Incels of pol, why do you accept to live the way you do...

Incels of pol, why do you accept to live the way you do? How much longer will you let yourself believe that you don't deserve sex with females because the society built by cucked men tells you so? Do you really want to die without ever getting that most desired feeling that you crave so much? Do you realize that you already have the power in yourself to take it whenever you want from almost any women you come across? Have you forgotten the way your ancestors have dealt with this for thousands of years, before modern Europeans cucked our world? Do you think they ever asked the women for her opinion before taking what belongs to them? If you have the strength to overpower a women, there is no reason you should ever second guess your desire because it's justified through your own strength and will. You would be surprised how this domination over the females is biologically wired in there mind, whether they realizes it or not. It's a crime against nature that a man die without wanting to experience sex, which is something he's desired since as long as he can remember being alive.

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>just start raping girls my fellow conservatives

This is the way it's been for thousands of years because a cuck like you came along larping as a white knighting

Bump for interest

You know it's true brother, think about it

I don't want to get an STD from one of those infected females.

it was good enough for Romulus and his bros.

Interesting argument, but how do we know you’re not just trying to set us up?

its very simple actually.

imagine you walking down the street tomorrow and a man grabs u, pulls u into an alley and rapes you... how would u feel about that?

or what if ur mom was raped and you had to watch her mentally withdraw and fall apart?

only a idiot would take op serious... i have not had sex in 9 years and it really is not a big deal at all, i rather have a decent career... but i dont have that either, nor do i have much of anything going for me.

some of us are meant to be alone.

Because I used to be an incel until I realized the truth about the past, human nature and how men have let feminism created a world where millions of men are brainwashed into believing that they don't deserve sex until the females approve of them, and will most likely die as virgins. Can you imagine something more punishing than accepting that you are not capable of doing the very thing you were born to do?

Alone, an incels will not have the strength to revolt against this society that hates them, but if they come together and grow in numbers, they can easily strike fear in the heart of everyone that tries to keep them down.