Why are you white kids ao unathletic and goofy looking when it comes to sports?
Why are 70% of the nfl and nba black?
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no one watches sports ball except retards and retarded niggers.
Shes ugly damn
Spoken like a true goofy white boy
it's a conspiracy to elevate blacks to a higher status to entice white woman to want to be with them.
Why are 0% of relevant inventions made by blacks? I prefer my kids white and smart, you can keep yours black, athlethic and retarded.
>Why are 70% of the nfl and nba black?
Because it's a program meant to normalize an anti-White worldview.
>Why are you white kids ao unathletic and goofy looking when it comes to sports?
Why have you niggers never invented anything in the history of humanity?
Who is this amazon?
Chads quit that shit long ago