What the actual fuck

If he doesn't do prison time. Your countries justice system has proved to be incompetent and it's all your fault. How could you be so foolish enough to vote for this psychopath.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The crusade is gonna fix this shit

The 1% don't go to jail. They just resign

Watch these two videos. Similar behavior. Constant denial.

Paul Bernardo Interview:


Justin Trudeau Denial:


I'm curious to know if this story is a big one in Canada because literally no US news outlets are running with it except for a token article they hide immediately.

It's moderately popular on social media. The media talks about it for a minute and a half before acting as if nothings happening. They aren't going to let the public know about their puppet.

Becasue nobodies been shit yet.

the liberal party is on the brink of destruction
if trudeau tries to hang on to power, it's over
even our allies are wondering why he isn't resigning

I'm out of the loop. What happened? What did he do?

This is the year NDP really rises. As I predicted in the summer.
They will be much worse.
watch out.

It's fucking pathetic that the CBC isn't talking about this, but not at all surprising.

Watch this video. Its very serious. Anybody with a brain knows this.


are you kidding?

What the fuck are the charges?

Is it like England where if you dont have a license to have a license you go to jail?

Or is it something more legit

you must be joking
the NDP is down in every poll, their leader can barely get a seat, and is done after this election
a huge number of sitting MPs have chosen not to re-run, and they only made their emergence by winning in Quebec which is showing signs of dropping them

what did he do?

You don't vote for the PM.
The PM is unelected. The majority ruling party decides the PM.

That goes for all parliamentary systems. Like Merkel in Germany.

These people are never on a ballot. We don't have a democracy.

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Nope. lol.

as to the person below. Le pols. heh.

It's all a ruse. Everyone I know who was Liberal is going straight to NDP.

Cons are gonna be split between Max Max and Sheer.

Liberals are too stubborn and " scared" to switch over to conservatives.

I really hope I'm wrong. But I've been predicting things perfectly over the past 3ish years, including last election.

Work needs to be done to change things around but it's possible if people start pushing pro conservative, or PPC ideas in subtle, passive, and humorous ways.

what do you like best about the cons?

Its going to be Conservative m8. Mark my words. Screen print this.

yeah right we just got rid of them but lets get them back. the left isn't fascist enough

what did trudeau do? does anyone even know?

if it was sheer's party or burnout they suck them off too

The QRD is essentially he intervened in an investigation into a corporation by telling a high level prosecutor to "help them out" or "go easy." Way more details of course but that's what it looks like at its core.

>This is the year NDP really rises
The NDP will remain at the children's table like the greens. The retarded liberals who refuse to admit wrong will stay liberal and the crazy commies will split between liberal and NDP. What will happen is a conservative minority government, nothing of real value will get done and we'll be forced to wait until the next election again.

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some bs about a company doing something and him allowing it to pass. its a big nothing. he is going to lose in oct any ways

The damage control is real.

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the cons arent gonna go after snc

If something similar was happening with Trump there'd be rioting in the streets.

Prison is too good for this faggot. I really want to see him get publicly executed by plugging a bullet into his skull. Fuck this Globalist controlled Castro Jr. sack of shit.

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nigga thats 9 minutes. i got bored after 2. whats the jist of it?

But I voted for Harper user-kun. He wanted to ban hijabs and muslims.


this video is enough.

it's okay to be retarded. he won't admit he fucked up, and step down.

>Hires a gender equal cabinet cause it's 2015
>Ensure not every job goes to the best candidate because reps are only 25% female
>Gets whitstleblowered by a abo that wants to be PM and only could do this because of said diversity hire.

He literally cucked himself.

that might work on the already frightened simpletons but I don't think it'll work on most canadians

lol she's an idiot. go ahead destroy jobs in quebec

No he didnt

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deferred prosecutions aren’t illegal and the USA does it all the time.

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and by most you mean 49% percent of the population, that voted for conservative last election, but sadly we're defeated by zoomers who only voted because, "weed man"


>muh cbc

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yeah simpletons

No one cares about meme flags when it matches their view

there's nothing wrong with them
but it's the AG who decides when to use them, not Gerald Butts


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trudeau got elected because most of us saw how dangerous harper was with his police state shit.
the ndp would have won if the libs dropped out

And in Canada, unlike most countries, AG is also the minister of justice.

no, no, OP's still a faggot

Also Mulcair went full zionisy, so most normies recoiled and took a chance on trudeau.

>heads he goes to prison
>tails he is ousted, ridiculed for the bribed, socialist, country-wrecking puppet that he is, forever humiliated

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Remember Brett kavanaugh?
It’s basically that.

yes he did


Another one of his ministers just resigned

"Jane Philpott resigns from cabinet, citing loss of 'confidence' over government's handling of SNC-Lavalin"

It would be quite funny if this leaf had to end his term early or went to jail but trump completed his presidency without impeachment.

He pretty much had to, his wife is a Sephardic Juden.

Too bad Mulcair he wasn't a conservative, he's really good in Question Period.

In important Canada news

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Lets be honest he is going to win another 4 years in office. The NDP is running the faggiest raghead shitskin I have seen in my life. 30% diehard liberal + 15% NDP voters with 10% of Conservatives voting for Mad Max and Trudeau wins a second term easy.

>go ahead destroy jobs in quebec
It's acceptable the throw the Rule of Law out the window when French Canadian jobs are at stake!

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>over 60% voted for lib, ndp and green in total
god we need a fucking cleansing, what a degenerate population we have.
t. disgruntled maritimer surrounded by lib-voting boomerfags

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fresh of the presses
it's all tumbling down

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Amen brother.

Trudeau speaking live momentarily:

will he resign?

>let’s vote for the Jewish party instead fellow whites

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He is speaking live soon

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oh I agree but the real world isn't going to give a shit about their high moral standards.

>another diversity roastie flees
Oddly, this is looking better and better for trudeau.

no. But he will speak for roughly 10 minutes and still manage to say absolutely nothing.

i like jewish people. are you kidding?

There can be a cost to acting on one's principles, but there is a bigger cost to abandoning them.

Sure, but even then the minister of justice shouldn’t be directly interfering as an executive in the proceedings of the judicial branch. She refused to interfere so she got sacked.

Justin Trudeau isn't the 1%. Not even close.

Also, over/under 50 "uh's" in his speech

Whatcha doing rabbi?

>the real world isn't going to give a shit about their high moral standards.
the Rule of Law is the bedrock of our entire civilization.
Anyone who opposes it should be executed.

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Mulcair has been a Conservative, Liberal and NDP in his career. A true politician who stands for nothing but selling out and self-aggrandizement.

HAHAHAHAHA yeah right you welfare grubbing NEET faggot.

NDP will never form a government.. certainly not lead by that fucking diaper-headed street-shitter jagmeet singh

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DFAs are frequent and plentiful in the United States.

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Who else here finds french people to be stupid lads?

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Alberta leads the way.

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when did i say vote con? theyre fucked too. but at least a lot of those who vote con are the traditional religious types as well as Jow Forumsacks, so they're saveable if you just get them off their "greatest ally" bullshit.

>muh jewish d&c
Jews are the main threat.

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Lmao he's so fucked

Is it true they only have 2 inchers?

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lol alberta will never live that down. fucking retards voting ndp of all parties. they have no right to talk about being based when they voted that dumb cunt in.


when are elections in Alberta? she needs to go ASAP

Ship the shitskins back when scheer gets in

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Well, by that reasoning, some liberal voters are/were normies repulsed by the greatest ally schtick as well.
“Judeochristian” churchians (as opposed to christians) are just as bad as some socialists. Adopt that black baby.

>implying it’s illegal
>it isn’t

In Canada, no, it's Chinks and Poos with Quebec as the primary vehicle for those two groups entering the country.

Good luck with that

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the french invoking their will on everyone else by forcing them to learn french just to suit them is bullshit. theyre only 20% of the population and the majority in only one province - learn english or fuck off. shouldve let quebec get independence, then we couldve got rid of bilingual shit and become english only.

Of course schlomo, there are no Jews in canada

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Fucking frog lipped french people, when you thought there was nothing worse than being french.
>see a french canadian with a shitty Quebec accent

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>implying that what happens in the USA is relevant to Canadian law
the issue is interference by the Prime Minister and other cabinets in prosecutorial decisions that they are legally obligated not to interfere in politically.
You can't draw a parallel to the USA because in the USA the Attorney General works directly under the President and answers to the President. It's actually entirely legal for the President of the USA to interfere politically in prosecutions, whether it should be or not.
Not the case in Canada.

>and other cabinets
cabinet members*

god i fucking hate that term. jews are an enemy of christianity. jews killed jesus. yet every self-identified christian in north america proudly "stands with israel" and always throws "judeochristian" around. disgusting.
>Adopt that black baby.
funny you should say that, my woman has mentioned that she wants a black baby a couple times. And every time I flat out say no. She's pretty libby too, thinking soon I'll have to try to redpill or just drop her and find one thats already redpilled. shouldnt be too hard living in the whitest province though.

Disgusting. I'm embarrassed for your country.