“Holocaust Scholars” to finally get access to Vatican archives

>Declaring that the church “isn’t afraid of history,” Pope Francis said Monday he has decided to open up the Vatican archives on World War II-era Pope Pius XII, who has been criticized by Jews of staying silent on the Holocaust.

What will they find?


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Proof that the holocaust happened

>What will they find?
Evidence of another 2 or 3 million of G*d's chosen people being eradicated by them evil Nazi I imagine.
Remember the 8 million, goy.

That the Vatican backed mussolini and by extension the nazis in exchange of not being ransacked during the war
We all know that already

>What will they find?
that the pope was ordering people killed so he could have their collections

>What will they find?

i doubt much of anything, if they are only allowing the access of those short 6 years(the length world war 2) of archives. when we all know that there are hundreds if not thousands of more years of secrets in the whole of the archives.

They will find no mention of the holohoax and use that absence to continue condemning him.

8 million, how could I ever forget the 12 million?

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I wonder if they'll lower the death toll again at Majdanek

Notice the sign used to say 2 and 300,000 killed

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>What will they find?
whatever the fuck they want.
why? are you questioning the holocaust goy?

Fuck the holocaust, fuck the pope and fuck the jews.


>Vatican archives on World War II-era Pope Pius XII
Yes. That is surely a trusted source on the crimes of the Catholic Church.

They backed Mussolini because Mussolini was restoring the Church's power in Italy.
You can read it from Mussolini himself in the doctrine of fascism.
(And it wouldve been a GOOD thing)


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>“Holocaust Scholars”

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Rich American Jews did nothing to help their own while bitching about other groups not doing enough

stop it goy

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>The Soviets initially grossly overestimated the number of deaths, claiming at the Nuremberg Trials in July 1944 that there were no fewer than 400,000 Jewish victims, and the official Soviet count was of 1.5 million victims of different nationalities,[26] Independent Canadian journalist Raymond Arthur Davies, who was based in Moscow and on the payroll of the Canadian Jewish Congress,[27][28] visited Majdanek on August 28, 1944. The following day he sent a telegram to Saul Hayes, the executive director of the Canadian Jewish Congress. It states: "I do wish [to] stress that Majdanek where one million Jews and half a million others [were] killed"[27] and "You can tell America that at least three million [Polish] Jews [were] killed of whom at least a third were killed in Majdanek",

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>What will they find?
Presumably evidence backing the Church's side of the story. Why else would they open them.

>did nothing
Then why did the USA get involved in WW1 and WW2?

Spoiler: it was the Jews
Just like all the wars in the middle east. America has been a jew slave for over 100 years now.

My guess is that the Vatican is pandering to the Jews to make hundreds of years of child rape go away

>Refuses to open vaults in regards to child sex abuse claims
>Opens vaults for Jews over some Holohoax

I wish they would find the truth. But it's like anything else, they'll go digging in the Pope's couch and find another 18 billion dead jews between the cushions.

Remember when Catholics were real. It's a true shame I can't trust going to church to speak with god and have to pray on my own these days.

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The vatican has already lied about 300 years of literally imaginary events.

this is absolute bullshit since they would NEVER, and I repeat, N E V E R open the vault for anyone.
Associated Press is a Roastingchild production and the Jewsuits in the Vatican are their bosses, this is nothing but BULLSHIT


Just why in the fuck is the Holocaust being shilled so hard every place on earth right now? Literally.

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>The Semitic Wannabes will open the archives with more "proof" that support the debunked theory of the Holocaust
Reminder that you should never expect truth from jewish inventions as they deturp the truth since day one. The Catholic Church wasn't "subverted". It is fulling t«its natural course on history by always bowing down to their jewish masters as they always did

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throw another shrimp on the barby

because the truth is out there and propaganda needs to be increased tenfold to stop it from spreading further

Okay, the Jews are obviously too strong to beat. How do I join them?

Since the begining

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The pope also conspired to assassinate Hitler and to rescue Jews from occupied territories.
The people claiming that the church was on the side of Hitler are nothing but spreading confirmed Soviet propaganda.

Pope Pius XII helped adolf

The Church was actually against Hitler spreading the jewish made book of "All Germans must perish" - latter changed for a more friendly name en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany_Must_Perish!

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ww2 was masterminded by the jesuits and their secret societies. all the world leaders were woking together. it was a war of annihilation which killed primarily protestants, orthodox, jews and buddhists and left the birthplace of protestantism raped and destroyed. stalin ordered troops to be excessively brutal towards the germans. allies bombed dresden, a non-military target, to hell. even bombed bach's home.

Imagine attempting to divert this much

15 Million? That's a lot. RIP 17 Million Jews.

fake news it was opened up years ago they found nothing..the jews and their fake news are retarded...the holohoax never occurred So muh Pope had nothing to do with it more fake inversion of reality by the satanic jew

LMAO so untrue its gay...WW2 was done by the jews for jew interests murdering off white Christian Europe in a controlled burn for subjugation

for those atheists, or ex protestants, you have no idea what is going on. you have no idea what protestants had to go through in order to break the temporal power of the papacy in their lands. you have no idea that this is how the modern era started. you have no idea that this the bedrock on which your nations are resting on.read up on the 30 years war.

but the pope and his jesuits never forgot and they absolutely hate protestants for what they did. and they already have another war of annihilation planned for us, only it will be america that gets raped and destroyed this time. and because you forsook God and forsook the bible, you dont even know who your enemy is

you divertion is papable even from other boards.

>"Holocaust scholars"

17 million?! I can't believe they killed 37 million!

yes yes its da joos. zionists are loyal to the pope, they are not jews. catholics fucking hate jews. so go kill another 6million of them for the pope you useful idiot, and while ur at it you can get your nation wrecked just like germany.

>oy vey!

This confirms that Vatican finances are fully controlled by kikes now. Things will only get worse for the Church.


Majdanek is what woke me to the gross exaggeration of what happened to Jews during WW2. That and the Katyn Massacre have put everything into question, believing even half of the official narrative is foolish.

Its difficult to comment on something that isn't happening.

the vatican uses the zionists in highly visible positions of power to deflect attention from themselves. zionists are loyal to the pope, and they will gladly facilitate another holocaust for their papal pimp, and let the blood be on protestant hands once again

>another holocaust

Don't forget the secret Vatican army the zionist are hiding in behalf of the Pope. For example the Swiss Guards are actually proto mechas, they are robots created to be an invincible soldier. It is even said that the Vatican has more nukes than USA and Russia combined! Just imagine what they could do with an army of millions of robot-soldiers and nukes? The takeover is iminent!

My god. 50 million innocent lives. Never again.

>oy vey, it not da joos
>its da jesuits i swear

Jesuits are probably part of the brotherhood of babylonians. I don't know that for sure, but that's what I'd guess.

Kek, they removed the 'total prisoners' part to obscure how low the rate of death actually was .

The vatican has been jewish for years. Not a christian left

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So the rate of death at Majdanek, an 'extermination camp', was 26%. For comparison, the rate of death in Northern POW camps in the US Civil War was 12%, 16% for the Southern camps.
How does a camp designed to totally exterminate its prisoners only kill 10% more than any other typhus infested POW camp?

jesuits bow to the freemasons which in turn bow to the jews

more like to confirm that didn't happen.

My understanding is that Freemasons were co-opted by the Templars, who brought Babylonianism back from the crusades. So it sounds like we're kind of on the same page, at least roughly.

>How does a camp designed to totally exterminate its prisoners only kill 10% more than any other typhus infested POW camp?
Well out of the camps you are comparing, only Majdanek had its supply lines bombed to hell and back. Only Majdanek faced starvation-levels of resource constraints.

Is "anti-semitism" the most powerful word in the world?
It's like the jews have the entire world hostage with the threat of being called anti-semetic if they don't have something their way, and everyone is so scared of being called that, that the world just lets them do whatever they want.

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The Freemasons LARP as templars but they are far from it. However they are just some crypto-jews who like to LARP of omething serious. Jews always like to LARP of something that they aren't

Red Cross documents proving they help smuggle Nazi war criminals out of Germany at the end of WW2.

What will be destroyed & rewritten?

I would say that anything that needs to be done in secret probably has something to hide. You know?


Oy Vey ! look at this evidence,
Here is your Bill for a Trillion Dollars.
Pope rubs hands trying not to smile

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Now that I think about it, wouldn't the higher death rate be easily attributable to the fact that there were women, older people, and children in these Nazi run camps, as opposed to camps solely containing hardened soldiers?
I looked more and this one US Civil War Camp had a higher death rate than Majdanek! 28%! The overall numbers are lower but still this was entirely due to disease and inadequate supplies. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andersonville_National_Historic_Site
Someone should do a more in depth comparison, but this is pretty telling. The whole idea of the Holocaust relies on deliberate extermination, this makes it seem absurd.

Good argument, good logic. There’s an amazing amount of obvious stuff that no one ever mentions. It starts to feel insulting.

>At this stage of the war, Andersonville Prison was frequently undersupplied with food. By 1864, not only civilians living within the Confederacy but also the soldiers of theConfederate Armyitself were struggling to obtain sufficient quantities of food. The shortage of fare was suffered by prisoners and Confederate personnel alike within the fort, but the prisoners received less than the guards, who unlike their captives did not become severely emaciated or suffer fromscurvy(a consequence ofvitamin C deficiency due to a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet)
Starting to sound awfully familiar, the descriptions of the prisoners' bodies are also the same.

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What happened to the Vatican during WW2? Were they just Nazi occupied?

Nothing, because it's all a hoax

Hold the fuck up... this is bullshit, what about the Roman pagan info the Vatican has locked up.

>staying silent about events that never happened
What an asshole

I bet they find out the Catholic church knew about the atrocities preformed by the Hitler regime against the Jews, and how they determined they would help harbor German war criminals to escape justice for their war crimes.


you haven't provided anything but empty rhetoric, as expected from a monkey.
The Black Nobility and Jesuits did indeed conspire to bring upon the world wars and sadly this will come as a shock to your monkey brain but they're jews too.
holy shit you are completely retarded.
Vatican was founded by the conniving pieces of shit who created the freemasons during the Hyksos dynasty. That order is literally the shabbos goy society for the Black Nobility and Jesuits.
You're a fucking clueless idiot, stop posting whatever you think you know because it's all wrong

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Jews are afraid of history.

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in b4 they start changing/destroying things

Seems like they made out pretty fuckin good user.

weak graphic. half that can be explained.
>why would germans transport jews before killing them?
because the einsatzgruppen were using too many bullets and it's harder psychologically to kill people at a close range web.archive.org/web/20080222023331/http://www1.uni-hamburg.de/rz3a035//police101.html
>why would the germans kill the jews instead of focusing on the war?
the same reason they opened up a front with the neutral soviet union. hitler and his waffen ss had a hard-on for exterminating untermenschen, to the exclusion of all decent strategy. dan carlin discusses this soundcloud.com/ghostoftheostfront/01-episode-27-ghosts-of-the-ostfront-i-feat-dan-carlin
>virtually every survivor says they were examined by mengele
the reason they survived is the same reason mengele gave a shit about them. they were valuable to his experiments. most of those who died hadn't been worth examining. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele#cite_note-FOOTNOTENyiszli201157-43
>no german documents/euphemisms
there are boatloads that point to the holocaust. however, holohoaxers still say it's too vague. deathcamps.org/belzec/gerstein.html
>jews at treblinka
they've been digging up bone and ash fragments for the past couple decades, seems pretty damning to me quora.com/Is-there-physical-scientific-proof-that-Jews-were-gassed-to-death-in-Nazi-concentration-camps
>holohoaxing ciminalized/concerns about belief
because the civil war isn't being denied to further an agenda, and because all of you use this as an argument for an actual holocaust. a lot of people are bad at being neutral/open to discussion with this topic.

oh wise one, please tell me how those ebul Nazis figured out how to use a gas that normally requires air-tight containers to be used in rooms where only a wooden door kept the gas from the rest of the camp. Please oh wise one, tell me how the Nazis' Hydro-cyanide is different than us Americans' Hydro-cyanide

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please, oh wise one, tell me

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