Red pill me on Accutane

My dermatologist recently prescribed it to me. Should I take it? It sounds too good to be true.

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it works, but wreaks havoc on your body
worth it if you're chalk full of bacteria that shit puss all over you though

It's a last resort. It's really rough on your kidneys.

Stop drinking milk, soda and eating bread and sweets period and it will go away. Drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated to help scarring.
T. Ex Pizza face that tried everything

A mate went on it and it cleaned him up like magic. We're late 30s now and he seems OK. Did have a cancer scare a few years ago but not necessarily related

it worked but may make you want to fly planes into buildings (see senator's son)

To be clear whole wheat is fine. White bread is slow death.

yeah, like other people have said, it's really rough on your body. you'll have to get blood tests every month to test liver function. for me, it made me feel so terrible that i started to develop mood issues and my skin was so dry that my lips and nose were constantly cracking and bleeding. cleared my skin up though. 0/10 would not recommend unless you look like pic related.
t. went through accutane treatment with highest allowable dose

hows your intestines, bucko?
also any permanent depression/psychosis?

I would strongly suggest a dietary change over taking that shit.
>Low glycemic index diet
>Low glycemic index diet
>Low glycemic index diet

It's your liver

Take 500 mg of ox bile with every meal (3 meals day) for two months, take 500 mg of s. boulardii 3x a day for those two months to prevent c. diff. (or don't and hope you don't get it)

if that clears it you know where to look in the future

if it clears you need to stop the ox bile for a pretty long while, don't want your liver to stop producing bile on its own

>My dermatologist recently prescribed it to me
Literally pushing a med you don't need for shekels
Proper diet and bathing daily is all you need

Have you tried going to the beach? Sea water can sometimes help clear up acne and even runny noses.

I don't live near a beach...

I've heard the biggest problem with it is that it clears you up and then two years later all your acne just comes back. Sucks but you may as well try it as it's the only real solution to moderate to severe acne. Ignore all of the brainlets telling you to change your bed sheets/diet. Acne is caused by hormonal imbalances causing your sebaceus glands to produce too much sebum, changing your bed sheets is going to do fuck all.

It worked wonders for me and I had cystic acne on my back. I'd recommend it. It's been about 7 years since I took it and I still get acne, but it's only occasional.

This poster is a pharmakike

My dick stopped getting hard after taking it. Do not recommend. I found by eliminating dairy and not touching my face to be good at reducing my acne. Also I only drink water now

Then a salt water bath? I'm not a doctor.

masks the real problem. why is his face covered in zits to begin with? It signifies underlying problem, accutane acts like wallpaper while insides rot

forgot to mention the joint pain.
>intestines doing alright?
seem to be okay, though I had appendicitis about 6 months after the course ended.
>psychosis or depression
no, once my body felt better, i felt better too.

Also cold showers and stand up in the shower. For whatever reason i grew up sitting and washing in a warm shower (very comfy) but after changing to completely cold and standing my bacne has disappeared.

Bottom line if you want it to go away without you changing your lifestyle habits and possibly fucking your liver up then take it dumbass.

This too, I had pretty bad acne and I think it can be cleared up a lot with your diet

Accutane causes horrific birth defects.

Drink a ton of water

LOL some people. So he should just go to the beach daily? Maybe live on it and be homeless?

It works but it fucks up your liver really bad

Never took it myself. My friend took it years ago and it cleared up his cystic acne. Yeah, there are definitely risk with it.

Another option is the follow:

- Good diet.
- Exercise.
- Get your nostrils cultured for Staph. Some cystic acne is essentially just extremely staph colonization.
- If you have Staph, decolonize. There are documents online that outline the protocol.
- Also look for food triggers (Bananas give me cystic acne, peanuts give me regular acne. I no longer eat both and have very little acne now.)
- If you ever get down to a mild acne level, STOP WASHING YOUR FUCKING FACE. Seriously, just rinse it in the shower. Do not wash it unless it's actually dirty, with like DIRT or motor oil from working on a car or something. This can easily cure mild acne and did for me. The overproduction of oil will go away after a few weeks and your skin will look great.

The hot water was stripping oil so your body compensated. Cold/cool water leave a healthy amount. Doing this will also get rid of dandruff

my son tried antibiotics, creams, gels, etc. for years, no help. he used accutane for 6 months, it dried out his lips, skin & no booze but 2 years later he's still zit free

Are you a fucking moron? Acne is caused by blocked pores and shit. Sometimes you people either produce too much oil and pores get blocked or a condition prevents the pores from naturally cleaning themselves out. Accutane basically zaps your body with Vitamin A which somehow fixes it.

Never tried/. I have acne like the dude in ur pic. But my face is clear and has been so for the last 6 years. Megadosing vitamin b5 was the miracle. Cheaper than accutane and ur dermajew. Also safer and healthier. As soon as i stop taking it the acne comes back. The amount of vitamin u should take is proportional to the amount of junk food u eat. The more carbs/sugar the more vitamin u have to take.

this. Its shown the quickest results for me.

Just use benzoyle peroxide cream

worked almost perfectly for me. shrunk my pores, big honkers on my back disappeared. dick still worked. i would get random suicidal thoughts when i was on a super high dose but i just had to tell myself its the accutane and Id be cool.
i had cystic acne and no changes to diet or hygeine worked. take it but be cautious and be prepared for side effects

Na. This poster has suffered with acne for 20 years and tried every meme remedy under the sun to no avail. It makes sense that since acne is caused by hormonal sebecaus misfunction that the only thing that would work is meds that either wreak havoc on those glands or corrent hormonal imbalances. I never took meds as I only had bad facial acne as a teen but i've had back acne my entire life that only recently started clearing up at 30+. The only thing that EVER worked was a tanning bed, but I don't know that it actually killed the acne or that having orange skin worked really well at concealing it and the scarring.

that's what you think. different parts of your face represent different organs. when zits pop up you can isolate problem areas.

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I was on it for 16 months and I still have acne. One thing I've found out is that exercise makes my acne even worse. The fatter I get, the clearer my skin gets. That's what I noticed of one month of not going to the gym.

I had them all over my back and shoulders. What does that mean?

OK, I won't use it until after I'm born.

Accutane will Fuck with your head. Try taking probiotics.

Drink a shitton of water. As in, 3-4L per day.

I didn't believe it and had acne like dude on the left until I was 27. Never "aged out of it" until I started slamming 1L of water every 2-3 hours.


I saw this thread and thought to myself
>how many posts before we have the retard say, "HUR MAN JUST CHANGE YOUR DIET AND WASH UR FACE"
Three posts.

Kill yourself you giant fucking retard
>t. pharmacist

Take a shower

Gut bacteria is bad, take probiotics plus fish old

What about neck

I had awful cystic acne on my back and shoulders. I went on it for 3 months and it was hell. My acne got much worse. My lips were constantly cracked and my skin dried out like crazy. I'd be drunk off 2 drinks, which I shouldn't have had in the first place. My acne got so bad I had a cyst rupture and shoot puss and blood all over the wall 6 feet behind me.

After the 3 months I stopped taking it and everything cleared up. 3 years later, I have only had a handful of small pimples on my back and I don't sweat nearly as much. It was hell to go on but I 100% recommend it. Changed my life.

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Ur gay lmao

I took it for 6 months, and it cleared my face. I was surprised it worked, after 10 years of bad acne.

Now, the drawbacks. I had to take iron supplements, as I became anemic. And my nostrils and lips got dry and chapped as fuck. Lots of petroleum jelly. Those were the only side effects I had.

same thing, every external body part is associated with internal organ. Google that shit.. you can find out which organs are failing based on which teeth are falling out and so on. Even your iris is a map of all internal organs

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why fasting makes my acne disappear?

Too much semen ingestion

how do i get rid of all my fucking bacne? whenever i sweat it hurts me.

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>sitting down in the shower

I thought that was something only women in lifetime movies did after being raped

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This. I used to have bad acne (not as bad as OP pic) but I got tired of being 26 and having breakouts. Derm got me on all sorts of shit antibiotics then when they stopped working (as all antibiotics do...) he tried to get me on accutane. I decided to try my own research. Cleaned up my diet, drink plenty of water, TAKE A ZINC SUPPLEMENT, use cleansers that aren't so harsh, etc. I started using thayer's toner as well and my acne is almost non-existent now.
>no breakouts, just a few red marks
TL;DR op don't fall for the pharma jew

I read that because it dries you up so much, it facilitates you getting early wrinkles, since lack moisturizing does that. That worries me

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

If you're thinking of taking accutane, I recommend trying photodynamic therapy (PDT) first. PDT is expensive and painful, but it won't make you suicidal for six months like accutane might. The side effect for accutane could fuck you up for life if you're unlucky.

You see, acne in males is linked to testosterone production in the body. Simply take estrogen and your problem is solved

I've never had a spot in my life and consume all those things in abundance. Acne is down to genetics.

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I'd had cystic acne for years all across my chest and face before I got a prescription. I took it starting about two years ago for 6 months. It worked perfectly, by month 4 I was almost completely clear, and my acne never came back. Best decision I ever made.

However, get ready for dryness unlike anything you've ever felt before. Your lips are going to be so dry that you'll wake up with a mouth covered in dry blood just because your teeth touched your lips during your sleep. Vaseline makes really good lip moisturizer that you should always carry on you. Also, get ready for skin to be constantly peeling off throughout the day, always having to apply moisturizer and slather on sunscreen like a maniac.

I did this shit when I was 15 (20+ years ago). Cleared my shit up right before my sophomore year. The only side effect was that I started rolling in a lot of pussy cuz I was a handsome motherfucker. I have had maybe 5 pimples total in the last 20+ years.

I used it in highschool 20 years ago. It works. Put some moisturizer or vitamin E cream on your face as the excess vitamin A will dry you out.

Accutane is great if you're not a pussy. Are you a pussy who thinks about offing yourself? If so, don't take it. If you're just a dude with Acne who really fucking hates acne.. like everyone does.. take it. It'll help so you don't have as many scars in the future.

Unfortunately I'm scarred up and have had 3 laser treatments to try to get rid of them. (It's essentially just burning your fucking face off). It didn't work very well since I guess my scars are so deep.

But accutane itself as a product works.

>dude, why does X thing cause Y thing to happen in a non-controlled environment with a sample size of one
I don't know bud, you tell me

American Academy of Dermatology says the same thing.
Diet based therapies are based off of inconsistent, limited, patient-oriented evidence.
Which you can entirely see in this thread with yourself and dozens of other people mentioning similar things.

It's nearly entirely dictated by hormones. You aren't going to completely game your hormones with diet.

Gold standard is BP for mild
Clina/BP for moderate
Oral contraceptives + oral antibiotic + the above for severe
Isotretinoin for end game acne that's going to scar you for live

I took accutane and discovered I had chronic kidney disease a couple years later. There has been a link of causation. It works but just know the risks

Did you get your dick back m8?

bad gut bacteria, sibo

I had really bad acne when I was a teenager. I'm in my late 20s and still have some, but I don't know if I would have taken accutane if I could go back in time. All I had to do was wait a few years and 80% of it went away by the time I was 19 on its own. I just have some lingering shit on my nose that won't go away, and a few spots on my shoulders.

The accutane-depression link seems to be bullshit from what I've read, but there are other side effects that seem to be legit, like early baldness, other skin issues, and damage to your kidney.

So it just depends on how bad you've got it, and whether you're willing to wait a few years for it to disappear naturally.

Drinking water is the main one, most people drink way too little

Suffered from awful acne for 15 years, the disgusting bloody and puss kind. Tried everything over the years with varying results but never anything too significant. Read somewhere online about changing your pillow cases every week. Thought fuck it, I’ve tried everything else and thought the solution is so simple and obvious it might just work. Went out and bought 30 regular pillow cases and replaced one everyday for a month. Completely 100% cured. Couldn’t believe it, I cried. Been replacing my pillow case once a week since then and it hasn’t returned.


I have had bad acne before, here is how I solved it

1. stop using these off the shelf acne face washes and scrubs, they have all sorts of nasty chems and they're drying out your face
2. cut down on fast food and dairy. I used to eat off the dollar menu often and it gave me nasty zits
3. stop touching your face, the oil from your hands and your hair can give you acne
4. MOST IMPORTANT - put a fresh clean towel on your pillow each night. use white towels so you can bleach them. this way when you sweat at night the bacteria cant multiply and hang out on your pillow for weeks, months on end
5. use fresh clean towels for your face every day
6. DO NOT pick your zits, let them go through their natural disgusting cycle. when you pop and drain them you are creating nasty scars (speaking from experience)
7. drink plenty of water
8. use a honey mask once a week, just take some organic honey, put it all over your face, and sit for 30 minutes or so. this kills bacteria as well it reduces inflammation
9. exfoliate - honey and finely ground sugar, all natural. do this every 2-3 days

repeat all these steps and your acne will disappear. you might need to do this IN ADDITION to accutane, but it will clear your skin for sure and help you get rid of acne once and for all.

Stop eating sugar and masturbating.

Worked well for me, i had a mild problem but one nonetheless.

Works great. Just a ton of side effects. Majority of people side effects go completely away after awhile. Seriously research into it. Definetly don't do drugs(weed too) or drink. It might screw up your chemical balance forever. I've seen it work wonders with pepperoni faces and backs too.

i took it, it does work but gives you dead skin and permanently fucks your liver (forever dry skin, fucked up eyes, painful pissing, memory loss, and massive depression)
i almost killed myself on accutane.
be careful what you wish for

this too

negative effects of masturbation are understated in today's society

Had really bad face and body acne. Tried the pillowcase/sheets meme. Tried the no milk meme. Tried the no sugar meme. Did literally everything except go full herbivore or full paleo. Accutane was the only thing that worked and literally made life worth living.

It physically hurt to do anything with my body acne, a pustule would randomly burst during physical activity and I’d be in pain. I don’t take off my shirt often because I have scarring all fucking over my back

Have you tried not drinking milk? I took accutane a long time ago. Also got the dry lips. Did good but my acne returned.

>never had acne

I always ate milk and cereal. When I moved out I decided it was too expensive. Clear face.

Moved back with parents cuz am pathetic failure. Starting eating cereal again, acne returns. I don't eat cheese now either. Works for me.

Pic in OP actually was on it for a bit but regrets it. Pretty good fitness YouTuber desu, not cancer like most.

Diet has a direct correlation with Acne. Accutane sucks dude, I was on it and I was going fucking deaf. Cleaned me up but then it came back, changed diet and my skin is improving.

Memory loss? Lol what. Accutane doesn’t cause depression. It’s just prescribed to people who have a really good reason to be depressed (horrible acne ). It does fuck up your night vision though

I don't think diet makes a big difference. I don't think skin care regime makes a big difference.

I was on Accutane for three or four months and it saved my life. I've never had acne since. I got my confidence back and learned I was attractive to women, which led to having a good sex life. It was really fantastic. I did get dry skin and cracked lips at the time, but it was totally worth it. 10/10. Would do again.

I think it made me more violent.

>never had acne
literally the opposite

destroys your hormones to the point of possibly becoming a basedboy and permanently damages your hair

you just need to radically change your diet, no dairy or bread

Accutane will make a huge difference. Only really worth all the side effects if you have really bad acne. Apparently some people have to get their intestines removed from the damage it causes or some shit. I haven't had to get my intestines removed yet. I still get cysts if I consume dairy, dairy and high carb intake makes it even worse. A lot of people are coming to the conclusion that dairy is the main culprit.

do you have acne?
eat more foods with zinc in it
drink more water
shower once a day at a good time. like if you go to school shower right after school.
eat healthy. some people get acne because of too much salt. other people get it because of sugar.
get apple cider vinegar from the store. get a bag of cotton balls. put the apple cider vinegar on your face daily with the cotton balls. it's really good for your skin. it might turn your face red but that's ok. it's not bad. it'll go away in 10 minutes.

i do it daily user. literally, with my knees tucked.
and sometimes i cry

My doctor didn’t know what he was doing and only checked my blood once 2 weeks in. I was on it for 4-6 months or whatever was standard 10 years ago. Worked great. Made me sleep a lot, super dry flaky skin but worked like a charm. Causes some depression during that period but meh.

I never noticed that. I took accutane and it literally enabled me to function in life. I was a shut in before I took it.

I’ve only had anger outbursts a few times in my life and i had them before I took accutane . And also after.

do it

Pharmacist here. Isotretinoin should be the last resort. That means your acne is very bad and you tried everything else already. Like fasting for a while or drastically change diet and see if that helps , it would mean theres something with your diet (something that causes inflamation) , stop touching your face with bed sheets(acarians can cause acne/inflamation), stop touching your face with anything other than cold water for a while and see if that helps ( washing sebum off of your face with soap or other shit messes with skin pH , and would logically make your skin try to produce all of the sebum back ).

If youre gonna try drugs you could try this:
-azelaic acid cream in the morning
-'isotretinoin&erythromicin' cream in the evening (its a cream/gel that contains a low dose of the substance in accutane, Isotrexin is the brand name here in europe)
-Desloratadine (pills)

Also show this to your doc if youre gonna take isotretinoin pills

>chalk full

I'm not dirty since I never ever get chest or bacne

Id recommend everything else possible first as others have said. Another thing that I didn’t factor in in my decision...Yes your acne will go away, but after a few months it will come right back unless you’ve outgrown it or changed something.

So thyroid problem = Chin acne. Checks out

Try using Proactiv and using a non greasy face lotion. Using lotion may sound counter intuitive but your face overproduces oil if your face is too dry. Use Accutane as a last resort. You have to get frequent blood tests because it can fuck your kidneys up.

I had full on face and body acne for 10 years in random locations that never went away no matter anything I did.

Fucking bullshit. I've been on it for 2 months and all I've had were some dry lips and some dry skin that's easily curable with vaseline and moisturizer.

Felt like I should elaborate more on my first post. Taking Accutane (Isotretinoin) was absolutely the greatest decision of my life. For literal years beforehand I would sit inside, terrified that anybody would see me, in a way that only somebody else with widespread cystic acne could understand. Accutane made my life worth living. If you're suffering OP, DO IT.