Anyone have a redpilled meditiation guide

Anyone have a redpilled meditiation guide
I recently started getting into it.

>decent guided meditation I found

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You may enjoy these books, they are free downloads:
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: First Complete Translation
The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
The Mind Illuminated : A Complete Meditation Guide Integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science

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never seen this specific arno breker statue pic, thanks user

Tibetan buddhists are pretty redpilled so thanks for this, but I was wondering if there was anything more Europe based?

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You want European-flavored nothing? That's kind of funny.
These are free but while they are effective and not formally Buddhist in nature they are hosted by libshits. I don't think they get political though.

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Also you'd be better off asking on 8/fringe/ than here, probably.

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I meant like traditional European meditation, not based in eastern traditions.

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is that an infinity chan board? Haven't browsed there since the initial split desu.

Jow Forums had a thread a little while back. Some seem to be spoopy in their spare time.

Meditate on the platonic solids. The shapes are the same regardless of tradition. Tibetan Buddhism is shamanic, all shamans use the same fundamental techniques. The Eastern/Western motifs are only motifs, window dressing. If you limit your learning sources you limit your learning. Use what works, not what looks Roman or whatever. Just my 2 cents. Good luck on your pretend journey within this illusory dreamlike reality. The final answer will be nothing. Everything between now and then is just a matter of you fully admitting it.
Yup. They still exist last I checked.

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Marcus Aurelius

Does he actually say anything about meditation in Meditations?

thanks user, just trying to increase my self discipline but maybe I'll reach enlightenment like you someday.

>I discern the highest conception of emancipation as golden brocade in a dream, and view the holy path of the illuminated one as flowers appearing in one’s eyes.
If you take anything here as real you are making fundamental misassumptions about the nature of reality. Everything here is a dream. Nothing exists except pictures projected upon the Void. Even the so called spiritual path is just another illusion. Buddhism is an illusion. Roman's were illusions. Everything.

No, not like that. But the basis of meditation is thought and reflection. This is the classical model of that process of thought and reflection. Sitting cross-legged and repeating vowels is degenerate behavior.

The basis of meditation is absence of thought.

>absence of thought
Do you see the problem here?

Well its the only reality I've got so might as well take it seriously.

So would the classical model be equivalent to keeping a journal that you write your ideas in? Not trying to dismiss what you're sayiing at all if thats what it sounds like, just trying to understand practically what you're saying I should do.

Take it with sincerity. Don't take it very seriously. Samsara is a clown reality where nightmares always tend to come true. The point is to escape it, or make peace with the suffering.

I don't exist as a teacher. You don't exist to be taught. I am not enlightened. I was never born.

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I'm saying that you should use your brain to logically consider reality. Think through things, the actual substance of things, at a deep and lucid level. Consider the nature of things and existence. Seeking to turn off your brain through hypnotic repetition is useless.

At any time, a yogi can focus his attention on the abstract whole, the totality of existence outside himself. Just as a divining rod seeks to penetrate the surface of the earth to locate water, your mission, as a human divining rod, is to penetrate the “surface” of manifest existence (the universal veil, or cosmic illusion, that Hindus term Maya) to “find” the “hidden,” or underlying, spiritual “Spring.” Attempt to remain directly and immediately present to the whole.When distracting thoughts arise, disrupting your connection, neither accept nor reject them, and they will dissolve of their own accord.

When your connection to the whole is intense and “locked-in,” relax all effort and utterly self-empty. If you’ve been initiated, this will allow the living Spirit, Holy Water, to pour into and through you. If you haven’t been initiated, this total letting go will release psycho-physical tension, transforming you into an open vessel, a holy chalice ready to be baptized by the Holy One (when He deems you ripe). Any time the practice of plugging in, or attempting to plug in, becomes oppressive or uncomfortable, unconditionally surrender, becoming as if dead. The practice of self-absence (ohms reduction) is the perfect complement to the practice of presence (voltage increase), because electrically speaking, voltage and ohms are two sides of the same “coin” (or spiritual circuit).The way it works is that the force, or pressure, of your Plugged-in Presence “pulls down” Power, Light-energy, the Holy Spirit (or Ghost), and you either utterly empty and receive it, or else attempt to merge with it.Holy Water, Blessing Power from on high, is the vine of Spirit; and when your soul, the vine of consciousness, yokes with Spirit, the resulting Divine Union enables you to awaken to, and as, the Divine Being, Who is conscious Spirit (or spiritual Consciousness).

>Take it with sincerity. Don't take it very seriously
Sounds reasonable I guess. I'll look into what you're saying.

You're just saying think logically which I already do, nothing to improve my actual habits.

Discursive meditation is good for beginners and those dealing with physical world problems, non-Discursive meditation is best for deepest de-conditioning though.

Yes, all that fancy stuff appears to occur within the dream. It always comes back to nothing. Everything else is a conceptualization and all conceptualizations are equally false, all delusions experienced only as a dream.

But you can take it as real as long as you like. It's your trip. I don't know that you'll enjoy the nothingness part though, becauseyou seem fixated on the illusory somethingness part. Just a heads up.

Have fun!

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meditation is self death
you are killing yourself and enlightenment is death, meditation is the process of preparing for death

pray instead
>ask god for what you want
>embrace the ego

Didn't Jesus meditate for 40 days in the desert while the devil annoyed him?

Nothingness is merely the 7th Jhana, nothingness by definition doesn't exist. Conceptualizations are only false in that they are lower resolution than the reality they purport to represent.

Nirvana is far from nothingness, that error is called Nihilism and was denounced by the Buddha.

Don't listen to these weebs.
Just lay down with some non intrusive music playing that you can just barely hear.
Then starting from your toes and working your way up your body flex and release your muscles so you know you've relaxed.
Once you've done that to your whole body clear your mind of all thoughts.
The best way I've found to do that is the one-power wheel of time exercise: imagine a fire and throw everything that comes into your mind into it, regardless of the thought or if it is self- referential, etc. Once complete put out the fire.
Now you've attained a relaxed, clear- headed state and can attempt other things like changing your state of consciousness or making yourself cum without moving/ any stimulation etc.

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>redpilled meditiation guide
There's a pretty good phone app called Stop, Breathe and Think that teaches you progressive muscle relaxation

Yeah, I don't really give a shit what you do. You asked for suggestions and I gave you one. I suggest you read Marcus Aurelius' The Meditations.

Julius Evola. Start there.

What do you get out of that? Just skimmed book 1 and it was him thanking people that taught him things.

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