Have you guys noticed it's only a Muslim politician in the USA willing to call out Israel and AiPAC for their influence...

Have you guys noticed it's only a Muslim politician in the USA willing to call out Israel and AiPAC for their influence in American politics. There's no white politicians - not even Trump - that would dare speak out against their masters. Why is the USA so cucked?

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Fuck you

In other words, Muslims hate Jews.

Big if true.

Yes but many whites hate Jews too. But not a single one of them has the balls to say anything

See this

A white person speaking out would just be ignored or shrugged off by the press. According to the established narrative, this is one oppressed minority speaking out against another oppressed minority. As it’s not immediately clear whose side people should be on, they are forced into listening to the message before passing judgment

have you guys notice op is a faggot from a country so cucked they gave their guns?

Chomsky is a huge critic of Israel and he's Jewish, he's not young and brown so it goes relatively unnoticed

Good luk w Trump

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