Monogamy is NOT the best relationship style for the most happiness

All of you here keep saying that cuckholding or non-monogamous relationships produce depression, drug use and mental illness(Jealousy etc.).

But actual verified science says the exact Opposite.

See Pic Related - "General trends in the research reviewed suggest that consensual non-monogamists have similar psychological well-being and relationship quality as monogamists."

What is your response to this. Please provide an actual response with real scientific data to back it up. Anecdotal evidence does not count as a response. Screeching "JEEEWZZZ" at the top of your lungs with no actual data does not count either.

This study btw is a review of dozens of other studies. You can't just dismiss it with no justification. If you think its wrong, at-least give a valid reason why from within the studies text.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Study link is here btw:

>This guy wears a lab coat to work and has a degree
>Everything he says is true and he has no biases

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>All of you here keep saying that cuckholding or non-monogamous relationships produce depression, drug use and mental illness(Jealousy etc.).
Don't equate swinging with cuckholding. BIG difference

>t. Alicia (((Rubel)))
All jourbalists and scientists should be required to post their noses.

>A review of 30+ verified studies using the rigorous scientific method is the same thing as some random dudes opinion. Just don't trust it bro. Trust my unsourced claims instead bro.

(((Convenient))) research subject. Whatever it’s findings it’s not healthy for any offspring they produce, as multiple findings will confirm.

I've been in academia and it's a fucking toxic circlejerk.
I won't ever humour you with reviewing this asswipe and why their measures are as subjective as Joe Does, but those guys happen to be accredited.
I am sure that whatever model worked for most societies, that proliferated, is inferior to one that always precludes the societal collapse based on self-reported checklists and cummies.
Why don't you just nuke yourself Leaves? You have nothing of value.

It creates societal instability because there is a surplus of single males. What makes people the happiest is not necessarily best for the creation of stable societies.

You have way too much faith in the review system. It can be very political for citations and if your idea insults or attacks their favorite model or not. Don't think science is above being petty and having bias. We quantify it, not absolve ourselves of it.
t. scientist

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Even worse, it's a woman and she studies (((psychology)))

The "Study" is based on reports from those partner groups. Effectively they're doing what every other asshole does which is make a percentage based assumption on the reality of the situation.

So they aren't suicidal and they still enjoy sex? Well, you've changed my mind, I'm a liberal now! I'm gonna go put my dick in something and everything is gonna be right in the world. Thanks OP!

What about spreading disease? What if I just don't like people who have no dedication or self-control? And why should I? What makes said people not bad? What about kids? It's not healthy for a kid to grow up without both parents. It's not healthy for them to be fought over and used as weapons by mom and dad. Further, I'd say that it's probably bad for a kid to find out that mom and/or dad are actually fucking around with complete strangers, even if they still maintain a marriage and a cordial relationship. What is your response to that?

Rationalizing selfish egoism doesn't count as a response. Screeching about how the world should be at the top of your lungs with no regard for real life does not count either.

>Subjective metrics
How exactly are you supposed to "objectively" measure psychological well being without litterally asking them a bunch of "subjective" questions?

None. Psychology is pseudoreligious quack.
You can use the philosophy to weight the arguments against the whole of your knowledge and values, but nowadays our science is:
-too smart for philosophy
-too focused for any specialist to see the big picture
-too easy to enter for idiots, who won't even question their own methodology
-dogmatically opposed to induction

Even noticed, how individuals who made any great progress, were philosophers? Those were the real scientists, the rest are artisans at best and clowns most often.

That's the point dickwad. It's only as valuable as the participants honesty.

false happy lives are strict monogamy not being evil

The ultimate goal of life isn't necessarily happiness.

my response is this
fucking wow... who gives a shit.
Keywords idiot.

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>It doesn't matter if monogamy makes Individuals have a worse quality of life if it serves a """"greater purpose"""" in society
I thought the whole argument for monogamy was that it makes the individuals more happy and less depressed(all those studies spammed about women who have less lifetime sexual partners being more happy etc.) It's interesting to see you faggots instantly abandoning your own position and throwing it under the bus the second it gets any criticism.

"It's okay if you have a worse quality of life since your suffering for the greater good of society". Isn't that the whole premise of Communism(Soviet Union etc.) It's okay if your starving in a communist country because it's for the greater "cause" of the workers revolution.

>Your wrong but I'm not going to provide any justification or reasoning as to how or why.
Wow. What a convincing counter argument.

>But actual verified (((science))) says the exact Opposite.

What's the metric for happiness? What if I have massive anxiety and stress because of work but have a happy home situation?

Respond to this, kike.

He provided the reason. You're using self reports as the basis of your argument. By the same logic all of Africa is equipped with elephant dongs.

there are different orders of happiness retard. Riding the cock carousal might give you a fleeting overload of short term hedonistic happiness, but having a committed marriage and raising a family will give you a lasting happiness of a higher order. It's like comparing playing vidya to building a house.

You run fast away if u meat a qt studying psychology.

You're either a shill or an idiot kid and in both cases me further responding to you is futile. I guess it means you won, if a self reported contentment is valid.

fags dont count as real relationship homo. leave

Yes goys! Hate marriage and white women. Let Jamal and Tyrone have them. Just play vidya.

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Science is never wrong you bigot!

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While I do understand what your saying, the studies did ask alot of questions relevant to long term happiness. Like how often do you get jealous of your spouse with other people, how often do you have fights with them, how often do you feel depressed, etc.

If this was just a short term hedonistic thing, then presumably they would feel pleasure during sex but then jealousy, depression etc. When they are not having sex. There would be an "up" and a "crash" to their short term hedonistic pleasure. Just like the high you get from drugs. But the studies do not indicate this.

You have to explain to me how non-monogamous couples can have similar levels of happiness, non-jealousy and stability in the short term as monogamous couples
but magically have an unstable, jealousy filled and unhappy relationship in the long term when litterally nothing indicates this will happen.

>Response to an unsourced meme full of some random dudes unproven opinions.

Fuck you you subversive leaf faggot. Kill yourself ad infinium for saying that you should blindly trust some scientist. Who is funding this research and for what purpose? Clearly leaving a legacy hasnt even crossed your mind. That aline is more satisfying than your hedonistic spirt drain of multiple partners

>I thought the whole argument for monogamy was that it makes the individuals more happy and less depressed
Is it? Maybe that's one argument. So you don't think it does? Some study says that everyone is happy when they are getting laid. What about 10 years later? 20 years? What about their health, physical and mental? What about their kids? Does their happiness not count? Is there no other detriment to being sexually lose but the potential to be "unhappy"?

>study shows that people who eat lots of candy as "happy" as those who do not
Well fuck, I guess that means it's cool to eat tons of candy, right? No problems with that. The science says, you stupid Jow Forumstards.

You don't know what my position is, faggot. Fuck you. Eat my shit, nigger.

Happiness is dust in the wind.

The whole argument for monogamy was it brings up the best children retard. Who is out here arguing about "happiness"?

>when litterally nothing indicates this will happen
this could maybe be correct in the context of social constructionism
if you start going the essentialism route there are plenty of reason why this would happen

>All of you here keep saying that cuckholding or non-monogamous relationships produce depression, drug use and mental illness(Jealousy etc.).
I wonder if they bothered to study the outcomes of their children.

>post meta-study
>says literally nothing
low-quality bait. kys.

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>I have no memory of all those graphs about women being happier with less sexual partners and being shilled by most of Jow Forums and alt right e-celebs like Stephan Molyneux. I swear I have no idea what your talking about!!!
Isn't this what you people accuse Jews of? Pretending like they don't remember their original argument when you btfo them.

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How does your study relate to those charts? They were talking about lifetime partners or how much people the woman's been in a relationship with.


>actual verified science

AKA one paper.

Well, they published one paper boys, it's over. SCIENCE has been done.

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Its a review of 30+ studies that all say similar things.

Since the argument was that monogamy(ie having less lifetime sexual partners) results in greater happiness for the individuals involved (the woman and man). But this study says the exact opposite. And you faggots immediately say "nobody here has argued that monogamy results in greater happiness for the individuals".

you haven't read the paper or are lying. kys.

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says nothing of the sort kike.

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That's right, kike rosenbergstein said so!

>leaf flag
>defend cuckolding
>but paper talks about swingers
>cuck leaf
>business as usual

Anyone having kids understand why monogamy is the norm. i.e. cukolding is the lowest form of degradation. Sad, sick, childless people.

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>You have to explain to me how non-monogamous couples can have similar levels of happiness, non-jealousy and stability in the short term as monogamous couples
>but magically have an unstable, jealousy filled and unhappy relationship in the long term when litterally nothing indicates this will happen.
non-monogamous couples don't have a relationship, user

These degenerate faggots are so horrifyingly deep in denial, and tie their degeneracy to their identity so strongly that they will literally kill themselves before admitting their pain. Self reporting from liars will always fuckup your numbers, and these people live for their lies.

fuck off you degenerate shill and take your fucking degeneracy to hell

I'm way way older than most of people here and all couples I knew that tried open relationship shit crumbled. All the hedonistic people I knew always lied about how "happy they are" so there goes the accuracy of such studies. And studies about "how open relationships are beneficial" are a meme since the 70s. There were researchers claiming that it's so good all the time. And the evidence? These people are a burden to society and to themselves. Non-marital depressed kids, STDs, destroying relationships of other people (by seducing one of the partners of such relationships) and etc etc.

Also the author Rubel, Alicia N - all she writes about is polyamory. Just look at this fucking gal! Yuch.. an ugly chick who could never get a guy to tie the knot now tells the world how fucking several ugly guys is the real shit.. Yuuch.. I want to puke

pic taken from Brock University.. a member of the social justice lab.. yuch

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>Don't believe the actual scientific studies that use rigorous truth testing standards bro!!! Just trust my anecdotal stories that I could have easily made up on the spot!!! Trust me bro!!

Can you provide one shred of evidence held to an objective standards or is your only argument appeals to emotion and "trust me bro"?

pre 7th century Hebrew and/or Germanic origins

I've seen plenty of non-monogamous relationships. In them, the woman gets all the dick she can handle and the guy gets almost nothing from anyone. She has 3 or 4 boyfriends, but he can't get a girlfriend. It's imbalanced.

There are probably a lot of reasons for this, but the result is the same: women gain more from these sorts of relationships than men gain. They're inherently unfair to men.

>consensual non-monogamists have similar psychological well-being and relationship quality as monogamists
relationship quality and measures of happiness are not the same as relationship durability, or the financial commitment of a marriage providing more commitment to children
I don't give a shit how happy people are in their relationships or not. I care how well their children turn out.

>provide an actual response with real scientific data

yeah OP brb lemme just run a double blind control group of cucks and non-cucks for 30 years and run a panel regression on their self-reported happiness scores for that time period

>or you can just look at the meme

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that's not true, because in your scenario one woman and 3-4 men are getting what they want.
just not the boyfriend.
fact is, if he was going to get any, she wouldn't be looking for other dick anyway.

>surveys are accurate measurements

>people who are satisfied are satisfied
wow... stunning research

reminder that having normalised homosexuality, (((they))) are now starting to push for further degeneracy to undermine normal, healthy family life.

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so you admit the entire premise is flawed to begin with?
why make the thread?


>fact is, if he was going to get any, she wouldn't be looking for other dick anyway.

this is probably true, but then he needs to be ok with being a beta provider for a grill that's running around getting nailed by dudes who don't work their asses off to provide for that woman or put up with her shit.

Who the f wants that kind of deal? not me

>Journal of Sex Research
Academia is such a joke

If I could be one of the guys who then went out and got pussy from other dude's women that I could then send home and not have to put up with their shit, it might be a good trade-off. Unfortunately, that's not how it works in practice.

>Journal for Sex Research
You put the P in the V or the A.
How much more research do you need?

My response is study how well their """family""" functions when there's a kid involved. Then assess how that kid is doing. Then figure out how that myriad of issues affects the society as a whole when polygamy is practiced. Get raked, leaf.

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Suicide has skyrocketed in the last 10 years especially, in the west. I think this hookup culture and everything that it represents, where it stems, what comes with it etc must be a contributing factor.

>He's never cucked anyone

it's the single best way to dump them, act surprised and call her a whore, she'll never do it again

>Non-monogamous couples are unhappy! No source needed just trust me bro. Don't trust the scientific study right in front of you
>Look! LOOK! The Researcher looks like a SJW!! Haha that automatically makes you wrong
Would you like me to pull up yet another study that shows that monogamous couples are less happy but this time from a white male with blonde aryan hair?

>Some random meme with no data and filled with my subjective opinions is all you need bro! No need for any scientifically rigorous data.

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It’s based on both genders when both genders aren’t the same

Sex gives men vitality, strength and confidence. The huge boost in testosterone and reduction in cortisol is very healing.

Women don’t get a bunch of testosterone, they don’t have balls, and estrogen doesn’t have similar healing properties

For women... it keeps them sane somewhat, but the more people they fuck the more they know deep down that they’re worthless because they can’t get a guy to stick with them

So the kikes did a study on both promiscuity in both genders and basically take an average and conclude it doesn’t matter because genders are yin and yang and adding them together equals 0

If you believe a "metastudy" populated with a bunch of survey trash from psych departments, you're too far gone anyway

is the bar you'd need to clear to prove this in either direction – now ask yourself what kind of people fills out a fucking happiness survey often enough to make an experiment like that work.

>if you had half a brain you'd realize that "equally happy" is at BEST an argument for both sides and against neither
>but muh shiny science with tabloid-tier spin

To explain further, promiscuity can be good for men because we get bored of our partners more quickly than women, so fucking new women gives us more testosterone boost, and that is physically healthy as fuck

>Psychology Studies use rigorous scientific method
Oh My God, you believe this, don't you?

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#1 Modern social sciences is bullshit.

#2 Even the vast majority are saying equal happiness, while it's paint eater obvious society is not sustainable on such trashiness.

Sorry you're too Nigger Brained user.

I don't think you managed to read my post in your hurry to sperg out. Try it again, maybe a little slower

psyop.. it's clear because you went for the "white aryan" shit... are you here to gather some data on /pol for your measly school work?

If you want to talk "science" you can't talk "sex science".. it's one big pile of steaming shit that is absolutely worthless.

As a lawyer my "anecdotal experience" trumps pretty much any study. My dataset is worth of thousands of cases and I know so much of the juicy details of non-monogamous people that never get into any "self-reported" study.

So yeah fuck off and if you want to talk science.. let's talk math, chemistry or physics.

I'm new to this forum, does every Canadian flag act so weird?

>As a lawyer my "anecdotal experience" trumps pretty much any study. My dataset is worth of thousands of cases and I know so much of the juicy details of non-monogamous people that never get into any "self-reported" study.
It's like "my dad works at Nintendo" Jow Forums edition.

Would you mind providing any sort of proof of this claim. Since so far everything you have said has been "just trust me bro"

Psychology has higher replication rate than a lot sciences that are taken for granted like Brain scan science. Alt Hype exposed JFG on this issue.

daily reminder that sampling of most of these pozzed studies is completely fucking flawed because it's done by dipshit university students who barely leave campus to conduct their surveys

>raising a family will give you a lasting happiness of a higher order.
That's not mutually exclusive to polyamory which is about family building and long term relationships.
Monogamy fails in the current technological system. It's too easy to have sex with others thanks to apps and tools.
Those meta studies are worth more than your opinion.
>hurr durr you don't have better evidence, thus you're wrong
Not even the redpill sociological studies on race match your criteria.

Have they followed their study participants, or is it just taking a snapshot of a moment in time? While someone's in a kinky swinger relationship, they might feel good, but it might be more likely to result in in drama, breakup, STDs, loneliness, and unwanted pregnancy. But when they recruit subjects for the study, all they see is the honeymoon phase of either relationship type, people who are currently involved in it.

Nice sleuthing. Pol is always right.

And many would say all monogamous relationships they know has some major trouble within or ends in divorce. Anecdotal evidence isn't strong for any conclusion relating to a generalization about a population of subjects.

who said anything about race?

>A review of 30+ verified studies using the rigorous scientific method
As a researcher, this is the funniest thing I've read all week

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You really want to get into a war of "my paper is better than yours" ? Do you really want to publicly hang yourself? You have not thought this trough at all.
(The finding that polygamy is associated with uneducated and women of low economic means, who have relationships with older men and multiple sexual partners warrants further attention.)
(Two-wife unions are the most stable whereas unions with three or more wives are associated with the highest rates of marital disruption.)

(Results: Findings reveal differences between women in polygamous and monogamous marriages. Women in polygamous marriages showed significantly higher psychological distress, and higher levels of somatisation, phobia and other psychological problems. They also had significantly more problems in family functioning, marital relationships and life satisfaction.)

Polygamy is associated with higher risk for poor mental health of women regardless of their SEP and education. Social support seems to have some protective effect.

Psychology is solidly a social science, and falls in that category. Besides, the hedonic treadmill, actual good science done decades ago, already btfo this current house of cards Liberals are stringing together.


>Comparing poor women who have no choice to but to be in a polygamous relationship(forced into it) to western women who are fully consenting it
>Studies are from Nigeria and the Arabian Peninsula where women are treated completely differently than women in the west
>Somehow tho, the women in consential polygamous relationships in the west suffer the same issues bro
Do you have any studies done on western women in western countries? No? Why do you think women in Nigeria or Arabia in forced polygamous relationships would have the same sort of problems as women who voluntarily chose a polygamous relationship in western countries?

My study is from the west and done on western people and finds that there are no harmful effects. Are these nigerian and bedouin studies supposed to be a valid counter argument?

I have a wife of 18 years, and I live in girlfriend of seven years. We are wealthy, professional, and pretty much normal. Oh yeah and conservative without religion. Fuck the haters. If you don’t like my family, fuck your self to death.

Btw, if we are going outside the realm of western studies done on western people. Then I can point out that for 95%+ of human history, almost all male-female sexual relationships were polygamous from genetic data we have. It was extremely successful for almost all of human history, and beneficial enough for both parties involve to spread to nearly every culture and civilization. Are you know saying it is a defective mating strategy all of a sudden compared to the extremely recent phenomenon of Monogamy?

One good example of polygamy is sexual dimorphism. Polygamy produces sexual dimorphism which causes men to be taller, stronger etc. than women. Monogamy causes 0 sexual dimorphism. And Polyandry causes sexual dimorphism but in reverse(the women are taller and stronger than the men).

BOOM.. you've hanged yourself

>every culture is equal.. therefore your "find me western" blah blah is irrelevant
>every culture that accepts polygamy as "norm" is more violent (homicides, physical attacks, societal conflicts, spouse abuse)
>every culture that accepts polygamy as "norm" is more violent is also practicing polygyny almost exclusively
>in every culture that accepts polygamy as a "norm" people practice polygyny. The more wealth a man has the more wives he has. A clear manifestation of gross inequality
>women are hypergamous

so let me get this straight.. so you want polygamy even though it raises inequality and violence in a culture? Since women are predominantly hypergamous the only logical result is hypergyny (as shown that hypergyny is prevalent in the polygamous cultures). And all of this leads to women suffering a poor life, with little education and life satisfaction? Is this where you want to lead the western world?

Are you sure you want this? Violence? Inequality? Poor mental health of women?

LOL... again fuck off you fucking devil worshipper.

>every culture is equal
Have literally never said that. And don't play stupid by saying women in Saudi Arabia and women in The USA are treated the same.

>every culture that accepts polygamy as "norm" is more violent
>every culture that accepts polygamy as "norm" is more violent is also practicing polygyny almost exclusively
Correlation does not equal causation. More murder happens in the summer. More ice cream is also sold in the summer. Does ice cream cause Murder? By your logic, yes.

>in every culture that accepts polygamy as a "norm" people practice polygyny. The more wealth a man has the more wives he has. A clear manifestation of gross inequality
And yet, this is not the case in the west. It's almost like people in war torn impoverished countries have different priorities for sexual mates than western affluent people and so the results of the mating strategies of one is not applicable to the other.

>polygamy even though it raises inequality and violence in a culture?

>And all of this leads to women suffering a poor life, with little education and life satisfaction?
Source for rich affluent western women suffering these conditions after engaging in a polyamorous relationship?


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Go away bot, article doesn't mention anything about transsexuality.