The Dems.....winning on collusion according to Scott Adams?

reference video:Coffee with Scott Adams
Go to time index 12:45

Alright /Pol, I need you to help a normie like me out and give me some memes to fight back with. Apparently the Dem's are convincing themselves that their narrative has not fallen apart after the Michael Cohen testimony.

Like most normies, my memory isnt very good, so I have a hard time referencing examples of where they said collusion was the issue.

I know /Pol has a bunch of jaded cucks on here who wont see the point in fighting the BBC fucking their wife, so I will just say that if we can make the dems seem stupid, their drones will be to ashamed to talk about this. Thats the only way I see of burying this issue in public discourse.

Could anyone throw me some memes, or even pictures so I can build my own "hey tony" library to fight on facebook?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-04 at 12.54.05 PM.png (1366x768, 856K)

>scott adams

I dont like him either.

The problem is though that a lot of people do, and I am not sure we can really take the risk of ignoring him. Based upon the way my mother acts, he is right though. Somehow they have seemlessly managed to pivot without revealing themselves to be fake news.

Why bother memeing them? Just let the cold hard reality hit them. At this point flat earthers and moon landing deniers are more credible than Russian collusioners.

Because if you dont penetrate into their bubble, we are losing. When we do, they end up on suicide watch, and sometimes do literally commit suicide.

it's gone on so long and so intensly that nothing at all you will say will change peoples minds either way. It's easier just to make people question their own position

This. OP is basically asking how to break cognitive dissonance. Not easily but one method is to ask, is there any way the position put forth could be incorrect? Let then reason themselves out of it.


Scott Adams is a really smart normie He makes sense most of the time, but it's always within a Clown world CNN framework. Not a lot of patience for him anymore

They seem to like the idea that their beleifs are unfalsifiable. I think to them, when they realize that, it means that its something they can use to persuade others and cant be proven wrong. To them it looks like the atomic bomb of arguements.

The only thing I have ever found to break cognitive dissonance is to point out how their prior expressed beliefs undermine their current position and make them look like hypocrites.


Dude, I agree he is a normie and a CNN clown. I got so mad at him one day after he and Ben Shapiro got proved fake news on every god damn level that I posted a type of "terminal comment" announcing that I was un-subscribing. The sad thing is that I dont even remember now what I did that over, and would have to go back through my posted comments to figure it out. I dont even think he is internally consistent about how he applies his rules in this video, because there are parts where he gives donald trump an "F" for persuasion even though MAGA and The Wall appeal to his own base in a similar way to how the green new deal appeal to the democratic base, and no one else --yet he gives the democrats an "A+". I see one guy even made that exact comment a bit ago in the comments section.

I didn't watch the video, but I'm tentatively saying that Scott is once again "correct" because everything Scott evaluates is run through the prism of the media, and according to the media Trump doing things that his base likes is indeed a bad thing. I know that's probably not 100% right in line with his thinking , but I'm guessing it's some sort of lame "the context is different so we have to take that into account, it's not what I believe but how it's perceived blah blah" that he always pulls. At a certain point we have to accept that there exists objective truth outside of the media's framegame and start behaving according to our interests IN SPITE of how we fear normies will perceive us. Most of us know this but people like Adams and Trump either don't realize this or don't care. Trump played their game and won President, but continuing to play their game loses the much bigger picture in the end.

Alright, Ill try to take a stab at this, but because it was a conversation, I am just going to try and summarize the steps.

Talk to my mother about the fact her witch hunt is falling apart.
She then repeats media talking points that they expect to get him on the stormy daniels or tax data.
I tell her its against the constitution, and impugn the integrity of the investigators by pointing out that the swamp is using the same technique against Alexandria-Occazio-Cortez (whom she likes) of campaign finance ethics violations.
She seems slightly unsure whether she should agree or not
I point out that Michelle Obama literally put together the team to launch obama-care and was paid for doing so. I also pointed out that hillary clinton most certainly contributed, and was probably even paid, during bill clintons tenure.
Judging by her reaction, I am pretty sure I won that quite handily, because it puts her prior hero's in trouble if she attacks Donald Trump along the same lines, and will give me talking points in regard to why these politicians were so bad and so corrupt. The look on her face makes me think I won about 7/3.

Does that make sense?

No dude, I totally get you. There is a kind of circular logic element to his thinking.

He doesn't seem aware that he has set up an unwinnable game for Donald Trump in his own mind, and that "unwinnable" game would be the cold hard reality if it wasn't for the fact that the 2016 election proved there are means of persuading huge swathes of the electorate WITHOUT THE MEDIA.

So when Scott Adams comes out and says Donald Trump is losing the persuasion battle, its not the whole picture. Its a single front, a front we already knew we couldn't win on. Scott doesn't seem to realize this. Its almost like he believes that Donald Trump WON the mainstream media war in the 2016 election --he didnt, he lost. He lost soooo bad that when he won, all of the sudden, everyone realized there was a world of persuasion outside of mainstream media and its stupid talking heads and buzz-words.

Sort of, but in arguments I have had in the past with randos (may be different in person or with family) they will invoke the "false equivalence spell" to dismiss your accusations of hypocrisy because Obama care was a good thing, after all so that was okay. It just doesn't matter to them.

Another tactic is too pretend to not understand rhetoric for a few moments in order to accuse YOU of being the real hypocrite. So you think what AOC did was an ethics violation but what Trump is doing with his taxes isn't? Then you're just as bad a hypocrite as you accused them of being.

Insert the "I began to hate them" img whenever you please

Yep, that is the problem with Adams videos in a nutshell, he is playing their game and refuses to acknowledge that there are other avenues of achieving your goals that don't involve winning, because winning that game is nothing more than behaving how liberal media Jews want you to behave or else they slander you. It amazes me that someone as smart as him is so blind to this reality even after 2016, is it because he is a boomer and he vastly overestimates the power of legacy media?

The worst part about him is how smug and pompous he is about his understanding of the persuasion whatever, when in reality he is missing our point, and the fact that he will be proven right in a decade or two and feel vindicated about "how to win" but for the wrong reasons (demographic decline).

Their beliefs are unfalsofiable coming from you. That's basic tribalism. Ask them for the holes in their argument rather than providing the holes to them. In other words, facilitate them reaching the conclusion on their own. Play neutral information gatherer.

"Ask them for the holes in their arguments"

Dude, if they saw the holes, they wouldn't believe those arguments to begin with.

So you think his endgame is that he basically is going to write a book "How Liberals Learned to Persuade" once a demographic winter onsets for conservatives, and basically whitewash anything other than persuasion that lead to their success?

Not sure what his end game is. I don't think he's a grifter or anything I just think he has massive blind spots or different priorities. Maybe just too old to get out of a lolberg mindset.

I was finally finished with him when on more than one occasion he made the argument that Trump should trade daca for the wall, because we would be getting the wall for free since the daca people are already here and we barely notice them, right, right? And people in the that were disagreeing and he literally said that he didn't think there could exist anyone that wouldn't take that deal and labeled people who disagreed as trolls. Again, sounds good on paper except when you realize it's EXACTLY OPPOSITE and border security should be nonnegotiable, and breakers of laws should be deported, not rewarded. Funny how you end up asking for 180 degrees OPPOSITE of what is really in your best interests when you give the media's viewpoint a shred of credibility

What makes you think they wouldn't see the holes if they were invited to see them by honest inquiry in a fair discussion?

Have you read "never split the difference" by Voss? May be helpful to you if interested in this topic.

You misunderstand, he's not really telling you what he himself believes, he's telling you what he wants you to think he believes so he can persuade you. You probably aren't his target audience.

Nope, never heard of it. I wonder if there is an audio book of it....

Thats pretty shitty..... not only did he "marginalize" your view, he doesn't acknowledge the fact we could, for about 140 billion dollars, mount an opperation to get all these people out. We wasted 7 trillion in the middle east, whats 140 billion to get 11 million mexican citizens out of the USA?

11 million illegals? Why would you want to deport 5 million people? Is it really worth the trouble resettling 1 million refugees? Sure, we'll import 6 gorillion new Americans
>runs off into the distance