Yang Redpill

Consider the following:

Yang has no chance against Trump running on a campaign of gibs and taking away guns. The only Democrat with a chance is Tulsi Gabbard, who happens to be outspokenly anti-Israel. Redpilling the masses on ZOG is what we need right now. Yang is controlled opposition shilled by the (((DailyStormer))) who wants Trump given a second term because they know Yang doesn't stand a chance.

Attached: dailystormer yang.jpg (1001x259, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


See? Yang is controlled opposition. He can't win and it's a ploy to keep Trump in power.

Attached: dailystormer fears accelerationism.jpg (1014x818, 159K)

even Democrats think your shit is retarded, points for finally pivoting

>Tulsi Gabbard

That's not how you spell Bernie Sanders. Tulsi is good but she won't win against Trump. Trump didn't win because of foreign policy, he won because he got all the working class blue states in the Rust Belt to vote for him (which he won by a very slim margin). Bernie has a long track record of fighting for those guys, so he could more easily win those states back.

Sanders couldn't even beat Hillary. He stands no chance against Trump.

>Bernie Sanders
That's not how you spell Kamala Harris. The fix is in user.

I wasn't aware there were superdelegates in the general election, and Trump was going to get media support including feeding him questions before debates and town hall meetings? Wow!

Bro Bernie couldn't beat Hillary. Why do you think he can beat Trump?

What the fuck difference does it make if whites are a minority? The Jews are a minority and they've got you all running scared. All that should matter is that the country stays free or goes back to the freedom it had. Whiteness, in itself, shouldn't matter.

>Multiple Dumbass Wars Based on Lies
>Aid in billions to Israel /Other countries en mass
>Assuming everyone would take UBI, its OPT IN.
So don't take UBI and cut the cost,
>3.96 × 10^12 is the real number. Which is 3.96 trillion assuming everyone opts in.
>Never complain about 21 trillion dollars missing since 2001
>Would cover UBI many times over.
You sure love the television don't you user? They tell you what to be mad at and what to hate.
What happened to the 21 trillion user? Why aren't you complaining to your capitalist overlords.


How stupid are you user?

Attached: Geeze.jpg (257x253, 19K)