Threadly reminder that Trump has >failed to do anything about immigration >has completely kowtowed to the Israeli's and Jews and is sucking their cock >is sucking Saudi Muslim cock >failed to build the wall >is implementing pro LGBT legistlation
At best, things with Yang stay the same and you get $1000. At worst, this accelerate regime change and revolution.
There is literally nothing to be lost voting for Yang.
Anime is so fucking gay. Tom and jerry is a million times better. Shit. Spongebob is.
Robert Sanders
>implying he would ever be able to actually take your guns >implying there wouldn't be a civil war if that happened LIKE I SAID LITERALLY NOTHING TO BE LOST BY VOTING FOR HIM Best case, nothing changes and you get free gibs, worst we get a proper revolution.
Cameron Perry
UBI has failed everywhere in the West it has been implimented only works if there is a culture of entrepreneurship and ambition. Yang's plan literally just reinforces the Netflix and Chill culture and makes us vapid consumer cattle for China and other nations to dump "luxury" goods for us to buy and entertain ourselves with. Even if you frame this shit in Milton Friedman's negative income tax bullshit, you still don't get rid of the fact we live in a world of infinite distraction and potential options of consumption. What the fuck you're pushing for will just make us more indolent, vapid hogs of whatever shiny tech trite is pushed to continue letting the system go along. Our culture is not motivated or cultivated to utilize that money for the spirit entrepreneurship, our paradigms are horribly fractured and distracted, and there are too many external factors to allow this to make our nation anything more than a dumping ground for exports as we fade out of relevancy, laughing all the while thinking we have it great living in 1st world squalor but 3rd world luxury.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎
This is a country for libertarians Europeans. The opinions of nonwhites should be disregarded entirely. All nonwhite Congressman votes should count for nothing.
You're going to have to get a real job someday neetfag, I don't think your next landlord will be as forgiving as mom and dad about the late rent for the basement because you chose to spend the money on HRT.
Charles Fisher
The hilldawgs were better than you fags
John Cox
Don't give a shit about Yang but please, please, please let this GFD/SS stuff become the big meme for this election.
Brandon Hughes
>The Freedom Dividend Wow, that#'s not a complete inversion of what UBI and freedom is.
Kill yourself, disgusting shill.
Easton Brooks
And yet the neets still get the neetbux and subsidized living and put nothing back into the system. if you are gonna give it to them, might as well give the same amount to those who somewhat have their life in order, meaning they actually go outside and work.
Ryan Johnson
Yes, because the implementation of neoluddism is the only way his insectoid homeland will ever surpass the United States.
Jaxson Morris
>thinking I'm a NEET Spoiler fuckboy, UBI would massively benefit the bottom 50% of the country.
Isaiah Jones
Jack Jones
Finally there is a containment thread for andrew fag posters. I also think becoming the worst general thread this quickly is unprecedented in 4chin history. At least we don't have to see his ugly flat chink face spread all over the catalog anymore. I wonder if the shilling slowed down or if the mods finally realized that they were supposed to delete duplicate threads as per the second pinned thread in the catalog. baka, not off to a good start desu.
Ian Phillips
>boomers getting this assblasted over general threads I'm guessing someone shoved their Wang in your face user?
Wyatt Gutierrez
>$1000 a month for every US Adult >327 million adults in the US according to the 218 census >327 trillion dollars a month
How does this even work on top of free Medicare? Are you guys just super stoked about the idea?
Dominic Rogers
No, I'd rather not inflate the currency more than the kikes at the fed are.
Cooper Hernandez
If you're not a neet why are you shilling so hard for gibs?
Kayden Morales
>failed to do anything about immigration
Internal removals of illegals have failed while H1B and Student visas have plummeted since Trump became president
>muh jews
Which was part of his platform because Evangelicals will be 38 million (up from 35 million in 2016) voters in 2020 and the voting block that decides the election (Hillary got 5.8 million evangelical whites in 2016, if Trump wins those voters he wins the election easily)
MBS is based but I guess I can't fall a shill for covering all his bases
>failed to build the wall
The wall is literally being built right now and there is ample evidence for it
>gay stuff
This is literally a lie, it was one ambassador in Germany who is gay doing stuff without Trump's knowledge.
>at best you get 1000 dollars
Agree, will vote either Yang or Delaney in the primary in my state unless it seems like Harris might get the nomination, then I'll vote for her so Dems tank their turnout and push moderates to Trump.
>stimulating the sluggish economy and injecting some actual money for people who aren't multi billionairs to spend at the local level is going to cause inflation brainlet
Based. Maybe this guy really is what america needs.
John Davis
Its for people who make under a certain amount tho retard 1000 a month is less than min wage
Dominic Wood
325 billion dummy. a small portion of the us economy
Angel Taylor
Sorry meant billion not trillion*
Carson Rogers
Because on a fundemental level, Trump has near literally failed at every single of his policy proposals or walked them back. Trump is currently a zionist shill who sucks Jewish Israeli cock, but due to this board being infested by boomers since 2016, saying that will get you screamed down. Let me reiterate it again:
Yang and Trumps Policies are virtually identical at this point in time, considering Trumps failures to provide meaningful change. At best, things go on as awful as they currently are but an extra grand a month stimulates the economy and protects white people from having their jobs taken by robots. At worst, Yang tries to unironically confiscate guns and a revolution happens (which will end up being won by whites and hasten the demise of the current corrupt government and its neoliberal shills)
There is no downside to voting for Yang.
Nicholas Roberts
I swear to god, these memes are almost identical to the ones that were made on Jow Forums during the bull market where Coin devs would just hair "in touch" users to just replicate recent memes and force the focus completely to be for their coin because they knew how much pull Jow Forums had on helping to be an artificial megaphone across the internet for their shit, pic related.
Is there a word for shilling that is adaptive in properly utilizing current memes and the paradigm of dialogue but without the self-reflective nature to see that by framing it towards what they want in such a blatant way it become obviously disingenuous?
There are 50 million non-citizens and 70 million or so under 18, leaving about 210 million adult citizens.
Also the benefits single mothers already get from welfare is like 20-30k a year, all this does is spread the fat stacks around while taking away from those useless niggresses. Yang is the NEET candidate.
Luis Rogers
I personally made them all today because they were funny
Liam Martin
You were saying that in the last thread and got BTFO, and the thread before that one, and so on ad infinitum.
William Ross
It's not actual money, it's a fiat currency. It's not even a receipt for real money.
Dominic Kelly
>unironically saying we should support a man who sells us and this nation down the river to Jews for muh dumb christian votes Literally kys you massive cuck
This is literally the type of person who is mad about Yang, shills and boomers who want Trump to win and think the Jews aren't a problem.
William Parker
Carson Jackson
The downside is he makes good on any of his bullshit about guns.
James Thomas
I dunno about that my dude, I only posted in the tail end of last thread and made this one.
Do go on though?
Aaron King
It's an advanced form of astroturfing.
Brody Perez
>wanting the help the bottom 50% >wanting the bottom 50% to live better >wanting the bottom 50% to reproduce >wanting the bottom 50% to be the ones creating the future generations >wanting the to encourage iqlets to be the ones passing their genes on >wanting the average iq of the population to decrease >wanting people to become dependent on the state >wanting people to become sheep who are unable to oppose the state >wanting to solidify the status quo of politics forever Why do communist sympathizers jack off the poor so much like they are special and are going to bring about some type of renaissance. Rhetorical question, they don't care about the poor, they are only interested in using them as a mean to obtain power.
Carter Cooper
explain that pic pls
Gabriel Wright
>thinking that anyone can actually take away peoples guns It's a broadly accepted fact that any attempt to confiscate guns would result in a civil war and revolution.
This would just accelerate regime change and make it so we could have a government that actually gives a shit about us in place afterwards.
Ayden Flores
Nigger I'm not a literal NEET or a Nigger if everyone's getting 1k a year for free in gibs its going to ruin the middle class people like myself.
Aaron Hill
Oh, so you just share a script with your tranny friends then?
Nathan Richardson
>wanting to genocide poor white people who have systematically had their jobs taken first by minorities and now by machines As expected by an abhorrent leaf.
Levi Hall
They do it for free because the NEET lifestyle will become viable if he wins.
Matthew Flores
>Unironically continuing to post lies even after being disproven with actual proofs and sheeit
Based and redpilled, the graphs are all lies and Trump is ZOG. Yang/Ilhan 2020- the pro-UBI, anti-Zionist platform.
Hunter Sanders
I ain't friends with no discord trannies bruh "Middle class people" like yourself are race traitors and slaves of the Jews who would sell yourselves out for a penny to keep yourselves higher than your kin.
Jackson Hernandez
>muh white people You can't just use that and expect it to make your argument worth a damn. Try again.
Justin Allen
>its okay that trump is making us worse cuck slaves to Israel than any other president has, he has to win over the evangelicals after all ;3
Nathan Perez
I still don't want them to try and spark a civil war that would kill thousands. It's like you value money more than the lives of whites of good character. How long is your nose Moshe?
Parker Hill
Then why are you letting them blackmail you into shilling for this chink?
Oliver Rivera
Can I ask what you do for a living?
Kayden Long
Of course 'muh white people' wouldn't matter to you considering you're probably some type of canadian nigger