reconcile their love for the nigger's culture/music with the niggers's actual words and actions?
In other words, how are white American females capable of loving the nigger when he is so repulsive in everything he does and says?
How do beautiful Aryan-American women
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Because they love big facts
'cause they love shitskin
unironically niggers all they have to brag about is more average physical strength and bigger average penis size
damn I love being white
Who marries these race traitors when the niggers are finished with them?
Probably incels or faggots who are desesperate to fuck whitetrash
Quick hypotethical Jow Forums:
If their average size was lowest, say 5.0", would they have any reproductive success? It seems like the entirety of the persons body and mind is wholly undesirable genetically. Does that mean that the only ones that reproduced were ones that had big dicks because that's their only trait that could ever get them laid?
So this has emerged over time through a darwinian process?