually genocide all whites. They just want to drastically lower our numbers to an insignificant level. And those poor bastards are going to need their own -oppression mythos- in order to sustain their "slice" in the ever increasing 'divide and conquer pie'.

They really are creating an entire mythos for every section of the division -complete with nonsense backstory, all the way to unique fashion and media production. Its a charade, albeit an effective one.

you are right. The more I observe society, the more you seem right. The more divided we are, the less endangered they are.

More of a look at how certain things are simply "off limits" to me, as a white dude. Many people I've met have faced me with some hostility at even bringing some topics up (using the word negro at all, for instance) which is a pretty intense reaction for the start of a topic. By the end when our opinions are juxtaposed and we're offended by each other's beliefs, that's fine, but when you're so burned by who I fit the silhouette of that you start off on that foot, it gives me a strange impression of what I can and can't talk about.
It might be a weak premise but considering what I've also heard about some of the politics and views going around it'd be strange to me that we've just hit a rough patch of being overly sensitive. And these sensitive parties seem to be clashing with one group more than any other.

That's a good term. I'm not from Jow Forums so that's a laugh.

It's pretty tough and I'm no mastermind. You go out and preach, the idea becomes something like Scientology or the Phelps church, this extreme ridiculous group with some pretty outrageous and dangerous views, which would push the agenda further. You sit at home and do nothing, then the issue goes unnoticed as it grows and any oppression is unchallenged. It's a pretty scary predicament.

This would be like counting ripples in a pond right now. If a rock is thrown in you can't have told where it would've landed, how big the splash would have been or how many ripples it can make. I'm not talking about a single current movement, guiding everything towards some common goal. If I'm right these "enemies" aren't our foe at all, depending on how die hard a white supremacist you are. They're building an event to give us a leg in this woe is me game the world left us behind in.

Even if there was a white holocaust, nothing would change the fact that whites can't use guilt as a weapon, because nobody cares about us.

You're looking at the here and the now, though.

What if that elite really is a sympathiser? What if the only effective way to surefire a control is to leave the opposition crestfallen?

Think about it, in all the hunger for those at the top being corrupt (and this is an abuse of power) and one of them was really a nationalist, or a racist in the sense they believe one race should be dominant. They're engineering this hate and possibly a death of percentage so we can take back those ratios.

Let's say for six years a large amount of white people are held and forced to slave by some radicals.
Do the Jews stand up and say "That's nothing! We lost somewhere between five and eight million once!"?
No. The backlash of such an incident would be too much on all fronts.
Do the blacks shout up and say "That's nothing! We were forced to work in terrible conditions for 90 years!"?
No. Again, it's too soon to simply write off such a tragedy as incomparable to something that was phased out 200 years ago (by the time this had all happened).

Then you move on to the stewing stage. Normally people forget and the world starts rotating again. But what if the media doesn't let them forget? People's lives of a demographic are still horribly broken and such is televised. People male, female, transgendered, doubtfully purebread but all white and it's regarded as the simple idea that a state of these radicals were just wrong.

Give it enough time and you get that common ground of being "wronged" which if everyone but us is not on then we're the unequipped ones.

>If I'm right these "enemies" aren't our foe at all

I had a similar theory to this. It is a little "tinfoil-y"...But what if the conspiracies about ww2 not havin officially ended; instead only continuing in the form of the cold war, are true. We know that the commies infiltrated all western powers and we know that there were prominant westerners who supported the nazis. We also know that the allies divided up the top nazi scientists and brought them to each respective country. What if -in the west, there is a silent war; what if, within each government, the agencies and actors that make up the government are have been divided all along and are fighting for control over a given government?

With this in mind, you could see how everything we are discussing and alluding to is a ploy to get whites to understand and embrace the experiences and ideas that led to the rise of the nazis and fascists? For the purpose of conducting a soft disclosure; a redpilling -if you will. They allow the left to do what the left is biologically programmed to do and when the antarctic nazis come back and robot hitler rides out of his Haunebu, astride his armored t-rex, we will all be thankfull for his return and collectively smite our enemies once and for all.

Yeah...I know..;)

Mm I'm not so sure about a Preacher style building up for a saviour.

People who had nothing to do with an event will still use it if they have some leverage. To target whites as a whole, void of background or gender would strengthen them regardless of location. If an event were to happen in France we'd defend it in Aus, England, Canada. Not a harsh militaristic uprising, but a meek social status upgrade, if you like.

I can see where you are coming from and it is possible; one could very well pull it off if that were ones intent. However, what if its not? Seems like its a case of 'reaching around your elbow, to scratch your ass' -or as youd probably put it - arse! Ask yourself -why go to all the trouble of doing it the way you have laid out, when you could just as easily, use the same tools to program/inform the masses of the truth about white history -sans any sort of mass 'culling' event? They could talk about white slavery, the holodomor, the rape of germany after the ww2, the real reason for the crusades, they cold point out that it was whites who ended slavery, shedding blood and treasure to do so.

But they dont. And I dont think it is so that they can come back and do it later, after many whites have been killed.

We're not Jews
Even if we were Holocausted, I would die before I ever chose to pity party my races way into power.
Outjew the jew, but don't become the Jew in the process

Because that never happened. We're in an information of technology right now, to subterfuge an event like that would be incredibly suspicious and many parties would be able to discredit it instantly. The same works in reverse, if an incident occurred the amount of energy to hide it from the outside world would be massive. The way out is through, here.

And if I'm wrong then I'm wrong. Wouldn't be the first time and I doubt it'll be the last.

>where the elites keep control of the proles by slicing them up into ever-finer identity groups and pitting them all against each other.
Except they’re not. The elites only focus is to keep these identity groups united in their hatred of Whites. Sure Muslims will say something against fags and Jews from time to time but the narrative gets quickly changed against the White man. I know Civnats want so hard to believe that if we can come together against the dividing elite we can overpower them together.
>They want us divided
I’m sorry, it’s literally us vs everyone else and no one is going to help us. Only Whites are slated for destruction in every White country in Earth.

Ah, but you'd only take that stance if someone was behind it. This could be an act independent of anything bar some radical group and your rage would target them and noone else. It ends, the radicals are executed or jailed and without a single higher body to despoil and loathe your attention, like everyone elses, would go to those in need and not whoever is truly responsible.

There is too much evidence that proves they are doing it on purpose and that it’s destabilizing. The only people that benefit from this are the ones who have benefited the most thus far... the state, especially the surveillance state. With 5g coming out, a new villain has to be created so they can use it to pass new, more invasive laws against you for “peace and security” reasons. We saw the same thing happen with the ridiculous war on terror and everything that came after.

>w-wwe're still in control
>mcveigh was just an op we did hehe
Sure thing, keep posturing. You're just slaves to jews and you're starting to rapidly realize that they're purposely trying to destroy western civilization and use you retarded feds as tools to do so for money or blackmail or whatever you sick retards are incentivized with.

what if it's just people trying to be decent human beings?
i don't understand how human rights = white genocide. stop letting your politicians flood white countries with muds. they are two separate issues.

Next time in English meme flaggot.

You mean the interdimensional demons are puppeting royal houses and using their Jewish worshippers as cannon fodder so when the inevitable genocide happens the world's weak enough for them to invade, enslave us and conquer the many resources this side of the earth's crust?

I claim to be a decent human being and I've still been treated unfairly with no provocation. It's a far cry from an armageddon scenario but as I've been saying this whole thread this isn't something I expect to explode tomorrow.

Dude, we all know only 202,374 people died in the camps, but 5,000,000 Germans were killed by the Soviets along with another 1-2 MILLION being starved to death by the United States.

How many Schindler's Lists were made about White Germans being killed after the war? How many movies about Dresden? Where are the Holodomor Museums in every state? How many Albanian memorials are officially recognized? What about the Barbary slave trade? Any sympathy for the Slavs? The Goths?

The don't exist - there will never be any sympathy. There will simply be a another genocide that we may or may not recover from, and we'll bounce back and thanklessly save the mutts from their own savagery, again and again.

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>and I've still been treated unfairly with no provocation
so does everyone once in a while. toughen up cunt and stop looking for victim points.

yeah start from and read down, that should catch you up

tldr your sad that people find it offensive when you use racial epithets?
for real? this is oppression to you?

You seem to be interested in a fight here. This is a what if there's a ploy here by an agenda, and to see if others had similar ideas or theories of such. So far I've heard some great ideas of why I might have something and why I'm wrong, and you trying to paint me as someone crying.

This is all I'll say to this, surely you'll reply and I hope you calm down.

>>posts god from Soul Reaver.


what if it's just people trying to be decent human beings? it's some weird childish thing to think someone else gaining equal treatment means something is being taken from you or that you should get something too

kek, if was right, then that would mean they themselves would be getting Gitmo if you know what I'm saying. Truth is, I'm pretty sure they're just a leftist pretending to be one of us in attempt to "fear monger" the more intelligent toward the left. It's quite insulting if you think about it, as it seems this leftist bitch is mistaking all right wingers to be evangolist christians that can just be fear mongered into a belief.