He's so redpilled

If you didn't watch Andrew Yang's Rogan interview you need to watch this right now:



On gibs
>US spends 1.5T on welfare a year
>He will give $1K/m to every citizen who wants it as a voucher (let's say you take $700 in food stamps, you can get $300 cash)

On taxing corporations
>He doesn't like AOC's 90% tax on billionaires
>He says Amazon and corps can avoid tax, so instead he wants to put VAT on all Amazon/Fb ad transactions and take money directly from them. This will generate 1T in tax revenue from big corporations and they will benefit because it goes to the state which gives people money so they can spend more

Basically a fucking genius. I would kill to live in an America with this man in charge.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>reply to yang threads
>bump yang posts
>make sure to save yang memes

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bump for yang gang

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Show your flag, chinabot

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Quit shilling this yellow nigger. What are his policies on immigration?

This is now a China hate thread

He's hella anti gun. Fuck this guy. He will take your guns. It's on his fucking website

>He says Amazon and corps can avoid tax, so instead he wants to put VAT on all Amazon/Fb ad transactions and take money directly from them.
which results in you paying more to buy stuff on Amazon.
Wtf I love extra taxation now


He's the only solution.

This chink is a chinese agent. disregard him.

It's the adventures of Wang Dong!


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How about telling me his immigration policy, shill


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>Yang Gang
the day of the pesticide can't come soon

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Open borders will help save the white race it is the very concept of "illegals" that is killing them off in the first place

>keeping foreign invaders out of your homelands is bad

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sorry white genocidists, Yang isn't American he is a chink kike stop shilling tranny discord

fuck this nip and the memefags promoting him, UBI is a disaster and i'll never vote a chinaman into office especially one directly funded by the Chinese government.

The only reason why people buy products from Amazon is because it's cheaper to buy it from there because they avoid taxes.
Stupid idea.
As always, leftards are retards that want all the benefits without the cons.

based and yangpilled
UBI and/or bust
crashing weimerica with no survivors

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t. Spic brainlet

People buy from amazon because they don't have to go to the mall, and fast delivery.

At the expense of your fellow whites dying in Civil War en masse once he's rolled out anti-gun legislation? Good one.
Yes. It's bad. My 89% white town is so far inaccessible to mudskins and it will stay that way until someone like Yang, AOC, or Omar comes until office by you subversive little shits you fucking faggot.

lmao, you're clueless

Reminder that the only good reason to vote for Yang is accelerationsim, and if your goal is anything other than the 100% collapse of the US economy and the dollar he's retarded.

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>programs to retrain miners doesn't work for 20 years now
>ubi shit
there will be interesting debates why it will work "now" with the new leaders

>UBI would crash America
It would turn us into a Dredd like world and then we'd really never crash. A revolt would be harder to achieve if half the people required are NEETing it out.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

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McWilliams notes that Fed chairman Ben Bernanke's "cash for trash" QE scheme drove up asset prices and bailed out the baby boomers. The cost of course, was pricing millennials out of the housing market.

Unorthodox policy penalizes the asset poor.

What assets do millennials have? Hardly any. Instead they are saddled with mountains of student debt which, thanks to president George W. Bush, could no longer be discharged in bankruptcy.

The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005 would have better been called the Debt Slave Act of 2005.

Then, when the Great Financial Crisis hit, the Fed came along bailed out the banks, bailed out the bondholders, bailed out Fannie Mae, and bailed out the asset holders in general, leaving millennials mired in debt unable to afford a house.

that's the best case scenario, and that's if people stay in the megacities instead of going out in the countryside creating their own communities, growing their own food, generating their own power, and using UBI to pay property taxes or other mandatory fees
the worst case scenario is hyperinflation and crash.
thus win/win

Notice how you guys went from

Stay alert, and be aware of the Eternal Chink

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How about we just cut taxes? My company only makes 5-10% on my labor, depending on the year. I’m concerned that 40% of my paycheck goes to Uncle Sam and California. That should be around 5% tops.

>if your goal is anything other
your ex miners and taxi drivers killing themselves off just without any other incentive than the life ahead will be more shit then yesterday

Actually you should vote because he's redpilled

in Italy they're handing out 700 euros a month for free now, basic income is coming

The reason for fast declining birthrates since 2007 in the US and among most nations globally seems to be the current ZIRP and low interest rates and Quantitative Easing programs which have the effect of inflating asset prices. The majority of assets are held by large institutions and post-child-bearing age populations. The flow through of these policies are asset prices rising significantly faster than incomes. For example, non-discretionary items like homes, rent, education, healthcare, insurance, childcare, etc. are skyrocketing versus wages.

For young adults, this means a far greater reliance on debt to educate themselves and a far greater portion of their subsequent income to service that debt. Greater reliance for young adults on debt to purchase a home or a greater portion of their income to pay their rent, provide healthcare, insure themselves, or provide childcare (as both parents are more typically working full time). The net result of these federal government and central bank policies to boost the stock market, home prices, and collapse interest paid on savings are collapsing birthrates and collapsing total births. This is diminishing present and future demand and quality of life for the young, poor, primarily non-white in perhaps the greatest transfer of wealth mankind has seen.

This is creating an economic doom loop whereas fast rising asset valuations push up the costs of living far faster than wage growth, pushing birthrates (and present and future demand) lower. The lower birthrates fall, the greater the reliance on asset boosting policies, and the majority of young, poor, and minorities with little or no assets are most harmed...wash, rinse, and repeat.

Not for free. You have to show that you take any job offered and they declined you.

Too bad literal retarded americans will never vote for this economic freedom. 60 million will vote for first wahman president or president trust me Ill get mexico to pay big league

Or they use it for drugs and immediate pleasures which is what would obviously fucking happen. You fucks act like this is what would happen, and you said the same thing when you voted to let nogs on welfare en masse. None of them used it "for bills and community" they just traded it away for drugs. I personally know drug dealers who take welfare shit for drugs.

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All Eurofags shill for China relentlessly nowadays. Not that hard to figure out.

Yeah, but you have a lot of shills here pushing “muh inflation”, even though it’s not printed fucking money.

>how will he pay for it

see the pic his shit is retarded and will collapse the US

again if you're accelerationist he's 100% the candidate for you, if your goal is anything other than economic collapse you're retarded for supporting him

Carly Fiorina is going to win in 2024? Good one.

Don't you get it? They WANT the collapse to happen.

>be you
>worthless NEET
>get 1k per month from UBI
>pay an illegal 3 dollars an hour to build you a house
>sell house

Yeah that's what accelerationism is

Yeah, and I make 65k a year. But according to you that's wageslavery, and why should I have that cut substantially? Does the middle class matter to you, shill?

Just discovered that this guys parents are from Taiwan.

We should meme him into presidency just to troll China

>Young Adults aren't able to afford it
They could if they weren't spending themselves into debt with all the "free money" shit credit card companies and banks send out, or if they weren't being tricked into private school and 4 year worthless degree is the only way to get a job. Or if they weren't hooked on opiods. All these things inevitable come from the kike and boomers. All you're doing is saying "here's some of your own money back to pay back the bills we're going to increase charge on next month. You're basing this one the delusion that people would use it for bills and not for pleasure which is exactly what would happen. And as I stated in a previous Yang thread, we could have an 88 foot wall with howizters and AA guns on it, it would still cost less than UBI

I'm not in the business of saving the dregs of society from themselves. My aim is to balkanize the country either peaceably because likeminded people now have the option to disconnect from this jewified society, or make everything come to a head because the currency becomes worthless.

>He says Amazon and corps can avoid tax, so instead he wants to put VAT on all Amazon/Fb ad transactions and take money directly from them.

Great, I love to be charged more for shit because some idiot wants to create a welfare state for the lazy

>Pay illegals instead of your fellow man
I guess all that talk of it going back into the community was bs

That's why Jow Forumsniggers love him so much. Because despite being so anti-corporation they don't bat an eye when they're just pawns for corporations as well. The most retarded people browse this board it's hilarious.

Who falls for the accelerationist meme anyway aside from commies and anarchoprimitivists? I’d just move to another country (likely Chile) if we kept electing people to bring upon IRL Fallout 5.

Trump as POTUS has the power to abolish the FED. Instead he is begging on his knees for lower fed fund rates. The US needs another Andrew Jackson, that was a truly son of a bitch.

>I make 65k a year
Okay, shill, show me a pay stub, or gtfo. You lying little bitch.

95% of this board whether seriously or ironically (which are all Redditors by this point), so you don't know if they want it or not.

Fuck off FBI

So again it went from
>UBI will save whites by giving money to rebuild communities and pop out more kids
>UBI will destroy everything thus giving way to the civil war

I'd say pick one but neither would happen.

>POTUS have power to abolish the fed
wew lad, someone needs a history in suicides by two shotgun blasts to the back of the head

Nobody does I'm just saying the only consistent reason to vote for this guy is accelerationism. Not whether it's right or wrong, just that if you have any desire for literally anyone's life to be improved in any way, voting for this guy is retarded.

So you honestly plan to
either fix america(lol)
Ride out the shit situation?(lol)

>hurrrr durrrrrr... let me work myself into death to make enough money to buy a house instead of an illegal doing it for dirt cheap... got keep my morals to make the Jews richer and richer

65k per year isn’t even that much. The average firefighter out here in Cali makes six figures.

You're not understanding. Either the UBI system is solvent so it would be option A. Or, its not and hyperinflation happens so it would be option B. My guess is a few years of option A followed by panic and option B.

And I have a 6 figure income as well, nigger.

12k instead of some cloudy gray handout programs based on wild filters would do basically do not much to you. but in case you break both arms and are out for three month, it might give you the ketchup on the fries.

I knew you were lying, you worthless little bitch. You could have covered your name, everyone knows that. Now go back down to your mother’s basement, your hot pockets are done.

Either it helps or it pushes us closer to that much needed collaspe. I know the elites want the collaspe too but we make sure they are dealt with during the collaspe so we can rebuild.

>clown trap

Your graph is retarded because it implies you do nothing with the trillion-dollar VAT revenue (taking $ from every tranaction)

He will redirect the VAT revenue directly to your pocket, and what will you do with it? Buy stuff. There is no way it collapses the economy

Donated a buck. My first ever political donation.

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I know it’s not a lot, I just know he’s lying.

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>He clearly doesn't believe in what is a version of redistribution so call him a wageslave capitalist!

Or, and this is just a guess based on absolutely no backing of the history of welfare in this country at all within the last 40 years, people get lazy and subservient (since UBI has been harped since the late 90's) and the goy become cattle.

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My graph? Implies you do nothing with it?

Nigger you didn't read the study OR the pic did you?

No they don't want a collapse, but if they do it would be controlled.

Or it just keeps more money in the local area because you might spend it on education or other things you can't simply afford on the edge of being in the lower middle class.
Its either UBI or food stamps, he made that clear

Why are you against niggers aborting their children? Anyone stupid enough or monstrous enough to kill their own children doesn't deserve to be a parent. Tho if I had the option I'd pair abortion with mandatory sterilization.

>>He says Amazon and corps can avoid tax, so instead he wants to put VAT on all Amazon/Fb ad transactions and take money directly from them. This will generate 1T in tax revenue from big corporations and they will benefit because it goes to the state which gives people money so they can spend more

Perpetual motion economics

This would actually save money on benefits because niggers on multiple programs getting more than 1k a year will opt out of them for the lump sum cash.

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>Imagine still actually unironically voting
el oh el
fucking boomers

This permanently kills the Yang gang

>an America with this man in charge.
Even if your not taking the piss Congress would fuck everything up and grift ll the proposals (if they let them pass at all) to enrich themselves.

I’m not going to “ride it out” if America intentionally chooses to go to shit. I have no interest in building up a new country from the ruins of another. Especially with these demographics.
Chile has a decent government, reasonable climate, reasonable demographics, and I wouldn’t even have to learn a new language.

This thread has so many VPN fags it's unreal

>Implying it wouldn't be passed without allowing niggers and women on welfare get it.

Low-iq magafags don't understand it. Yang it's the patrician accelerationist choice

I’d rather be lazy than a worthless slave.

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>the history of welfare in this country
the current welfare system is horrific. its designed so that trying to get employment cuts your benefits, and the benefits are such that low level employment will make you less money than taking the benefits while still requiring you to work. thus the poverty trap. why try to get honest work if you can make more not working. furthermore it give more money per child. so now you have a system that incentivizes both not working and popping out more children. its totally crazy

>wants to regulate guns
>retarded gibs-based platform
>”social credits” to gauge you on wrongthink and punish accordingly ala China method

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Why is it so hard for a liberal to be in favor of:
-closing the fucking border (this alone will drive up wages massively on the low end)
-gun rights

I could get behind him if it wasn’t for those two things. He has some good points on automation unemploying fucklods of people but then he goes full retard on shit thats important

Thus creating the Dredd world

nothing is backing the dollar but the military so what else is there?

we've had more gun regulation under Trump in 2 years than under Obama in 8. take the guns first due process later led to red flag gun laws because Trump signalled he wouldn't fight them. The reality is every single person in government wants to take your guns because they know they are the poeple who are going to get shot at the end of the day.

post your age so I know whether to discard you opinion.

>>He will give $1K/m to every citizen who wants it as a voucher (let's say you take $700 in food stamps, you can get $300 cash)
Wtf I thouhht it was 1000 dollars in cold hard cash (or as a direct deposit to my bank). It'll stimulate the economy because that's money I can use to buy cool things for myself.