Is Jow Forums for or against student loan forgiveness for all?

Is Jow Forums for or against student loan forgiveness for all?

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Never. Never ever. Literally the definition of digging your own grave.

It really is a rock and a hard place. Forgiveness would cause show tier kvetching, but it would also bail out retarded commies.

I'm for it because it brings this system closer to collapse

Fuck that

I graduated grad school with 150k in student loans.

I pay 5k a month with a pretty good job and lots of overtime. Im on track to pay all my shit in ~ 3 years.

If I have to suffer, everyone else should. Especially those that made the wrong decisions

I'm for it if it cancels their degree.

>women and shitskins making bad decisions
>living in california
not really swaying me to be on your side, op.

Fuck no. I graduated debt free. Debt-tards must pay for their sins.

I dropped out of highschool in 1994 so I could go to work for $4.25 he and have worked every day since I did not create your debt and refuse to pay for it.

No. Dont want debt you cant pay off?
1. Dont go to school if you cant pay for it
2. Dont get a major that will lead to a job that wont pay off your student loans
It's pretty fuckin simple

Forgive or drastically cut the interest but fuck no to them getting off the hook. Millennials are fucking retarded when it comes to finances.

Waaaah I borrowed money I don't want to pay back. At least your degree can't be foreclosed on or repossessed.

Against. Totally against. If you can't work and save, you deserve that debt.

Also, the majority of student loans are from dumbass women with shitass degrees. Let them eat their cake

I'm for it, if it means guaranteed federal student loans cease to exist afterwards and the banks have to eat their shitty investments. Jews can go get fucked, even if it does help the retards at least the retards are largely white.

Good for you user.
I will be done with mine in 2 years

Depends on the degree and contributions after accepting a position in your field. I wholly believe if they’re beneficial to society then at most 33% could be forgiven but no more. You signed paperwork saying you’d pay it back and the government is giving you a gift (in a way) for contributing to a higher skilled society. To coincide with this, higher taxes for the 100,001-999,999 crowd to pay for more schooling and encourage low skills to earn high skills. Also run advertising to do away with bias against community college to encourage more degrees


They should be made state slaves to pick up litter, repair roads, etc

In my dream scenario I abolished welfare and had the homeless murdered with a “work or die” campaign so my comments are slightly unrealistic.

Against, none of the people drowning have a degree in anything that benefits society, it doesn't even pass the greater good test.

I was all for paying mine until 2008. Bank bailouts means all bets are off. (((They))) can get fucked.

I study philosophy at university so I have to be against it. I have a deep passion for it and admire the field and would continue pursuing to wherever it’d lead me. We aren’t going to get paid loads of money so we may as well have some fairness in such terms.

>willingly take on debt because you didn't get good enough grades for a scholarship
>whine about it like a bitch
Just as bad as people who join the military and then complain about it.
Should have tried harder in school or gotten an apprenticeship.

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you're one of the only assholes to go to college and also get a fucking job to pay it back. The rest of these fucking faggot "college students" are about useless to society so they can't pay it back. And thus we found the problem.

THis shit this shit

Against, why should everyone else foot the bill for your meme degree?

Sure, but like most forms of discharging debt. They need to give something up. We can't take the knowledge or skills they learned away. So they need to give up their degree/certificates they bought with that debt.

>Jow Forums is one person
Get fucked, faggot. Personally I am against it. You faggots got yourself into this mess, get yourselves out. You could have gone to a trade school, or you could have earned enough scholarships to get undergrad paid for.
>but I couldn't get that many scholarships, user!
Then you didn't NEED to go to a university did you? Also, if you went to grad school outside of STEM (which usually pays your way through), you're a fucking idiot and should have found a program which supported your non-contributing ass.
>I have $80,000 in student load debt. How can I ever pay that back now?
You get a PhD in a STEM field, dumb-ass. Your loans don't accrue interest while you're in grad school, your tuition will be completely paid AND they'll pay you to go. Fucking live like a hermit, don't spend any money, make HUGE payments on your dumb-ass loans that your dumb ass took out and they'll be gone in 5 years. But you don't have that kind of foresight nor discipline, do you?

Education is not a "right." Not all men are created equal. A higher education isn't for everyone. The more people that get bachelor's degrees, master's, and PhDs, the more worthless those degrees become...and the richer the universities become.

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That would depend. Which one collapses society sooner? Funding useless people that don't know how to run their lives and invest other people's money? Or leaving a generation in debt and unable to raise families? Personally I can see that both options have their pros and cons. Since working against the free market tends to be the most effective way to collapse society, I vote for loan forgiveness.

Your flag DQs you from this discussion, Mohammed.

Keep in mind nobody ties this discussion with the 2008 bailouts. Good for the goose, good for the (((gander.)))

no because the military will pay for it.

I'm sure you've never discussed European politics, you wouldn't be a faggot hypocrite now, would you?

>"How am I ever going to pay that back now?"
>she's only wondering that now
>never wondered that at all during the process of accepting the student loans willingly so that she could get her education

its ridiculous. why not join the military who will send you for free? thats how im going.

I am Mutt. I have more global power in my 56% pinkie-toe than your entire Muslim nation combined. Learn your place.

>go to college knowing full well that the loan is going to be ridiculously expensive

Very much depends. The major tuition forgiveness program incentivizes folks to work in non profit or public sector. So all things being equal, you’re giving back to society. IF, and I seriously stress IF, you qualify then I don’t have a problem with that form of tuition forgiveness. It’s 120 payments (10 years) of public or non profit service, forgoing potential financial advantages in the private world. Let’s say you’re a highly skilled lawyer but you were born poor with limited connections. You’re ass is on the hook for 250k. I know this is shocking for Jow Forums to grasp, but some people actually want to help society in someway. Our lawyer then works for a non profit helping immigration cases. Trade 10 years of working at Schlomo, Klein, and Scheckleman for public/non profit work and you usually get 30-40% forgivin. Yeah I can dig that.

Any other form of forgiveness is horse shit though.

Against. Nobody forced you to sign on the Jew’s dotted line.

All that power and still a slave to the Jew.

What do the people who paid off their loans get? Just a fuck you for being responsible?

Btw there is no “forgiveness” the tax payers as a whole would be on the hook for your stupid choices.

On one hand, watching fiscally retarded millenials flounder is great lulz, on the other hand I would benefit noticeably, so its kinda a wash for me

Fuck em

You didn’t have to do what they told you and sign your life are gullible, stupid, and really well you think you are entitled to have your debts is not what it once was...stop going..stop falling for the meme...all it is is indoctrination with the promise of gold at the end of the rainbow

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Look. People cry about housing prices, no work, ect, but they NEVER consider moving to places with cheaper cost of living and better job opportunities.

It sucks, but so does life sometimes. If you dont have a high paying job, or the ability to get one in the state you want to live in, you need to better yourself or you need to move to a place that is a better fit for you.


Those who act dumb, must pay for their errors.

Just remove female right, to protect them from their own mental retardation.

You could literally just buy an RV for less than 30K

As somebody working my way through college almost 4 years in with no debt and no outside help... yea fuck em they should've done something smarter than pick a useless degree

It's unfortunate that so many people actually believed that we could become anything we wanted. That bullshit was beaten out of me early on enough in life that I remember getting a participation trophy in tee ball and feeling guilty as a child. These stupid fucks think they're entitled to student loan "forgiveness". Literally kill yourselves and make the world a better place for people actually paying attention to what's going on.

for, of course.

Here's the thing, you'll suffer more than they will so long as you have that job. Should all the suckers decide to say fuck it and collectivly default more or less at the same time we're all done. I hate the sjw idiots too dude but at this point it's a national crisis. The politicans won't have to worry, neither will the rich, it's people like you and the others who have jobs.

Better idea, instead of everyone suffering, which they will, I'd be thinking of how can I save my money and not be around when SHTF.