Is Jow Forums actually White?

Well are you white or not?

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no, I run a very popular group on discord, and we are all brown too. we post here all the time.

shes ugly

I must admit I'm not quite sure, pretty much depends on who's observing me.



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Please define

I am hapa, destroyer of mutts



You are one though

GTFO buzzfeed shill

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my birth certificate

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Guess now he will kys.

No i aint white, but my GF is a blonde Estonian'

stay mad white bois...hahaha

I'm polish and Irish so I don't think you consider me white

Whites are the least racist people I know.

t. mid-eastern guy who's lived in the states his whole life.

Yes, I'm white. Now kindly fuck off, larp faggot.


I'm black.


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mutt of Dominican descent

1/4 Southern Italian (Naples and Sicily). What do you think?

>be so wide
well I AM american

fuck you leaf

Never reveal your power level bro :)

>tfw brown haired
just missed the cut

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I am very white

Which is why I assume many posters are insecure and overcompenstate.

semi translucent pinkish white skin, steel grey/blue eyes and red/brown/blonde calico patchy color hair.

yeah, i don't even.

what site is this?

You tell me

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Nope. I just have no friends and im convinced that reality itself is fucking me over.

Not looking good, Vincenzo.


not white at all

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White as heck. Just moved to the US from Yuroop

Of course i am white u fuckin jewish shill that is monitoring the whole thang

Fuck you

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Define 'white'

im very pale

I am. All the other mother fuckers who aren't that are here are just grabby little bitches that don't know how to leave white people alone for 5 seconds. As usual.
It's pathetic really.

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Get out of my country Sargon

Im 75% Scottish and 25% sicilian. You tell me.

I am Hungarian. What you reckon?

Mostly white and a smidge bean

Yeah, but it makes you kind of a target in this shithole. Still feels good being the only whites left

Nice meme

70% England 30%italy

I'm Italian and Angelo. I have sandy blond hair and hazel eyes. I'm super fucking White and HATE niggers and Chicanos.

No im an arab

shit tier bait

What about Italians, or slavs?

Anglos are essentially Jews, so they can't be white, and Germans are mostly slav rape-babies.

And the Nords are now african/arabic

>caring what a ugly blonde bitch thinks or a faggot op and any other faggot on this degenerate website.
white skin and brown hair and eyes. people with blonde hair and blue eyes are the biggest fucking ass holes i have ever meant.

the whites are respectful, because that's how they progress, I'd say they ignore the people they do not like, they do not make trouble, they live their lives and they ignore the shit

t.spic living with white latinos in some shithole of latinamerica

I am white under the Nuremberg laws, so i dont give a fuck,

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Mulatto. This is my son. He'll be browsing Jow Forums when he turns 12.

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I'm not white.

But I'm normal and now the world isn't normal.

I'm brown haired, brown eyed, and 100% British/German white. Fuck this scandiboo bitch.,

I'm a Chad spic who's pro white. The only thing on my mind is the survival of White Christian People

T. Shitskin


Bragging about internet tranny friends lol

I am an ascending Caucasian of Italians and Spaniards with gray eyes

>I'm a Chad spic who's pro white. The only thing on my mind is the survival of White Christian People

White is a social construct

>t. mutt

No I’m an ifunny shitpost we.


sí señor. Muy blanco.

i look like one ,but i guess my height , could say is "ameridian"

Holy shit, mein neger.

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I'm a huWhite Anglo-American.

I recently became white when they took away my 0.1% Sub-Saharan Nigger. It's a conspiracy to not give me muh reparayshuns.

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I am the perfect mix of Slav and western white.

Something wrong, user?

Grandmas & grandpas were nords and Austrians, so ya I'm a whitey

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>50% jewish
>"I'm white"

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Jow Forums was never white

He's on a white supremacist website, so he's white. On twitter, he's a kvetching Jew. Come on, user. You know how this game works.

>only 12% god's chosen
stupid goy

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Im white. Have bonus points for being wealthy. Negative points for growing up with an aspergers like condition. Have severe chronic physical and mental health problems.

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all that genetic greatness, what are you doing here lol?

>posting your son on this board

kinda sick user

whites here are the faggiest bunch that i know of
so fukcing gay

proudly not white

Me in 2011
I'm pretty huwhite
Only about 1-2% Cherokee

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I love liver paté

why the bitch look like she got a hairy ball

As long as he is non-religious & pro-white he is white European!

Your in as long as your with us & nobody else!

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>Australian flag
>proudly non-white
No shit. Fuck off cunt, we're full.

>giving away your dna to companies who in turn sell it to third parties and police
Great job faggots.

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based cobber

keep the memes alive fren

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White Father or white mother? If white father make that fuckers store his sperm in a sperm bank for you in the future!

I'm Pink bro. Red and white like the flag.

that face

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