Women want equality

But not too much equality

>Men Favor Military Draft for Women A Lot More Than Women Do

>Voters aren’t all that supportive of a military draft, but if there is one, they think women should be just as eligible as men. Women aren’t so sure of that.


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>Women aren’t so sure of that.
Newsflash, pal
>Women want to have their cake and eat it too!
More at 11

jesuits are masterminding yet another world war of annihilation. theyll even get to send our women off to get killed in this one. what a treat!

Women never wanted equality, they want superiority and special privileges with none of the responsibilities. They want to be an aristocratic class who men serve.

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>pass draft bill for women
>women don't want to be drafted
>they find a man and get pregnant to avoid being drafted
>white birthrates skyrocket

Men that support women being drafted are not men at all. Why do you want to send your mothers and daughters to slaughter? Women in the military should be restricted to non combatitive medic roles. The draft is bad enough because you have people fighting who literally do not want to be there. Do you really want to rely on a woman saving your ass?

I support women paying for all the horseshit and destruction they have done. Traitors first.

equal rights
equal lefts

No one is talking about sending women into combat. There are a lot of roles in the modern military that women are perfectly capable of filling so men can be freed up for combat roles.

Who care what Ameri-skanks want? My YF is from "racist" white Hungary. Once I stopped wasting time with ameri-cunts my life drastically improved. Now I don't feel sick every time I open my eyes.
Who give a flying fuck about American girls (they are not women in any sense of the word) Let them go fight Israel's wars.

it wouldn't even have to be compulsory. they should just make it so you have to show your proof of registration with the selective service if you want to vote. that would eliminate non citizens and most women from voting. the ones that do sign up should not have combat roles though unless they can pass all the same tests as men. there is no pussy pass in real combat. there are plenty of potatoes to be peeled and latrines to service.

>Men Favor Military Draft for Women A Lot More Than Women Do
of course, they need more pussies to fuck around during combat, imagine a fight with some muzzie terrorist while getting your dick sucked haha

>Implying if the government didn't want them bad enough they wouldnt just say "okay have your pregnancy plus some time with the child and to get back in shape. see you in 15 months, private"

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Hello roastie


There are a lot of shitty jobs out there that need some equality.

>please don't draft me this isn't fair wtf reeeeeeeeeeeeee

ibbring this up whenever i speak with a feminist
>have your genitals been mutilated?
>did you have to sign a draft so that you can be used as cannon fodder?

Wish I had a state-sponsored fuckhole on deployment.
We had to settle for local nationals.

the us has a volunteer military
we dont need a draft
and on top of that, no president would dare take the pr hit for instating the draft

Men think they will be comfortgirls, thats why.

wow... what a surprise

>Women aren’t so sure of that.

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>everything literally our fault

Masculinity used to be about wanting to protect women from harm. Obviously women being drafted is the logical conclusion to them seeking pure equality, but it still doesn’t make it right. You retarded incels can’t even look past muh hurr durr wahmyn equal now.

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draft comfort women
women complain about "not having rights to their bodies" so they can be irresponsible sluts
men's bodies can be called up at anytime for military service

Good. I want to see all these good feminists sent off to the front line to get raped to death.

Yes. I want them to go die in a trench.

This is a big nothingburger
First of all, what are the odds of another draft? And secondly last i checked we have a large reserve and active force.

For there to be a draft shit needs to hit the fan and if it gets to that point where people are getting drafted, then women would need to learn to shoot straight anyways.

Like the saying goes, if the cooks have to fight your base is fucked. Or something to that effect.

What is really funny to me is that this is all just a show, and women still don’t want to even be considered for the possibility of a draft even if it is extremely unlikely to ever happen.

>ur not a real man
Traitors first.

Get fucked you whiteknighting tradcuck. It's faggots like you that have allowed women to run roughshod over western civilisation for decades.

No one's suggesting we get all our women killed in a foreign war. It's called a fucking lesson.
When a retarded toddler won't stop reaching out to flame, you let them burn themselves.

I guarantee it won't take more than a few thousand mangled bitch corpses before the entirety of that misbegotten gender is begging to be chained up to the kitchen instead. Then things can go back to how they should be.

> equality for benefits
> but not for duties
how can a man ever respect women?

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I want a few female Marines or army infantry to be raped and tortured on live TV so that some of the them take a step back and rethink the whole, "white men are literally like hitler and it's time to abolish Western Civilization". Maybe once they see that pussy privilege actually has a cost that was previously paid by men, they might not want to destroy everything that protects them.

This should not be up to a vote. Equality means equality. If you do not subject women to the draft, then you recognize the sexes are not equal, and that this is a guiding principle in national policy.

I mean, I'm fine with leaving women out of the draft. Makes sense. But then I also expect restrictions elsewhere. I'd want less women in politics, for instance. Women are more emotional, and thus more driven to make poor decisions. You get some advantages, you get some disadvantages.

That's why you just keep putting a baby in her so she's always pregnant and cannot join the war. For once use your dick to think.

I would support a draft of all Feminist, fat, lesbian and ugly women to serve on a battalion whose sole purpose is to serve as the first wave of any risky ground invasion. Strapped with suicide vests of course. Niggers would be the second wave

>so that some of the them take a step back and rethink the whole, "white men are literally like hitler and it's time to abolish Western Civilization".
C'mon, user. Lets be real here.

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You're a fool.

You're right. It'll take a few thousand dead sisters & daughters and their mangled blown apart corpses splayed over the television.

After that, the mere hovering threat of a potential female draft will have women across the western world begging to become second class citizens.

We shouldn't and having done so has lead us down a pathway which we cannot right. It all has to fall apart before the natural order can once again reassert itself.
It is shameful how many times we must learn the lesson that women are not the equals of men

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This, they wouldn’t even get a single kill or casualty. They would run out into the open field like their Hollywood action movies taught them and just die instantly from pretending to be invincible and pretending they can’t die or get hurt like a main character of a movie! It would be funny non the less to watch them beg for their lives.


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>Good. I want to see all these good feminists sent off to the front line to get raped to death.

this this this !

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>Good. I want to see all these good feminists sent off to the front line to get raped to death.

douce them all in acid, then burn them alive, publicly

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Muhammad, if you keep making shitty posts you’ll be late for evening prayers.

This pasta hit the spot since I skipped lunch, but it would have been better if it wasn't so stale.

So artificial and homosexual.

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Don't you have a stronk womyn to get pegged by since you're too fucking cowardly to put her in her place?

You're fucking delusional if you think anything less than mass bloodshed is going to reverse the current state of feminism.
What, you think women are just gonna suddenly decide of their own volition that it's in their best interests to be second-class? Give me a fucking break, they don't have the forethought to consider things like mass conscription and violent consequences unless they're actually happening.
This was inevitable the moment they were given the right to vote.

Man, Jayoh's looking rough these days.

anti-white cucks like you get hanged first

Loved when this story broke 2 or 3 days ago. Women want to have their cake and eat it too and people have been saying for decades that this needed to be implemented. If women want to taje advantage of every other right and benefit of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, they most certainly need to be forced to adhere to the same rules as men when it comes to defending those values. No backing out now, bitches. You don't just cherry-pick equality when and where you want it; it's all or none.

Anybody been mining salt from plebbit yet?

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Go die for zion and single mothers, cuckelstein

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>Women want to have their cake and eat it too!
Eat their cake and have it too.

Ted K. is right, fucking sentence is stupid because you can have a cake and eat it, it's chronologically coherent.
But you can't eat it and still have it.

>Women in the military should be restricted to non combatitive medic roles
You clearly know nothing about the military. There's no such thing as a "non-combative" medic in he military. You go where the resources are needed. They can and DO pluck "non-combative" hospital medics all the time to run combat missions when they are low on personnel. ALL medics are combat medics, they're ALL trained to be combat medics, and the WILL be sent straight into combat when and where it's needed. I'm sure you never felt so passionately about getting rid of the draft before it affected you, bitch. Time to eat your shit sandwich and enjoy it.

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>You're fucking delusional if you think anything less than mass bloodshed is going to reverse the current state of feminism.
You’re delusional if you think killing women will change their minds. Also you assume all women are on board with all aspects of modern feminism. Find yourself a woman who understands her role in the family unit. I don’t want those women forcibly sent to do bad a job in a role they were never meant to fulfill.

Women should be the front line in every war.
They are absolutely useless and absolutely toxic when they infect male spaces.

they would serve well ass cannonfodder and distractions.
they WOULD serve as sexobjects well too, BUT all of that is rape now, thanks to women in the military - how ironic...

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Equality isn't a buffet where you can pick and choose the items on your plate. Equality means everyone orders the same meal and gets the same thing. Women don't want true equality because that would be bad for them. They want to pick all the fries off of men's plates and have some of their soda without ordering their own and have the man pay for it all.

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>I'm sure you never felt so passionately about getting rid of the draft before it affected you, bitch. Time to eat your shit sandwich and enjoy it.
Imagine being the person who writes like this.

nah. I could do those jobs. So many men already died on wars, now it's HER turn. equality, bitch

>You’re delusional if you think killing women will change their minds
Have you seen how spastic women become when the possibility of being drafted is mentioned? They're fucking cowards. It's the only thing that will change their minds.

>Find yourself a woman who understands her role in the family unit.
They barely fucking exist these days buddy. And even the ones who claim to believe that women should be nice protected provided-for mothers still wholeheartedly support shit like being allowed to vote and having an equal right to work.
I'm afraid the only places on earth where you'll still find women with pre-1900s (ie true and fair) perspectives on gender roles are third world countries.

Women will be slaughtered by men in a hand to hand combat unless they are battling another female battalion, which is unlikely. Nobody will be making sure that a war is a level playing field. Basically, the question is do you want to decimate your country's young women and leave your society highly unbalanced demographically? If yes, go ahead, support the draft.


The only people who will never be sent into combat until after the fact are the clergy and that's to give pray or speak Last Rights over the dying. On paper, they say medics are supposed to be non-combative, but that's changed with modern warfare. Sorry to burst your fragile bubble. You get tossed into a situation where you have the choice to learn fast or die. That's war.
>t. former medicfag who also carried and fought with a 240B simultaneously on missions

>do you want to decimate your country's young women and leave your society highly unbalanced demographically?
Given how few white women actually want to have children these days - and how few children those that do have anyway - I'd say butchering ~10% of them in exchange for the other 90% become traditional women and squirting out twice as many kids is well worth it.

>you are not a real man
Holy shit my sides

Daily reminder, that women are too retarded to hold rights !

>Removing female 'rights' ? Problem is then that society isn't ready for such a change.

OH, society is more than ready.

Everyday it doesnt, it dies.
All parts that don't, just die (out).

Literally the only ones that will survive the next 100 years are the one, that drastically restrict female 'rights'.

All other's WILL be extinct.
That's why u have to understand.
Noone cares about feefees and noone will call the retarded act of wiping out one's very own race "noble", once when ppl look back on those who went extinct.

Extinction is an irreversable event.

Feelings dont matter. Only facts / survival does.

Look at muslims : they spread and spread and spread.
Guess why - they dont allow women their retarded and childish input into how to run society.

Muslim problem is religion tho, which works against them, but nor alowing the pidgeon-braned females control over society works FOR them.
Bottomline they grow and grow and grow.

Evolutionary extreeemly successfull.

While listening to females KILLS the West.

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We can just make a draft exemption for women who have children. That way we're only sending childless women over age 30 into combat. No loss for society.

>Imagine being the bitch so butthurt about being on the draft list now
The whole excuse about "b-b-but you don't want people fighting beside you that don't want to be there" has been used on pussified men for decades and they get their shit fucked up until they get in line and do their duty. It won't be any different for women and they won't get any special treatment. A soldier is a solider is a soldier. Best to stop whining about this and prepare your mind, body, and spirit to fight for the cushy, comfy life you've enjoyed up to now.

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You mean mulatto mutt babies when Tyrone goes from having 6 kids with 4 women to 15 kids with 13 women.

They would all mysteriously get pregnant right as their deployment approaches, a trick that has been up the sleeve of enlisted women since the military began allowing them in.

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>those teeth

I take it the NHS doesn't pay for toothpaste Jesus fucking Christ

I fully support wome. going to war and being killed / raped as a pow.

They want equality, give it to them. Force them into mines. Force them into the front lines. Force them into death.

Force them until they realize equality was a mistake, and they demand to be placed back in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant within their arranged marriage.

We need to end women's suffrage. I think they are suffering too much as is and we need to end it. Say "Aye" if you agree.

>>You’re delusional if you think killing women will change their minds
>Have you seen how spastic women become when the possibility of being drafted is mentioned? They're fucking cowards. It's the only thing that will change their minds.
>make draft voluntary to sign up for
>no votes for those that don't, limited employment opportunities (nothing above $30k/year), mandatory birth control
>keep false threat of draft at forefront of public thought
>Young Denise Richards tits

you mean the barely what 5% of utter degenerate trash women who for some reason get 95% of media and pols attention? you think those fat worthless hambeasts are going to be the ones getting drafted you fucking moron? itll be your normal woman who could give a fuck less about feminism and likely from protestant families, which is what most women are you indoctrinated idiot

Everyone that defends or asks for privileges for women,
is literally an enemy of the west, atraitor, a subversive, corrosive element
and should be judged and trialed and treated as such !!

traitors and subverters must get the bullet first !

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They are sending them into combat. They recently got that in the US.

We're all suffering from women's suffrage

how many % of women are fine with men being drafted ?

that's the percentage of women that deserve EQUALITY.
Oh, what ? 100 %

I rest my case, u subversive cunt.

image related : what women and male feminists / whiteknights did for sweden

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>, which is what most women are you indoctrinated idiot
Come on now, that's blatantly false.

nobody outside the pentagon is fine with the draft you fucking clownshoe
you act as if women were actually really pushing for this and that this wasnt federally mandated

They want equal opportunity without equal risk. That is not equality.

hmmm wonder which women will get drafted, the educated feminist cunts who are packed in middle management positions and vital to the economy,

or the housewives and low-income service sector workers who are normal.


on a reserve Navy suplly ship with a mostly female crew called the love boat %40 of the women became pregnant in the first Gulf war

Service guarantees citizenship.

Nothing new tbqh. We have mandatory military service, and if it also being mandatory to women is spoken, women go: "we can't be forced to military, men fight. And women give birth." But try saying next that womens role is to be mothers and they lash out at that too. Not to mention that looking at birthrate, someones are not even trying. This all is just to get stuff without giving anything back. And I'm tired of it. Like in any other case, I see it as immoral to deny people fruits of their labor. And I want women to enjoy fruits of their labor, even if they taste like shit. But, I think women get a pussy pass, they always do.

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>or the housewives and low-income service sector workers who are normal.
the sheer low number of those would make it unlikely they would be drafted in any significant number.

Yep, I think it's high time we get a petition going to end this horrible tragedy. Nobody should be suffering like this.

no you dont understand. they want equality? I say let them fight


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they are the majority of women in the country you moron. fucking take a break from this rage-baiting shit site for a 5 minutes holy shit

Nigger can’t act worth a shit

>we can't be forced to military, men fight. And women give birth
It truly is amazing how many women will say this in one breath, and then the very next espouse so passionately how women and men are exactly equal and deserve all the same benefits and opportunities.

I've come to the conclusion that women have absolutely no concept or understanding of consistency and principles. They just blurt out whatever they think in that exact moment of thought with no consideration at all of their previous statements.

They're like children, capable of justifying absolutely any hypocrisy and contradiction to themselves.

Yes, everyone knows women are incompetent and have no place on the battlefield.
It's like when you punish your toddler by giving him what he thinks he wants.
You're not actually going to put him into hard labor, it's just to show him how silly he is being.