>His wife/gf has previous sexual partners
>Thinks he is redpilled
His wife/gf has previous sexual partners
My wife dated black men in the past. She even comments on how hot black men are when we watch movies with them in it. it doesn't bother me because I am a man and got past childish racism.
>inb4 100 butthurt B E T A S
t. redditor
>girl i was talking to said she fucked 6 guys before me
>gets mad when i called her a whore and stops talking to me
girls these days get gangbanged in parties from the age of 14.
if you try to find a "pure" girl you will either stay alone or end up with a liar
holy 4s nigga you been blessed for this
What if she was a virgin but I convinced her to have a mfm threesome and she cried after?
>tfw took my fiance’s virginity
Anyone that has sex before marriage will meet the rope. Degenerates come in all flavors, but meet the same end.
A guy initiating a mmf threesome is just an excuse to see your friend naked
She's redpilled, and you're a degenerate fuck who should off himself
>not wife on your wedding night to consummate the marriage
I got a redpilled gf that's reason enough to keep going
This burger is alright.
Yes your wife shouldn't has sex with any other males, no matter when or why.
That's why it is always important to marry them early, and make sure that she understand you are the head of house and the only dick she will only ride on.
Shame thought, that this land has corrupt even our muslim woman.
I guess just cutting the genital is not enough.
Numbers don't lie
Think you've been watching too much porn
>tfw I took the virginity from at least 7 girls in middle and highschool
I didn't realize that it would ruin chances for at least 7 other guys, I only thought of myself at the time. Not really sorry, but feel bad that these girls probably turned into roasties.
Even it wasn't you, it will be someone else.
Trips of truth. Beta bux triggered ITT
I don't know.. I was pretty convincing, user.
How the fuck are you supposed to find a virgin gf in western societies nowadays anyways?
Man or woman, we all are whores at default, unlike us man, woman can't control their desire as they are lesser than men.
Even under muslim law, they will still try to be a whore, and you all know damn well how they behave in theese non-muslim land.
Convert and look for trad muslim woman.
You can find them in America. If not, swallow the Latinapill
thanks for the validation, user. Now I don't feel so bad.
I'm guessing you were not her seventh?
They exist out in the rural areas, and they aren't pretty.
this is a tough pill to swallow for most but it's the truth. cucks are gonna be real fucking triggered in here soon
I wanted to see if she was serious about our relationship, and we are very sexually compatible. She doesn’t regret giving it up before marriage, why should I? I’m not leaving her and we’re getting married this fall.
Yes you have moved on from childish racism. Now you are taking part in childish shit posting
>Convert and look for trad muslim woman.
>trad muslim woman
You mean daddy's/elder son's cum rag? Yeah, I don't know. Islam would be a lot less bothersome if they dropped the chopping off your dick-part, and retarded prayer requirements (i.e. if they cucked like Christianity and required literally nothing).
Hi Joan
>no seeing woman as object to own and trade at will
A real woman has only one sexual partner and that is with her husband. Anyone else is a whore.
nothing wrong with a woman checking out compatibility with many men. Shes only a whore if she gets paid.
>my girlfriends 4th
>know for a fact she's lying and has probably slept with more like 8-10
Don't know what to do but i've slept with 6 women so at least we're close
Wrong. Prostitutes get paid.
nobody past 20 is a virgin bar OP
sorry you need to compete in the sexual marketplace, faggot
>Even under muslim law, they will still try to be a whore
This is the truth... Bitches willing to risk a beheading or death by stoning for some cock. I'm pretty sure if the roles were reversed, we'd have 80-90% of men permanently abstinent.
Pretty good bait, watch and learn faggots
Couldn’t wait til wedding? Blew it
What is worse than a prostitutes?
A free cum dump that is full of nigger cum.
I have been together with my wife since we were teens, so I been out of the game for a long time. We also have two daughters. I do sometimes now feel bad for some of younger men out there. I also feel like I'm one of the few non-cuck husbands/dads.
Serious question
When I watch movies with my gf she points out how hot the actors are and it always pisses me off. She says "it's not like I'm going to" but isn't that the same since you think he's hot? You know like shes checking him out? I mean if there was a possibility you ran into him and he ask for your number you're not going to fuck him?
I also told her "what if I said the same thing about women?" She said she wouldn't get mad because she not knows "I love her". Is this shit disrespectful? Also I remember one time she caught me checking out some blondie's ass at Walmart lol she was so fucking mad and made a big scene.
Only half wrong.
A job is a job innit
Tell her to shut up and mind her own business. Tell her you love her and are going to look at whatever the hell you want to. When she calls an actor hot, get up and tell her you have better things to do than sit there and listen to her going on about mind fucking some other guy. Don't leave the house, go do something productive like clean and oil your rifles, or read a book.
It's not hard, the enemy you face is the fear of loss. You need to transfer that fear away from you and into her.
i like to make pepes
the sad thing is you incels are past the age of any desirable mate being a virgin.
no dumbass its a movie.
this is a good idea. this man knows how to deal with womans that eye fuck other dudes. what happens later when she says he raped her tho?
Having any sort of romantic relationship is inherently bluepilling, why do you think people turn to extremism UNTIL they get a wife/gf/slave?
it's a shit test user. tell her to shut the fuck up if she says it again. also make a point to stare at every big titted, phat assed girl you come across. when she bitches tell her to shut the fuck up, you'll look where you want.
she's walking over you cause you're a little bitch, get a grip on your shit.
>what happens later when she says he raped her tho
More fear... I said to give her a cold shoulder, not a beating. Establish in her mind your willingness to ditch her without taking on any personal consequence. (The "doing something productive" part is so you don't appear to be making any concessions on your own happiness when you leave her there.) Also, I'm assuming we were discussing a relationship and not a hookup.
If she claims you raped her, remind her that filing a false or misleading police report will land her in prison and that lies always have a way of coming out before the end... Tell her to get a grip on reality before you get as far away from her as possible.
Yes..faggotry in disguise
You should let her try the BBC again at some point. I would love to watch a black man fuck my wife, but there are too few of them here in Serbia
Ur gfs a moron. Shed bend over for ur local FM DJ if she ever met him...cut her loose or keep fing her, whatever, but shes no good
So u 2 are minding own business watching movies and shes hinting how she wants to fuck better looking guys....at store, sees u looking and loses her shit...shes trying to dominate u and let u know she thinks she can do better
this is just live action role playing to you.
you don't actually value a society where wives are virgins on their wedding nights.
you live in the states and look for pussy like almost all others
this is just the latest manifestation of your internet addiction
keep doing next to nothing
that's just unhealthy user.
You need to meet a woman who doesn't have the lust illness. there's very few untainted ones left
This is accurate. Clamp your jaw and act like a man who respects himself when she pulls that shit. Don't be a dick and make it obvious that you're checking out other chicks, but don't let her make a scene in public. If she tries to make a scene, tell her to finish her shopping and meet you in the electronics section near the TVs or at whatever restaurant in walking distance you feel like eating at while you wait for her to grow up. Tell her to chill the fuck out and stop acting like a child before you walk off. Say it like, "God damn, you're worse than a child." Make sure she hears you. Don't say a word about it in the car, if she brings it up just say, "No." or "I'm not talking about this right now." Bring it up after a few hours and tell her you only want her. Tell her you can't just stop being a man because you got into a relationship... Tell her that your hands are hers, but your eyes are yours. Tell her you are just being completely honest with her, and it just is what it is... Tell her that any man who ever told her anything other was either very insecure or just plain lying to make his own life easier.