why do Native Americans get land and special treatment by the US government but the descendants of African slaves who were forcefully brought into the country don't?
Why do Native Americans get land and special treatment by the US government but the descendants of African slaves who...
Jonathan Peterson
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Chase Phillips
That’s not a Native American.
Ethan Peterson
gib qt native gf
Isaac Powell
They all develop drinking problems and flat ass syndrome. Don’t do it.
Isaiah Lopez
why would they? the NATIVE people are NATIVE, its their land. the people who were brought there are not native, so no land was stolen from them
Ayden Price
not full at least
Mason Kelly
>Implying they don't.
Michael Rodriguez
but she is
Ian Perez
whitest dog I've ever seen
Grayson King
We can be alcoholics together then.
And a strict squat regime for her.