How do we primary this traitorous cunt who keeps voting against Trump?

How do we primary this traitorous cunt who keeps voting against Trump?

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In his defense, he's standing by his scruples. I wouldn't call it cucking out.

Shut the fuck up, Rand is based and Trump happens to be slightly based and a Jew pawn at the same time.

>don't build wall
>get flooded by subhumans
>subhumans vote for gibs
>get voted out of office
Sounds cuck to me.
Okay leaf, now shoo.

Attached: CUCK.jpg (225x225, 26K)

Libertarians like Rand are a fucking joke.

trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz that vote against their own economic interests

Libertarians will betray their base for muh values. Libertarians are a drag at this point.

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You first, magapede

Trump didn't fight for the wall when he had unified control of Congress. He's the only cuck here.

4/28/17 President signs comprehensive spending bill WITHOUT wall funding.
5/5/17 again
9/8/17 again
12/8/17 again
12/22/17 again
1/22/18 again
2/9/18 again
3/23/18 again, but Never again!
9/28/18 again
12/7/18 again
1/25/19 again
2/25/19 again, President declares emergency

Fuck off back to TRS you shills, you're having a hard time tonight.

The thing that pisses me off is this talk of how democrats wait for “precedent” to start breaking/bending rules. This is utter bullshit. If liberals needed to wait for conservatives to get stuff done nothing would ever get done. Libertardians are so fucking stupid.
>tfw government can do things but it’s never what republicans/conservatives want to do

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Go fuck your legal immigrants shlomo

imagine being this emotionally invested in a cucked Israel-first zionist politician like Trump.

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>follows American laws and respects our system

No retard

What are you invested in, globo homo? I guess I’m with her now, fucking shill

This. We don't need congress to appropriate funds when we had the WILL OF THE PEOPLE speak clearly and loudly that WE WANT A WALL!

How about following the will of yours truly who voted you into office instead of the will of the oligarchs who funded your campaign for once?

>le jewspiracies meme

4D chess, flood the swamp, let in record numbers of visa holders, don't build the wall, MIGA not MAGA.


>voting against Trump
Choose one.

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Remember /lrg/? Yeah, it's dead now. You could have prevented this Jow Forums.
>w-we grew up!!
You just want an excuse to get neetbux and say nigger whenever you want. Too bad having both is impossible under Comissar Yang, you fucking children.

Nice hair

>yes Trump is a cuck...but AT LEAST HE'S NOT CLINTON
lol, last resort cope

Thank you for agreeing with my take on libertardianism but admit it, you love legal immigrants don’t you shlomo

>This. We don't need congress to appropriate funds when we had the WILL OF THE PEOPLE speak clearly and loudly that WE WANT A WALL!

That's not how the separation of powers works.

There's no "separation of powers" when we're talking about the people - ALL power belongs to the people, user.

Yes and congress delegated power to the president legally under the constitution. Cry more and join the democrats if you hate conservatives enacting policy so much

Never trust a libertarian.

In neither reality or writing is this true.

How do your parents feel that their son ended up being a literal cuck who worships at the feet of another man?

If you thought Rand would vote otherwise you haven't been paying attention.

Imagine being this salty over losing a primary TWO YEARS after the fact.