AOC is BIG trouble - possible jail time

AOC is in a world of shit right now. Secretly controlling a pack (which is illegal), with her chief of staff funneling MILLIONS into his own companies (also illegal)

If they can find a paper trail, they both may wind up in jail

Also see:

Attached: Big_Trouble_For_AOC.jpg (650x366, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread: bhuiyan&min_date=01/01/2017&max_date=12/31/2018

Make that "PAC". I shouldn't be sniffing glue.

Lol remember her slay queen questioning about politicians being bought and paid for, while enriching themselves?
Good times.

Bring the 3rd world in get the 3rd world, imagine my shock.

Big true
Dont trust your sources though

Big if true.*

>AOC in trouble any minute now

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Your sources are garbage. Nothing will happen.

How about the form they filed with the the city of DC? Would that be source enough?

No one goes to jail for campaign finance violations

And here's the form she filed with the federal election commission, where she failed to disclose it:

You have a short memory.


Michael Cohen didn't actually commit campaign finance fraud though.
He and his inbred lawyer literally had him plea guilty to crimes he didn't commit
The sham is almost up. Hang tight champ.

Hey user, don't let society tell you what you should and shouldn't sniff. You keep right on huffing, and don't let anyone tells you otherwise :)

OK, how about Steve Stockman, a congressman who went to jail for campaign finance violations?

You leftist faggots never learn, you didn't face reality when they put the screws to bernie.

DNC is going to wipe out their opposition which means getting rid of your precious A hole C real quick.

I've heard that you only have a problem when you huff alone. That's why I taught my 5 year old cousin to huff

Here's a case that's closer to what we're talking about here. This dude was sentenced for coordinating between a PAC and a campaign. Exactly what we're talking about.

Unless you're conservative... like the guy Trump pardoned. Though he only got probation and fines and labeled a felon. But still.

The Washington Times carried this too now...


i bet that goym dude is behind this

that indian writer that donated too much while obama was in office

wrote a book about him and the clintons basically only reason he was charged with the crime

what's his fucking name...

She reminds me of someone just cant place it ?

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According to the Washington Times article (which has too many typo's to mention), the PAC also funneled $60k to her boyfriend

>every single person in House and Senate are money launderers
>not possible to “win” a seat without committing multiple major felonies
>open secret, they laugh at our outrage

You’re not wrong user, but don’t hold your breath that anything would ever come out of it, and if so, that it would end up being anything more than a slap on the wrist fine. Nobody is going to jail.

I disagree. Most, if not all manipulate the rules, but they know where the lines are and they are careful not to cross them.

In this case, she's an amateur who didn't know where the lines were, and has her tit in a ringer as a result **

(** side note, "tit in a ringer" is a phrase used by former Attorney General John Mitchell in reference to Katharine Graham, the owner of the Washington Post)

AOC is huma abadin, isn't she?

As in, hillary's muslim brother(hood) lover.....

she was too novice to steal the "right" way.
All the other dems are chuckling.

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Pretty much. And because she's pissed off nearly everyone in her own party, good luck finding anyone to defend her now.

>If they can find a paper trail
I'll be more interested when this part happens as opposed to before.

What would that kid say if a time traveller stopped her and said "You need to stay away from politics when you grow up. You'll turn into a national joke"?

>mfw AOC got taken by the Indian tech support scam

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Dinesh D'Souza.

You're welcome, fren

Angel Of Communism

Noting will happen as long as she agrees to play ball with (((them))) this is the point where she sells her soul to the devil or she doesn't and the devil destroys her.

But as we all know if you dance with the devil you're gonna get burned.

Either way she looses.......

But there are two sides to the equation. She has to be willing to play ball with them, but THEY also need to want to play ball with her.

After her protesting at her own leaders' office on day 1, claiming to be running the place, and threatening to primary any democrat who didn't go along with her, she's already worn out her welcome.

Her district is a safe dem seat, so it doesn't matter who they run. So they'll find someone who doesn't bit the hand that feeds them and send her packing as soon as possible.

I saw Chenk from the young turds came up with the pac idea

Nothing will happen. She's part of the show

They both have sanpaku eyes with upward iris.
>According to Chinese medical face reading, when the white part of the eye, known as the sclera, is visible beneath the iris, it represents physical imbalance in the body and is claimed to be present in alcoholics, drug addicts and people who over-consume sugar or grain. Conversely, when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful. Stress and fatigue may also be a cause.[2][unreliable source?] In either condition, it is believed that these people attract accidents and violence.

> when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful.

*yawn* ZeroHedge & DailyCaller are both trash-tier Russian propaganda. Nobody takes either seriously. She's going to be around for a long time and will win a lot of elections as she keeps slaying Trump faggots. Check back in several years when this sort of bullshit goes nowhere like Q. Trump fags fuck-off.

So the fact that the document she filed under oath the the FEC contrasts the document she filed under oath to the city of DC doesn't matter to you?

I'm sure it's going to matter to someone. Especially when they also notice the way the organizations were intentionally muddled to launder the money.

Good find user

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Visual representation of what user is talking about.

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rd world doesn't have a monopoly on corruption, 1st world just has better propaganda

>district of 700000
>only 16000 votes
>50 days in and already fucked 25000 jobs
>projected 27 billion dollars lost
>projected mass death
>Embezzling money
Is it real socialism yet?

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Democrats are above the law faggot

Damn she's attractive. There's no way she can go to jail.

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I predicted tbis

>H-h-hello fellow racist Americans
>d-don't you find this hispanic american woman attractive
Fuck off shill, she's a goblin

Oh she's attractive enough. She's like the crazy girl you fuck and then find slashing your tires because she thinks your sister is your new girlfriend.

someone zoom in on that baby's face and do the thing

AOC will get her revenge.

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>Fuck off shill, she's a goblin
No, but it's ok to be gay. We don't judge here.

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>NO U!
lol dumb nig

nice but dont argue with shills its pointless

pack of rabid ricans? oh. yes. glue. i have sampled myself. smoked opium?

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She’s just giving away all the trade secrets that get chalked up to conspiracy theories isn’t she

too bad. who among us didnt want to fuck her till those crazy eyes rolled to the back of her head

ns. next to drumph bernie was the worlds biggest cuck

two words... conjugal visit

>wtf, I love witch hunts now.

Guaranteed she faces zero consequences

And she will scam ten times harder next time

Yeah, Dinesh D'Souza.
US Attorney that prosecuted him: Preet Bharara
Judge that sentenced him: Richard Berman (same guy that ruled on United States v. Buryakov
(the case that hinged on the assistance of Carter Page, who was an FBI informant and helped prosecute Russian spies)

"After having been charged in a two count Indictment on February 9, 2015, defendant Evgeny Buryakov, a Russian citizen, pleaded guilty on March 11, 2016 to conspiring to act in the United States as an agent of a foreign government without prior notification to the Attorney General. Buryakov was sentenced to 30 months imprisonment on May 25, 2016"

It's gotta be rigged...

That’s what happens when you trust an inexperienced fanatic who thinks they know everything... to underwrite your campaign.

He’s a rich Silicon Valley guy that was funneling campaign money to companies he controlled and thought they were outsmarting everyone else. He violated even the most fundamental campaign finance laws.

So far it looks like a textbook example of breaking the law.

this is the legacy of the zoomer politician

>Donate too much money by paying people back when their candidate lost
>Go directly to jail
>Pocket campaign donations
>Just a fine
Anyone else think this is the reverse of what should be happening?

This has just been a glorious train wreck of the lefties, world wide. China's economy is in the tank, macron is cucked and out, the EU and BREXIT farce has shown how little the consent of the governed means, and the rolling slum-clearing strike of democrat rookies showing off their true satanic selves...Big shout out to to AOC, the muslims, progressives and marxists for redpilling millions.
Trump is still our man.

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this shit's fake af

Kys faggot daily caller is legit.

>washington times

They were just first to report it. Looks like it’s not so fake now, doesn’t it.

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They can’t find the LLCs registered in any state databases. Oh my.

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>bitching about the daily caller
confirmed for leftist faggot

>4 million jobs gained
people who gave up finding a job or retired don't count as jobs gained user,

and all those retail employees who've been laid off since 2017 aren't exactly helping your case here

Best AOC thread ever is being slid.


My first thought too.

Retail isn't a real job unless you get commission or have an actual stake in the welfare of the store. Most grown adults working retail refuse to work full time because they would lose gibs. Learn a trade.

t. plan truster

idc i just want the milkers

Is she whitening her shitskin?
why tho

Stop posting AOC threads you Discord shill.

Was this exposed controversy in response to her supporting Ilhan and denouncing AIPAC?


First two pics from George M. Nasif twitter

3rd pic from pdf of year end filing 2018 -receipts

4th pic FEC receipts for "Fahad Bhuiyan" bhuiyan&min_date=01/01/2017&max_date=12/31/2018

Is this odd? Bangkok? Also is if you look through the receipts for this guy, notice that the amounts between Actblue and AOC always seem to balance out after about 3-7 donations respectively.

Attached: aoc file.png (600x1024, 532K)

Welp, back to bartending it is.

btfo incels your momy is going to jail

Even if she would go to jail.. its woman jail. For a non violent offence. Its like a big sleepover.

I told you anons she would commit a felony in her first year.. I thought it’d be accidental tho

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Nothing will happen to her. Not because she is so powerful but because she is a distraction. She is a retard. A scarecrow with straw stuffed in the head.

Oh, no, my ameribro. She has directly threatened the democrat aristocracy, and he muslim pals just dried up the kike money, a big no-no.
Socialists always kill and eat more of their own. She's going under the bus.

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If you think she will be held to account, ever, get in line with the Qtards who are certain McCabe and Weinstein are on their way to jail any day now.

It’s almost like you haven’t learned yet that if you see it in the kike media it has almost no relationship to reality.

It was 6 not 60

Commie Dems stealing money... who'd have thought this could happen.
OC reminds me of someone... can't place it...

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