Why does US still practice infant circumcision in 2019 ?

Why does US still practice infant circumcision in 2019 ?

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Fashion trend. Stupidity.

I had this argument with my millennial nephew. He insists he'll mutilate his kids' cocks if he has any because he thinks there's scientific evidence that it's better to cut part of your cock off than allow your body to function the way it forms. He thinks the foreskin is like the appendix. He's a god damned moron.

cuz uncut dicks looks like shit

Gross .

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Girls with roastie flaps look gross too . should we cut them at birth ?

Incredible . The stupidity is strong on that one .

Because they are a Jewish country. You gotta upsell your customer, convince them their boys will get dick cheese and die virgins if they don't cut off their foreskin. Also the Jewish god views circumcision as a sacrifice, so that's probably another reason it's engraved in their culture.

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Fuck off we're Christian there's nothing Jewish about it.