Prodigy singer ded

degenerate dies, God smiles

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[citation needed]


Gen-X is another member less.

Cui bono?


Did he forget the actions that went along with Breathe?

oh shit it's legit

Got flamed by the god of hellfire

damn boys, it's true

who's this gay fag

As should do every Brit. Every singe one. Put an end to it.

Literally who?

well... shit

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death of the prodigy dancer (singer)

Based and redcoat-pilled


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This shit is being spammed so hard on /b/ right now

> Going outside is degenerate

Sad day desu Prodigy was pretty cool

The Fat of the Land is one of the best albums ever created. God weeps.

i loved them but were they like considered moosicians? the live shows were great though.
ah well, rest in peace lad

Singer from The Prodigy Kieth Flint

They were a terrible techno group from the mid to late 90s.


Goodnight sweet prince.

first album i ever bought when it came out in '97

Reminder that cocaine destroys your brain's natural mood stability mechanisms. Robin Williams etc...

... prolonged use of cocaine ...

I didn't realise he was even into amateur sleuthing into the Clinton Foundation.

now thats just mean

Surprised there wasnt a "fuck drumpf for doing this!" In there. Fucking idiots.

>found dead
>age 49
>police say "not suspicious"

I'm listening to it now for the first time in probably 10 years. Still great.

So now i'm getting jewed again on my Chicago Open Air tickets since they were somehow one of the two head liners for Sunday even though they're not metal.


You make me sick boomer.
Rip my boy, be a firestarter in hell

So what genre is it then?

Good fuckin riddance


Electronic music

Techno is the most simplified genre, a nigger banging a single drum. Like niggers did in Detroit and then Europeans obtained their records and caught up doing the same.

Fugg, he killed himself

>In a post on The Prodigy's official Instagram account, bandmate Liam added: "I can't believe I'm saying this but our brother Keith took his own life over the weekend.

Jilted Generation is probably still my #1 album.

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Well that just cuts my life into pieces.

80s teenager here, I never heard of this guy. Now the Talk Talk singer, there was a loss for humanity

Big beat
Drum.and bass

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>There will be children who will only remember him as the face on that funny backpack


I always had a feeling that people who do that to their faces are massive pussies and want to look scary in the hopes they don't get their skull caved in. Can anyone prove me wrong

I really did enjoy his music


no one cares

They promoted fear, aggression, paranoia and phobias to the white youth at the same time that Rap started promoting crime, murder, drugs and abuse of women to black youth.
Watch the video. Listen to the lyrics.

Usually happens to singers who are going to blow the whistle on hollywood/clinton child sex rings just look at chester and chris for example; birthdays matter.

buckle up more suicides coming.

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F, crazy bong

Mostly kids here I notice. But Prodigy was extremely popular back in the days. Very good songs still holds up.

>Insults Brits
>Every comment on a Youtube Prodigy video is from a Russian who loves them

Much like shaved heads. They're all balding fags with greasy hair

damn. 69 and zoomer face tat culture makes this guy's appearance seem downright wholesome

Change my pitch up
Smack my bitch up
Change my pitch up
Smack my bitch up
Change my pitch up
Smack my bitch up
Change my pitch up
Smack my bitch.


Also fuck you op. Raging faggot.

Now compare to a decade earlier, when the threat of nuclear war was real, NYC was a war zone.

Music then was still about hope and joy of living.

Always tell your mom if you are going somewhere

The first time I ever saw tits was at 2am on MTV in 1997. The video was Smack My Bitch Up. I respect that band for showing me boobs first.

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The more popular something is, the less likely it is to be good. Popular attracts the cener of the bell curve and is what your average person without taste likes.

where? i dont remember bobs in that vid

At the end

At the end. The MC is a tranny.

So the classic composers are bad now because they're arguably some of the most popular shit throughout history?

well damn

smaaaaacking in my biiiiiiiiitch
these smaacks will not biiiiitchuuup
smacks is how i bitch.
smacking what is bitch!

Blows your mind drastically, fantastically
Blows your mind drastically, fantastically

I hear it's very more-ish

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No, I'm talking about present time. Classical music isn't very popular as of today. Even back then, your average joe probably listened to folk songs and only the upper caste appreciated classical music.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg outlived this guy. Fuck


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Keith was a good lad, knew him through racing bikes. Jilted Generation still is one of my favourite albums. A group so talented and wayyyy ahead of their time. Pretty shocked desu, he was so upbeat...

Out of all the 90's bands, the Prodigy were the most original and groundbreaking.


literally who? go wax nostalgic with the kike worshipping fags at
pathetic 30 year old boomers

Trust an American Christian to celebrate the death of a man with a reputation of being very kind based purely on his appearance. His stage appearance no less.

That actually kind of makes sense.

I'm pretty sure, although I could be wrong, the composers were actually very intelligent men. They weren't drugged out retards covered in tattoos and piercings being promoted by heavily Jewish mega corporations force feeding them into the public conscious like today's "artists". Their success was natural and based upon the merit of their work. Not comparable to today faggot.


zoomers saying otherwise should immediately neck themselves.

Fuck that degenerate who encouraged idiots to get face piercings and tattoos

Classical composers and artists were edgy fucks. They were the rock stars of their days. Look it up. Most of them had crazy lives. Drinking too much doesn't carry the same stigma as drug now do.

literally who

Fuck man. This death has me messed up. Sound track to my youth. One of the best shows ive ever been to.

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For an example of how talented they were, this guy on YouTube reconstructs Smack my Bitch up using the samples originally cocktailed by The Prodigy to produce a hit track....

the Prodigy singer. it says it right there

Great music. RIP.

Smack my bitch up, massive chune

Its a mix of literally every music type. Theres edm and rap and reggae with hip hop beats and all sorts. Its unlike anything else ever

didn't the other guy from Linkin Park do the same thing?


this is why Chicks deserve to drive you all off your little island.

any fags who listened to this garbage were the kids with no friends and gay hair and clothes
follow your leaders example

first time I listened to them was on an anime teaser for DBZ VHS

RIP clownfag

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typical american scum, I bet you listen to nigger music


Gallagher brothers murder-suicide when?