What do you think of Europe's Age of Consent laws?

What do you think of Europe's Age of Consent laws?

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selectively enforced


Should be 18+

Oh wow I thought it was higher here. I know where I'm going tomorrow.


>13 if penetration is not involved
Based and redpilled. What country is that?

Is fine.
If you raise your kids shittily you deserve the outcome.

Romania. where just so it happens 9/10 EU hookers come from.

Too old for my taste.

Something like that.

Age of consent should be raised to 21.

Should be 25+

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Perhaps it would be best to forbid extramarital intercourse. Problem is, people WILL commit what's illegal. Degeneration is difficult to fix.

>13 if penetration not involved
Gipsyland confirmed pedo oral rape country

Hold on, what would happen in Hungary if a 12 year old fucks a 11 years old?

nothing like tapping a 14yr old in return for a bottle of sider

not my circus, not my monkeys.....

no chocolate milk for a month

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17 is the age of consent for my particular state. most of the usa is 16 but some states do 17 and some do 18. the question is what is too young?

in france there is technically no age of consent, if the kid is younger than 15, the judge decides if there was grooming or not

They seem OK to me.

Girls hit puberty at around 12-13. By 16 they're pretty much gagging for it.

Sexual experimentation typically starts around 14-15 within their own age group or earlier, regardless of parental supervision.

18 is just delusional, but what's important is to prevent them being taken advantage of while young and particularly stupid.

>12 if the older person in under 18
based loli loving Hung Aryans

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