Anybody else feel hopeless over the political situation? The World is going to pieces and there's nothing we can do about it. And no, it's not just the Jews' fault. The World is much more complicated than just "the joos!"
Anybody else feel hopeless over the political situation...
Scared Discord kike
I wish it came back.
tiny brain
even tinier brain, those statues are nothing but fiction
Do you really think all of the World's problems are Jews or are you just bantering?
It’s a real statue, buddy
yes made recently based on fiction
Kill yourself discord kike
This really is not an argument.
And if I were a kike, why would I keep posting an Aryan woman lmao?
Nah, it really is just the jews.
>arms dealing
>climate change fraud pushing
>religion racket to the tune of billions of people
>government subverting / toppling
>usury racket planetwide
>overt attempts to destroy entire races of people
Yes lad, this is JUST the jews.
Nice memeflag
It's really not more complicated >than just the joos
you brainlet.
Zionists are whats wrong with the modern world today, and they are using any means necessary to get their way. The jews are manipulating the public with control of the media, raking in as much money as they can, using the us military to secure gold and oil before the great power collapse of 2050. The zionist jews are the reason transexuals exist, so that they can rake in more money on expensive estrogen building hormone pills, and genital surgeries. Big Pharma is owned by jews, the banks, the media. etc.... The reason everyone hates america is because they are the biggest puppet and cock sucker to the zionists, which is why they have been so involved in the middle east, is because the zionists are using them to try to secure their jew land forever.
k chaim
elaborate on the "great power collapse of 2050"
jesuits definitely deserve hyperscrutiny
Climate change is not fake, dumbass.
Prove it.
>first it's global dimming
>didnt work!
>now it's global cooling
>wait wait, global warming now!
>uhhh it's cold outside...wut
You're just stupid. I don't hold you accountable.
The burden of proof is on you. Scientists affirm its real. It's up to you to disprove it.
You made the claim, so prove it.
I got very hyped finding them thinking they were ancient but they weren't. Felt bad.
Fuck off meme flaggot! Sage in all fields
The world's oil reserves will run out by 2050, killing the bloodline to every nations economy. By that time, nukes are most likely going to fall.
Hey Joan
Why is it that literally no one can argue against the JQ without absurd strawmen?
Nukes will fall but it will be because of the technological singularity as we are phased out by our own creations in the robotic ubermensch
noone on Jow Forums cares enough, noone takes these jidf and CIA nigger infested threads seriously so we all just shitpost, anyone that isn't controlled opposition knows the Jews are always up to something
Possibly, but those robots will be funded by the Jews.
sup tila tequila
god you have amazing tits
Based as fuck.
I am hopeful that if we restore traditional values to our society, the Jewish problem will take care of itself.
without a doubt. just like the jew, they are at first welcomed by their superiors but inevitably seek to destroy it out of genetic predisposition to greed. robots will cannibalize our natural resources and then proceed to do so across the cosmos, in an event we may call the intergalactic shoah
So, the problem is that we consume too much, not "climate change" which has nothing to do with the real problem and is just a cover.
Politics doesn’t make me feel hopeless. The fact that every place I applied to hasn’t called me back and knowing I’ll probably die alone does though.
A Jewish controlled universe will literally rip the fabric of reality and time. The universe only has so much to greed over, and then the robots will seek places outside of the 3rd dimension.
>World is much more complicated than just "the joos!"
being this new
why dont you make a trip dude you post in many boards with that name someday someone will fuck with you
Not really. Smart whites will still be around, maybe we'll become a minority, but we can always rebuild.
Soon we won't even need women for procreation. So all the white whores become virtually useless in the eyes of white men.
>The World is going to pieces and there's nothing we can do about it
Nice defeatist psyop Shlomo.
>it's not just the Jews' fault. The World is much more complicated than just "the joos!"
Show your flag kike.
this is God telling you to DO SOMETHING about it.
educate yourself more on the political environment and DO YOUR PART to ease this feeling you have
>The World is much more complicated than just "the joos!"
The world is exactly as the world has to be. And it will become what it must become.
Everything happens for a reason. And even if Jews didn't exist at all, things like "globalism" would still be happening. Immigration is not a Jewish invention, or even social-justice and the like.
It is money far than it is the Jews. But the Jews have a lot of the money.
>"The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews." - Karl Marx
>educate yourself more on the political environment and DO YOUR PART to ease this feeling you have
Seriously, stop trying to give people hope when there is none.
What is the world going to be like 50 years from now. I want you to really think about it before answering. Nothing is going to stop the process which is already underway. The future is inevitable, at best you can only delay it.
Maybe you can sustain whiteness for another generation of two, but then what? And in all honesty, your kids will be taught to hate you.
The only "hope" would be to break away from society altogether, but that is impossible, or at the very least unsustainable.
The only actual hope, is to destroy society altogether. But all you white faggots with your "muh civilization" will never do what must be done. And so you sow the seeds of your own destruction.
>And even if Jews didn't exist at all, things like "globalism" would still be happening
No proof of that at all.
Oh, look! A traceable GUID. Yes, I saved it anyway.
What do you think rules this world? What are empires? What is globalism? What is the relationship between capitalism and globalism? Why does capitalism exist? Why did it take over the world?
Oh no $W3@t3Y it is their fault alone
>Oh no $W3@t3Y it is their fault alone
Jews created capitalism.
Holy shit it makes so much sense now the pic
I believe it they exploit it enough
OP just take control over your own life first.
I was surprised how much of the criticism I had for others was rooted in contempt for my own habits and activities, once you eliminate the negatives you'll have a more positive mindset, and will perhaps be capable of helping other people.
If you are a shithead then nobody will listen to you.
not at all!
for the first time in my life i feel that i can see clearly enough to really make a difference and make things better. politics is a complicated game but more and more people are realizing how powerful their thoughts and ideas really are.
Hasn't the entire history of civilization just been a contest between empires, of who will dominate the world as far as they can?
Wasn't WWII just a battle between empires? With the last two remaining major powers spending the next several decades trying to expand their empires as far as they could go? Either by direct military intervention, or by keeping them dependent on weapons, technology, and trade?
What is China relevant? And will they become more-powerful than the United States?
Money rules the world. All this talk of Jews is pointless. The only reason they're relevant is because they have money, but they aren't the only ones with money. Every capitalist is fundamentally a globalist. Every capitalist wants to spread his business across the world. He wants customers and cheap labor, which is why every capitalist loves immigration.
What Jow Forums doesn't understand, is that capitalism is the poison corrupting the world. And socialism, anti-traditionalism, SJW's, etc, are all a byproduct of capitalism. Capitalism is what has pushed women into the workplace. Because capitalism is all about production and consumption, or put simply "economic-growth". And women working and consuming basically doubles our economy.
Once China surpasses America in the size of its economy, it will become more-powerful than the United States, and it will begin to expand its empire, just as we do. The only way we can remain relevant, is to grow our economy at all costs.
You can make a difference with your family. But if you think you can change the trajectory of this country, you're either ignorant or insane.
Put-simply, this country will do whatever is in our "national interests". And the only true national interest, is economic-growth.
That is true in America, China, Britain, Germany, Russia, Mexico, Brazil, India, and everywhere else.
So if you want to know what the world will become, all you have to ask is, "What does the money want?" Because that is what will be done. And this "I'm going to make a difference" naivety makes me want to puke.