Jow Forums still defends capitalism

Jow Forums still defends capitalism.
Why? What are you going to do when Trump brings in millions if Pajeets to code and "learn to code" no longer applies because an immigrant will do it for 5$ an hour?

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learn to manage code monkeys.

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Jobs are consensual while taxes aren't.

if every person putting economics at the center of politics (no matter their school of thoughts) were shot right now, the world would improve tremendously.

It's not consensual to have all of your local companies replaced with corporations that pay you so little you can never afford to buy a house or retire.

You're not forced to do business with these corporations.

Yes I am if the alternative is starvation.
I would become a farmer but the US company Monsanto has destroyed the farming industry and it's impossible to open your own farm now without submitting to Monsanto seeds and pesticides

You're just a weak bitch. I will succeed under any competitive system. You will always fail even under a system that tries to lift you up and hold me down

How did Monsanto destroy the farming industry, and why is it impossible

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and the alternative isn't starvation. There are many other alternatives.

The only thing I support about capitalism is that individuals are better suited to managing their individual assets than bloated governments with unlimited spending.

oh poor kim. poor sweet naive innocent kim.

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Monsanto burned down the Funtown pier, or are you just blabbering on about nothing?

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Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same, Jewish coin.

Imagine actually defending anything that isn't purely capitalist. Yikes

Capitalism's mission is to destroy the planet and maximize profit with minimizing payment to workers and laborers.
so yes, capitalism is succeeding, but that's not a good thing.
I'm not opting for socialism, just tax the rich more and stop the financial RAPE of the goyim.

Why do the majority of people think the only alternative to capitalism is USSR communism ?

>just tax the rich more
Why do you think the government should have more money?

How will that save White people?

> and stop the financial RAPE of the goyim.
But you can't do that as long as you have a Jewish, anti-White system (Capitalism/Communism) in place.

>Why do the majority of people think the only alternative to capitalism is USSR communism ?
Because the Jews don't want you considering the third option, which doesn't involve them.

Reeeeeeeee pol isnt one person jew. You will never control pol

they were replaced because the vast majority of people preferred doing business with the corporations
no matter how hard you try, you'll find the root of your troubles is the voluntary behavior of the proles you claim to be liberating
and you intend to replace a system that still allows individuals a wide degree of freedom with one that is enslaved to those very same proles and their "needs"

the problem isn't capitalism, the problem is the vast swaths of cattle that are barely self-aware
this is why democracy, socialism, and any other centralized, egalitarian system is crap

The rich can avoid taxes and that money is inevitably given to the worst humans alive because of today's victim contests.
We should be breaking up centralized power, anti-trust law. The only reason this fell out of favor is today's disgusting international competition where every country thinks they need to prop up their own failed businesses to compete with corrupt foreign(usually Chinese) businesses. The whole idea of too-big-to-fail, companies with so many employees that they can hold them hostage to get what they want from the government. Taxes don't fix any of that.

>look i posted it again XD

>laborers are just cattle
meme is why the guillotines came out in the past.
Keep defending your zionist overlords.

Monsanto is now german.... well owned by bayer


Communism is Jewish and therefore anti-White.

Capitalism is globalism and thus rejected by a good portion of Jow Forums, but it doesnt mean certain aspects arent of great utility to the nation and its volk. Also, if this is your general thought process which consists of nothing but whining, then you probably deserve to be a simple slave, be it in a capitalist or communist society.

missing the point that most revolutions were led by landed elites taking advantage of peasants during periods of severe economic discomfort(like communism did!)
notice how the cattle obediently tolerate all mistreatment so long as they have bread and circuses
even this idea of massive taxation to fund wealth redistribution is an idea of the very same elite you claim to oppose
you get called cattle because you act like cattle

>Guillotines came out
And killed some of the most staunch supporters of the revolution. Cannons also came out, and you know what they were for? Killing farmers who didnt kiss the feet of the new elites

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Yeah, and?
It's not like they pay you for nothing, if you want to capture the full extent of your productivity you are welcome to go into business for yourself.
As a matter of fact it's very easy to do in this country.

>Blame the affects of big government on an ideology centered around small government
What are you smoking?