Jordan Peterson: I think libtards are too offended by the meteor

Jordan Peterson: I think libtards are too offended by the meteor

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Oops someone swallowed all the climate alarmism.

The left: We can't build any rockets until NASA is more diverse and inclusive.

If a meteor were headed to earth leftists would attempt to sabotage the response, as they consider humanity evil and worthy of destruction

im meteor scientists said we are going to get hit by a meteor and we didnt so they said now we are definitetly going to get hit and we didnt so now they say we are going to get hit worse then we ever imagined if you dont give me the reins of government....
I might not believe the scientists ..

NASA: we can't go back to the moon because we don't have the technology anymore to do that, like last time when we went before integrated circuits were little more than an academic curiosity

>republicans not wanting to blow shit up
someone should tell this guy that NASA is based in red states

Ironic example considering GOP is usually the one giving NASA a bigger budget, while Democrats are the ones gutting it (or diverting NASA's funds away from spaceflight to terrestrial tasks like climate change research).

If that were the case I'm sure it would be a global effort to destroy the meteor. Not just the u.s. even if we implemented the green new deal. China and India are still polluting the earth. What will they do about that?

left: we need female astronuts.
ok here you go.
first bitch trusted with space repair drops toolbox.
now we spend millions of dollars a year tracking wrenches orbiting the earth at 20,000mph.