Give me the rundown on the Honk Honk meme--I like it a lot, but I've heard it's being used by SHRBL, Discord Trannies and the like, and/or it's an AstroTurf meme used to track the speed and virility of memes on the boards. Is this true?
Honkler meaning
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While we're on the subject, give me the run down on discord trannies. I don't use discord, why is every tranny a discord tranny.
It's basically an astro turf meme that is meant to distill ridicolousness and helplessmess/indifference.
I heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor. *HONK* Says he's depress-*HONK* *HONK* Says he's depressed. *blows up balloon and makes a balloon dog* Life seems harsh and cruel. *slaps you with rubber chicken* Says he feels all alone in a threatening world. *sprays water from fake flower* Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. *pulls string and bowtie spins like a fan* The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. *starts pulling line of multi-colored cloth from mouth* Go and see him. That should pick you up." *pulls out gun* "Bang!" *flag pops out upon firing* Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am *HOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNKKKKKKKK* *presses a coconut pie into your face* *HONK* *HONK*
clown world
They've accidentally created a new paradigm:
Honk honk is the ultimate indifference to consequence. The next step... we all know what it is.
Honkler is /ourclown/
Remember seeing here on Jow Forums , maybe about a month or two ago in a humor thread , that someone wanted to "Turn this 'Clown Pepe' into the new meme".
It came hard out of nowhere and in response to nothing. I want to say its astroturfed. Same with the NPC meme. Kys if you thought counter signalling to normies that you were such a sperg that you have to relate normal people through the lens of video games was a good idea. Glowniggers run circles around you faggots because you refuse to adapt and are too confident in your ability to meme. The CIA has been memeing people into believing stupid shit since its inception.
Go Honk yourself
fucking kek
>It came hard out of nowhere and in response to nothing. I want to say its astroturfed. Same with the NPC meme
I like how you're mixing them up. The NPC meme was never astroturfed.
im gonna CUM
Group of really bored trannies are launching a campaign to turn r9k twinks into trannies. They're also spamming pol with random shit. Idk, you hardly notice them desu. There is like, 2-3 dozen maybe? And like 4 really enraged active ones. Mostly they just shit up the place thinking they're changing minds or something. Honestly, shareblue faggots were x10 worse to deal with.
Give it a year, they'll just kill themselves like 80% of their community.
If it ends up making the rounds on Facebook while its supposedly still being fleshed out here, I would call that astroturfed.
OP is a ...Pic related.
Honk Honkler is the evolution of the Apu meme into the realm of the Commedia dell'arte/Il pagliaccio. Where it goes from there is up to you.
Here's an idea. Put the exact rgb values of the wig into unrelated memes and fuck with their data collection.
It's just a fun adventure clown
We live in a clown world.
ask the crystal ball
I don't know who created it or its original purpose, but now it symbolizes clown world, where we have situations that are utterly ridiculous and make zero sense unless you know about the jews.
for example, that somali nigger in congress merely stating the fact that jews wield a large amount of political power. This causes ooutrage, and the jews then prove her wrong by wielding their large amounts of political power against her. HONK HONK
It was intentional. You better get ready.
>crystal ball
That's clearly a palantir, pleb.
That's literally all memes now, post-2016 election. Before it took some time, but now every boomer knows about 4chins and trawls through this site for the freshes memes to upload and get upboats on their shitty faceberg meme page
Its bleed over from the other place. Pol was down for a while and was getting shilled to hell for months leading up to it. I left also. If you dont know about the other place you arent welcome there
rate my oc
Christ. It's hopeless then. We'll never have another IOTBW or such grassroots meme succeed without (((them))) having advanced warning. The meme battlefield is constantly changing
soft 7. Slight chuckle and reflects clown world
You're not smart. Lurk moar.
The other place is infinity Chan or the one that got spammed at the same time as all the shilling that people thought was safe but is really ran by mossad. The shilling was to send you there honk honk was a result of being there which is why everyone on Jow Forums felt it was being forced when it first came out. Then it was adopted much like the npc meme (which backfired due to how visceral the reaction was by lefties) or donkey get the camera cringe collection.
he cute
Dicksword trannies are a modern version of the IRC crew that used to fuck with /a/ and /v/ several years ago. People gather together and shitpost for the lulz while intentionally "leaking" screenshots of their server to create a boogeyman. It works amazingly well so people do it all the time. A few coordinated shitposts get the ball rolling and angry/paranoid anons will perpetuate their presence by complaining about it.
That's no way to be fren! You need some pie.
a palantir is a crystal ball. Don't try to sound smart, leaf
It symbolizes the clown world that we live in. But there is one clown who is awakened from the matrix and is redpilled. That clown is Honk Honkler
Ah but palantirs were only described as being like crystal balls for lack of a better description, they were in fact made of stone.
dont care where it came from. Honkposting is 2 things, above all else. BASED and REDPILLED
based and honkpilled
you come across quite intelligent and capable of abstract thought and actual analysis. You shouldn't be here.
>literally every meme is sponsored by the CIA
first one is .gif 400x400.. I almost believed, but the other two.
Why use anything with the rainbow in it? At the very least give it a merchant nose.
It's a cover/distraction for JIDF.
The way to tell a good organic meme apart from a kiked evil meme is just watching it grow. I bet that they've figured it out by now, but with like Daisy Hogg, or the honkler, they just flooded literally hundreds of permutations on the meme in the course of one day, did it hard the next two days, then stopped.
Good all natural farm to plate organic memes grow like crispy sugar pea pods, as God intended, and over time.
Evil kike memes grow like the cancers that come from kike GMOs: as satan desires, and all at once
this. literally anyone calling out trump and the rights zionism is called a discord tranny. if you haven’t realized this by now you’re a newfag kys
Checked. This makes sense and makes it relatable.
Actually, I agree with him that it was artificially created.
I don't know if it was CIA, however.
Discord is a free service that owns 100% of the data transmitted over it and "enthno nationalist" love it.
Aw, thanks fren!
Stuff takes off faster now, but it’s lower quality. However, there are still gems popping up.
hello clowns
stop being placated
Forced psyop. When it first started, about 30 different versions popped up in 2 threads over a span of about 5 minutes. Rumors are that whoever started it was tracking how things from Jow Forums spread onto other sites, to answer the question "is this board the center of the internet?"
Heil Honkler
based and redpilled
it's a forced meme.
Well, considering it's only been a thing for a month, I find it hard to see how that makes me a newfag.
all memes are forced.
Honkler is simply put: the single greatest meme of 2019. And quite possibly even all time.
Completely fresh and utterly timely: we are truly living in a clown world.
>discord trannies
>asking Jow Forums to explains how memes work
you're a newfag
crystal is a stone. It is perfectly acceptable to call a palantir a crystal ball
It wasnt even on Jow Forums first other boards were using it. I saw it on /v/ like a month before here. Just some dumb shit.
I'm not going to answer your question but I will spam my best Honklers
his names pepe le clown not honkler
do you like my mems muh mems spicy yo
i think Jow Forums has come full circle. it's been four years since donald trump announced he was running for president. the circus goes on.
His name is Honkie.
What the fuck?
EFG is Honkler???
go back to sleep. sleepppppppppppp
Only Jews post clowns
What happens when clowns post jews?
It's Mr. Tom!